Dundas Chart for Windows Forms
Pie Chart
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Chart Types > Pie Chart

Glossary Item Box


A pie chart shows how proportions of data, shown as pie-shaped pieces, contribute to the data as a whole.


Figure 1: A Pie chart.


Chart Details

Number of Y values per point:


Number of series:

One only

Support markers:


Cannot be combined with:

Any other chart types


Custom Attributes

PieLineColor, Exploded, PieLabelStyle, DoughnutRadius, LabelsRadialLineSize (2D only), LabelsHorizontalLineSize (2D only), 3DLabelLineSize (3D only), MinimumRelativePieSize, PieStartAngle, CollectedThreshold, CollectedThresholdUsePercent, CollectedLabel, CollectedToolTip, CollectedLegendText, PieDrawingStyle


To change the size of the Pie chart, change the ChartArea object's Position value, InnerPlotPosition value, or both.

See Also

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