Dundas Chart for Windows Forms
PieDrawingStyle Custom Attribute
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Custom Attributes > PieDrawingStyle Custom Attribute

Glossary Item Box

Gets or sets the DataPoint drawing style (shape) of one or more data points.

Gets or sets the pie drawing style (shape) of a pie or doughnut chart. 

Custom Attribute Summary
Possible Values:

Default - Drawn as a simple pie chart.
SoftEdge - The chart is drawn using a raised, soft edge around the outside.
Concave - The chart is drawn using a depressed, concave shape.

Default Value: Default 
2D / 3D Limitations: 2D only.
Applies to Chart Element: Series Objects
Applies to Chart Types: Pie and Doughnut.


Figure 1: SoftEdge PieDrawingStyle shown left, and Concave PieDrawingStyle shown right.

See Also

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