Dundas Chart for Windows Forms
SmartLabelsStyle Class Members
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DundasWinChart Assembly > Dundas.Charting.WinControl Namespace : SmartLabelsStyle Class

The following tables list the members exposed by SmartLabelsStyle.

Public Constructors

  Name Description
Public Constructor SmartLabelsStyle Constructor Overloaded. Constructor.
Public constructor.  

Public Properties

  Name Description
Public Property AllowOutsidePlotArea Enterprise Edition Only Feature. Gets or sets a LabelOutsidePlotAreaStyle value that specifies the extent of how the datapoint labels should be drawn with respect to the plotting area.
Defines if SmartLabels are allowed to be drawn outside of the plotting area.  
Public Property CalloutBackColor Enterprise Edition Only Feature. Gets or sets a value that determines the fill color of the box around the point label text when the CalloutStyle is LabelCalloutStyle.Box.
Label callout back color. Applies to the Box style only!  
Public Property CalloutLineAnchorCap Enterprise Edition Only Feature. Gets or sets the shape that should be drawn on the point end of the callout line.
Label callout line anchor cap.  
Public Property CalloutLineColor

Enterprise Edition Only Feature. Gets or sets the line color of the callout line.

Label callout line color.  
Public Property CalloutLineStyle Enterprise Edition Only Feature. Gets or sets the smart label callout line style.
Label callout line style.  
Public Property CalloutLineWidth Enterprise Edition Only Feature. Gets or sets the callout line width.
Label callout line width.  
Public Property CalloutStyle Enterprise Edition Only Feature. Gets or sets the style to use when drawing the callout lines.
Callout style of the repositioned SmartLabels.  
Public Property Enabled Enterprise Edition Only Feature. Gets or sets a boolean value that toggles the application of SmartLabels? on and off.
SmartLabels algorithm enabled flag.  
Public Property HideOverlapped

Enterprise Edition Only Feature. Gets or sets a boolean value that allows for the hiding of labels when overlapping issues cannot be resolved.

Indicates that overlapped labels that can't be repositioned will be hidden.  
Public Property MarkerOverlapping Enterprise Edition Only Feature. Gets or sets a boolean value that specifies whether the point labels are allowed to overlap a point marker.
Indicates that marker overlapping by label is allowed.  
Public Property MaxMovingDistance Enterprise Edition Only Feature. Gets or sets a value that specifies the maximum distance in pixels from the data point that data point labels are allowed to be moved in case of overlapping.
Maximum distance the overlapped SmartLabel can be moved from the marker. Distance is measured in pixels.  
Public Property MinMovingDistance Enterprise Edition Only Feature. Gets or sets a value that specifies the minimum distance in pixels from the data point that data point labels will be moved in case of overlapping.
Minimum distance the overlapped SmartLabel can be moved from the marker. Distance is measured in pixels.  
Public Property MovingDirection Enterprise Edition Only Feature. Gets or sets the allowable direction(s) that the data point label is allowed to be moved.
Possible moving directions for the overlapped SmartLabel.  

See Also

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