Dundas Chart for Windows Forms
Features List
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Introduction > Features List

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The following table displays the many features of Dundas Chart for Windows Forms, both the Professional and Enterprise Editions.

General Chart Features

Enterprise Edition Features.

External Chart Toolbar


Highlight chart elements with markers and borders

Standard Chart Toolbar


Property Dialog


Customizable Property Dialog Title


Context Menu


Scale Breaks



Zooming and Scrolling Functionality

Fully Customizable Chart Legends

Custom Color Palettes for Charts

Show Hour Glass Cursors While Loading and Saving Templates

Automatic Chart Elements Layout Management

New 2D and 3D Chart Effects

Keywords Editor for Improved Formatting

Ability to Set Maximum and Minimum Font Sizes for Auto Generated Labels

Grouping of Stacked Bar and Column Chart Series

Dynamically Calculated Intervals Using Chart Lengths

Interactive Axes Using Tooltip Properties

Specify Line Styles for Financial Markers

Specify Size of Chart Border Widths

Show or Hide Individual Chart Areas

Chart & Data Wizard™

Chart Area Auto Alignment

Chart Serialization

Cursor and Range Selection

Drill Down and Selection

Element Selection

Multiple Legends

Multiple Titles

Real-Time Charting

Samples Framework with over 180 VB and C# Samples

Scrolling and Zooming in Chart Areas


Template Support

Unlimited Number of Chart (plotting) areas

Unlimited Number of Series

Unlimited Number of Data Points in Series

Chart Types

100% Stacked Column (2D and 3D)

Improved Pie and Doughnut Charts with Slice Collectability

100% Stacked Bar (2D and 3D)

100% Stacked Area (2D and 3D)

Area (2D and 3D)

Bar (2D and 3D)

Box Plot (2D)

Bubble (2D and 3D)

CandleStick (2D)

Column (2D and 3D)

Combinational (2D and 3D)

Doughnut (2D and 3D)

Error Bar (2D)


FastLine™ (2D)


Funnel (2D and 3D)


Gantt (2D and 3D)


Histogram (2D and 3D)

Kagi (2D and 3D)


Line (2D and 3D)

Pie (2D and 3D)

Point (2D and 3D)

Point and Figure (2D and 3D)


Polar (2D and 3D)


Pyramid Chart (2D and 3D)


Range (2D and 3D)


Radar (2D and 3D)


Range Column (2D and 3D)


Renko (2D and 3D)


Rose Chart (2D and 3D)

Spline (2D and 3D)

Spline Area (2D and 3D)

Spline Range (2D and 3D)


Stacked Bar (2D and 3D)

Stacked Column (2D and 3D)

Stacked Area (2D and 3D)

StepLine (2D and 3D)

Stock (2D)

Three Line Break (2D and 3D)


Legend Features


Different Styles (Row, Column, Table)

Docking and Alignment

Drill Down

Equally Spaced Items

Legend Docking

Multiple Legends

Text Auto Sizing


Data Population

Data Binding

Empty Points Support

Extended Data Binding

Flexible and Comprehensive API

Missing Empty Points

Multiple Y Values per Point

Population using Arrays

Population using Collections

Population using Data Readers

Population using Data Views

Population using the IEnumerable interface

Population using XML

Populating at Design Time

Populating using Chart and Data Wizard

Data Manipulation

Empty Points Support

Exporting Data Points


Filtering Data Points


Financial Formulas




Price indicators


Volume indicators




General Technical Indicators


Time Series and Forecasting


Financial Markers Support


Finding Points by Value


Grouping Data Points


Series Value Manipulation (moving, merging and splitting)



Statistical Formulas


Visual Appearance

3D Perspective Customization

3D Simplistic and Realistic Lighting Effects

3D Point Depth (0-1000%)

3D Point Gap Depth (0-1000%)

3D X-Angle Rotation

3D Y-Angle Rotation

3D Wall Width Customization

3D Border Skins

Anti-Aliasing (Text and Graphics Aliased Independently)

Alpha Blending

Background Drawing

Solid Colors




Scaled and Tiled Images

Custom Markers

Custom Templates

Isometric Projection (Right Angle Axes)

Markers of Different Shapes and Sizes

Predefined Color Palettes

Post-Paint and Pre-Paint events

Soft Shadows

Star Marker Styles


Date/Time Features

Auto and Custom Date-Time Intervals (for labels, tick marks, grid lines and other elements)

Date and Time Axis Scales

Date-Time Designer Support (Dates are edited as dates, not as "magic" numbers)

Date-time labels formatting

Empty Points Support



Missing Points Support

Axis Features


Support for Multiple Axes (Sub-axes)

Automatic and "Manual" Scaling

Automatically Fitted Font for all Axes Labels

Axis Grouping Labels

Custom Tick Marks and Grid Lines

Flexible Major and Minor Tick Marks

Flexible Major and Minor Grid Lines

Interval Properties (determines how often an axis' grid lines, tick marks, and labels are displayed)

Interlaced Strip Lines


Automatic Sizing and Positioning

Automatically Sized Font for all Axes Labels

Custom Angle, Font and Color


Formatting Functionality

Multiple Rows of Labels

Multi-Line Labels

SmartLabels™ Technology


Step Labels

Logarithmic Support for any Base

Primary and Secondary X and Y Axis


Scrolling, Zooming and Data Views


Customization Features

Custom Drawing

Custom Events


Custom Legend Items Collection


Chart Area Features

Auto Alignment

Auto Layout

Custom Position


Unlimited Number of Chart Areas

Visual Appearance

Chart Title Features


Custom Positioning

Docking and Alignment


Text Styles


See Also

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