Dundas Chart for Windows Forms
Doughnut Chart
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Chart Types > Doughnut Chart

Glossary Item Box


A doughnut chart is similar to a pie chart in that it shows how individual portions of data contribute to the overall data as a whole.

Figure 1: A Doughnut chart.


To change the size of the pie chart change the ChartArea object's Position value, InnerPlotPosition value, or both.


Chart Details

Number of Y values per point:


Number of series:

One only

Support markers:


Cannot be combined with:

Any other chart types


Custom Attributes

Exploded, PieLabelStyle, DoughnutRadius ,
LabelsRadialLineSize (2D only),
LabelsHorizontalLineSize (2D only),
3DLabelLineSize (3D only),

MinimumRelativePieSize, PieLineColor,

See Also

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