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DataManipulator Class Members
See Also  Properties  Methods 
Dundas.Charting.WebControl Namespace : DataManipulator Class

The following tables list the members exposed by DataManipulator.

Public Constructors

  Name Description
Public Constructor DataManipulator Constructor Public constructor  

Public Properties

  Name Description
Public Property FilterMatchedPoints Indicates that data points are filtered when they match the criteria, otherwise they are filtered when they do not match the criteria.  
Public Property FilterSetEmptyPoints Indicates that data points are only marked as empty when filtering, otherwise they are removed from the series.  
Public Property IgnoreEmptyPoints Indicates that empty points are ignored while performing calculations. Otherwise empty points are treated as zeros. (Inherited from FormulaData)
Public Property StartFromFirst Start formulas like rolling average from zero. (Inherited from FormulaData)
Public Property Statistics Resturns Statistical Utility class (Inherited from FormulaData)

Public Methods

  Name Description
Public Method CopySeriesValues Merge, split or move Y values of the series. (Inherited from FormulaData)
Public Method ExportSeriesValues Overloaded.  Export all series from the collection into the DataSet object.  
Public Method Filter Overloaded.  Filters points using the elements indexes.  
Public Method FilterTopN Overloaded.  Keeps only N top/bottom points of the series.  
Public Method FormulaFinancial Overloaded.  This method calls a method from a formula module with specified name. (Inherited from FormulaData)
Public Method Group Overloaded.  Groups series points in the interval.  
Public Method GroupByAxisLabel Overloaded.  Grouping by X value, when it’s a string (stored in AxisLabel property).  
Public Method InsertEmptyPoints Overloaded.  Insert empty data points using specified interval.  
Public Method Sort Overloaded.  Sort series data points in specified order.  

See Also