Dundas Chart for Windows Forms
InsertEmptyPoints(Double,IntervalType,Double,IntervalType,Double,Double,String) Method
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DundasWinChart Assembly > Dundas.Charting.WinControl Namespace > DataManipulator Class > InsertEmptyPoints Method : InsertEmptyPoints(Double,IntervalType,Double,IntervalType,Double,Double,String) Method


The interval that is checked for missing data points.

Interval size.
The unit of measurement for the interval parameter.
Interval type.
Determines the grouping interval offset.
Interval offset size.
Determines the unit of measurement for the offset.
Interval offset type.

Determines the starting point for the series range to be checked. Uses the X-values of the data points.

Check intervals from this X value.

Determines the end point for the series range to be checked. Uses the X-values of the data points.

The name of plotted series(s). To specify more than one series use comma-separated values.

Check intervals until this X value.
The name(s) of the series  that will have data points grouped together. For multiple series use a comma-separated list, or use an asterisk (*) to group all existing series.
Series name to insert the empty points in.

Replaces one or more series' missing data points with empty points. Each series is checked for a given interval that is determined by the interval, intervalOffset, intervalOffsetType and intervalType arguments. The series range that is checked is determined by the toXValue and fromXValue arguments.

Insert empty data points using specified interval.


Visual Basic (Declaration)  
Public Overloads Sub InsertEmptyPoints( _
   ByVal interval As Double, _
   ByVal intervalType As IntervalType, _
   ByVal intervalOffset As Double, _
   ByVal intervalOffsetType As IntervalType, _
   ByVal fromXValue As Double, _
   ByVal toXValue As Double, _
   ByVal seriesName As String _
Visual Basic (Usage) Copy Code
Dim instance As DataManipulator
Dim interval As Double
Dim intervalType As IntervalType
Dim intervalOffset As Double
Dim intervalOffsetType As IntervalType
Dim fromXValue As Double
Dim toXValue As Double
Dim seriesName As String
instance.InsertEmptyPoints(interval, intervalType, intervalOffset, intervalOffsetType, fromXValue, toXValue, seriesName)
public void InsertEmptyPoints( 
   double interval,
   IntervalType intervalType,
   double intervalOffset,
   IntervalType intervalOffsetType,
   double fromXValue,
   double toXValue,
   string seriesName



The interval that is checked for missing data points.

Interval size.
The unit of measurement for the interval parameter.
Interval type.
Determines the grouping interval offset.
Interval offset size.
Determines the unit of measurement for the offset.
Interval offset type.

Determines the starting point for the series range to be checked. Uses the X-values of the data points.

Check intervals from this X value.

Determines the end point for the series range to be checked. Uses the X-values of the data points.

The name of plotted series(s). To specify more than one series use comma-separated values.

Check intervals until this X value.
The name(s) of the series  that will have data points grouped together. For multiple series use a comma-separated list, or use an asterisk (*) to group all existing series.
Series name to insert the empty points in.


The following sample checks for missing data for every Saturday and Sunday between April 2,2003 and April 10, 2003. Note that we first add randomly-sized data points to "Series1", but we do not add points if it is Saturday or Sunday. Thus, as a result of the InsertEmptyPoints call empty points will be inserted for every Saturday and Sunday that falls between April2 and April 10, 2003.

Visual Basic Copy Code
Imports Dundas.Charting.WinControl

Dim currentDate As DateTime
Dim randomValues As New Random()
Dim fromDate As DateTime
Dim toDate As DateTime
Dim i As Int32

'initialize variables
fromDate = "April 2, 2003"
toDate = "April 10, 2003"
currentDate = DateTime.Now.Date

'add randomly-sized data points to Series1 if date is not a Saturday or Sunday
For i = 0 To 20
    If currentDate.AddDays(i).DayOfWeek <> DayOfWeek.Sunday And currentDate.AddDays(i).DayOfWeek <> DayOfWeek.Saturday Then
        Chart1.Series("Series1").Points.AddXY(currentDate.AddDays(i), randomValues.Next(0, 100))
    End If

'insert empty points for each Saturday that does not have data
Chart1.DataManipulator.InsertEmptyPoints (1, IntervalType.Weeks, 6, IntervalType.Days, fromDate.ToOADate(), toDate.ToOADate(), "Series1")

'insert empty points for each Sunday that does not have data
Chart1.DataManipulator.InsertEmptyPoints(1, IntervalType.Weeks, 0, IntervalType.Days, fromDate.ToOADate(), toDate.ToOADate(), "Series1")


When using an IntervalType of IntervalType.Days know that Sunday is regarded as the first day of the week.

To check one specific day of the week that is not Sunday set the intervalOffset parameter to a non-zero value (e.g. a value of "1" will offset the day to be checked from Sunday to Monday).

The drawing style of empty points is set by the Series.EmptyPointStyle property.


Target Platforms: Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 2000, Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 family, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 family

See Also

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