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Dynamic Webcam SDK FAQ

General Questions:

  1. What is webcam?
  2. What is Dynamic Webcam SDK?
  3. For which purposes can I use Dynamic Webcam SDK?
  4. Who do I contact if I need technical support?
  5. Where can I obtain a test application that uses Dynamic Webcam SDK?
  6. I would like to request some features in the next version of Dynamic Webcam SDK. Where do I make these requests?
  7. I have problems. What should I do?
  8. What is Live Help?
  9. What are the major differences between the Virtual Developer Service and usual customer support?

Distribution Questions:

  1. Where can I find the LPK file, the CAB file or the MSI file?
  2. How to deploy Dynamic Webcam SDK on Web server?
  3. Can I deploy Dynamic Webcam SDK on Linux? If yes, how to?

License Questions:

  1. How many licenses do I need for a web-based application that runs on one server but can be accessed by many clients?
  2. What can I do when the Trial version is expired?
  3. How can I upgrade the Trial version to Full version?
  4. How can I upgrade the Plugin Edition from Trial version to Full version?

Features Questions:

  1. What programming languages can Dynamic Webcam SDK work with?
  2. What operating systems does Dynamic Webcam SDK work with?
  3. Does Dynamic Webcam SDK support Chrome and Firefox?
  4. Does Dynamic Webcam SDK support Database?
  5. Does Dynamic Webcam SDK support SSL?
  6. Can I use FTP upload and download with password?
  7. Can I upload and download images via proxy?


  1. How can I acquire black-white images?
  2. How can I work without User Interface?
  3. How can I set resolution for the image acquisition?
  4. How can I select necessary device without device selection dialog?
  5. How can I upload acquired image to the Web server?
  6. How to upload each image as a separate file to server?
  7. How can I work with SSL?
  8. How can I save acquired images as a multi-page TIFF file to local disk?
  9. How can I rotate an image before I save it?
  10. How can I view a specified image if there are several images in buffer?
  11. How to implement the video view in my application?


  1. Why do I fail to download the ActiveX control on the client machine?
  2. Why do I get the error "HTTP process error"?
  3. Why do I get the error "Your trial license has expired"?
  4. How to use Dynamic Webcam SDK in IE?
  5. How to use Dynamic Webcam SDK in Firefox/Chrome?

General Questions:

1.    What is webcam?

A webcam is a video camera that feeds its images in real time to a computer or computer network, often via USB, ethernet, or Wi-Fi. Their most popular use is the establishment of video links, permitting computers to act as videophones or videoconference stations. The common use as a video camera for the World Wide Web gave the webcam its name. Other popular uses include security surveillance, computer vision, video broadcasting, and for recording social videos .

2.    What is Dynamic Webcam SDK?

Please click here for the details.

3.    For which purposes can I use Dynamic Webcam SDK?

Dynamic Webcam SDK can be used as a browser plugin which enables you to acquire an image from a webcam, edit it, and then upload it to a database or web server. Also, it can capture a live video stream into a container and grab a snapshot to be exported to a file/binary.

The library is based on the DirectShow API and works with all USB video device class (UVC) and WIA compatible webcams. Computers with Windows XP SP2 and later have UVC support built in, which allows for easy interconnectivity between webcams and computers

4.    Who do I contact if I need technical support?

5.    Where can I obtain a test application that uses Dynamic Webcam SDK

The Online Demo of Dynamic Webcam SDK is available at

You can find a local demo with the source code in the installation folder of Dynamic Webcam SDK.

6.    I would like to request some features in the next version of Dynamic Webcam SDK.  Where do I make these requests?

If you have any requirements, please contact us by email Your feedback is very important to us.

7.    I have problems. What should I do?

The information on most of questions can be found in the documentation or in this FAQ.
Write to our support team to get more help.

8.    What is Live Help?

Dynamsoft is committed to providing the best customer support in the industry. Our support team is ready to offer high quality, friendly and responsively technical support for our valued customers.

  • Recognizing our world wide customers located in different time zones, we proudly provide at least 16 hours Live Chat Support (Live Help) each day from Monday to Friday.
  • If you visit between Monday and Friday and happen to see our Live Help support professional is offline, please wait a moment and our support professional will be with you shortly.
  • When the Live Help support professional is offline, you can also leave a message and we would response promptly.

9.    What are the major differences between the Virtual Developer Service and usual customer support?

  • With the Virtual Developer Service, we can be involved in your project as much as needed. We take part in your project from requirement analysis to completion.
  • With the Virtual Developer Service, we communicate with you closely, analyze your requirements, propose tech solutions, write the code, help you integrate the code in your project, do the test and maintenance.
  • With standard customer support, you usually need a developer working on the webcam module who would then ask questions to our technical support team. With the Virtual Developer Service, you do not need a developer working on the webcam module and our developers participate in your project as a team member.

Distribution Questions:

1.   Where can I find the LPK file, the CAB file or the MSI file?

  • The CAB file can be found in the installation directory of Dynamic Webcam SDK ActiveX.
  • The The MSI file can be found in the installation directory of Dynamic Webcam SDK Plug-in.
  • The LPK file can be created by "Lpk_tool.exe" .

2.    How to deploy Dynamic Webcam SDK on Web server?

Before deploying Dynamic Webcam SDK on web server, make sure you have obtained the Web Server License of Dynamic Webcam SDK. For evaluation license, you can deploy Dynamic Webcam SDK on web server for evaluation purpose only.

For more information on how to deploy Dynamic Webcam SDK on Web server, please refer to:
Deploying Dynamic Webcam SDK ActiveX on Web Server
Deploying Dynamic Webcam SDK Plug-in on Web Server

3.    Can I deploy Dynamic Webcam SDK on Linux? If yes, how to?

Yes, Dynamic Webcam SDK can be deployed on Linux.

  • Install Dynamic Webcam SDK on Windows.
  • Place the Dynamic Webcam files (e.g., CAB, LPK and MSI file) into the directory of your application in Web server on Linux.

For more information on how to deploy Dynamic Webcam SDK on Web server, please refer to How to deploy Dynamic Webcam SDK on Web server?

License Questions:

1.    How many licenses do I need for a web-based application that runs on one internet server but can be accessed by many clients?

You need one Web Server License.

Please refer to the License Agreement for more info.

2.    What can I do when the Trial version is expired?

You can send an e-mail to our support team at and ask for extending the period. We will be more than happy to send you an extension license.

3.    How can I upgrade the ActiveX Edition from Trial version to Full version?

Please do the upgrade as follows:

  • Uninstall the Trial version of Dynamic Webcam SDK from your machine.
  • Install the Full version of Dynamic Webcam SDK to your machine.
  • Input the Web Server License you purchased into the Licensing Tool.
  • Change the Class ID from Trial version to Full version.
    For the information about the Class ID of Trial version and Full version, please refer to Deploying Dynamic Webcam SDK ActiveX on Web Server.
  • Recreate a LPK file with the Web Server License you have purchased.How to generate a LPK file?

4.    How can I upgrade the Plugin Edition from Trial version to Full version?

For the server side, please update the MSI file of the trial version to the full version one.

For the client side, please uninstall Dynamic Webcam SDK Plug-in Trial in Control Panel, restart the browser and access the web page including Dynamic Webcam SDK Plug-in to download and install the full version plug-in.

Features Question:

1.    What operating systems will Dynamic Webcam SDK work with?

Dynamic Webcam SDK supports Windows XP SP2 or above.

2.    What programming languages can Dynamic Webcam SDK work with?

For client side, you can use JavaScript, VBScript, HTML5, HTML. For server side, you can use ASP.NET, PHP, JSP, ASP, VB.NET, etc.

3.    Does Dynamic Webcam support Chrome and Firefox?

Yes. Dynamic Web Edition Plug-in Edition is compatible with Chrome, Firefox and other Gecko-based browsers.

4.    Does Dynamic Webcam SDK support Database?

Yes. Dynamic Webcam SDK is able to save image files to the file system and database.

5.    Does Dynamic Webcam SDK support SSL?

Yes. Dynamic Webcam SDK supports SSL.

For the information on how to work with SSL, please refer to How can I work with SSL.

6.    Can I use FTP upload and download with password?

Yes. You can use the FTPUserName property and the FTPPassword property.

7.    Can I upload and download images via proxy?

Yes. You can use the ProxyServer property.


1.    How can I acquire black-white images?

JavaScript Sample:
function btnGrab_onclick() {
    Webcam.IfShowUI = false;
    Webcam.ColorEnable = false; //Disable color mode. Need the support of your webcam.

2.    How can I work without User Interface?

JavaScript Sample:
function btnGrab_onclick() {
    Webcam.IfShowUI = false; // hide user interface

3.    How can I set resolution for the image acquisition?

JavaScript Sample:
function source_onchange(){

    Resolution.options.length = 0;
    count = Webcam.ResolutionForCamListCount; // Get the number of resolution values the webcam supports
    for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
        value = Webcam.GetResolutionForCamByIndex(i); //Get the resolution value of the specified index
        Resolution.options.add(new Option(value, value));

function selResolution_onchange(){
    // Set the resolution for image acquisition

function btnGrab_onclick() {
    Webcam.IfShowUI = false;

4.    How can I select necessary device without device selection dialog?

 JavaScript Sample:
Function SelectSource(){
    document.getElementById("source").options.add(new Option("Select Your Camera"), 0);
    for (i = 0; i < Webcam.SourceCount; i++) {
        document.getElementById("source").options.add(new Option(Webcam.SourceNameItems(i), i+1));
    } // Shows all the available webcams

    Webcam.SelectSourceByIndex(document.getElementById("source").selectedIndex - 1); // Select a specific webcam

5.    How can I upload acquired image to the Web server?

Dynamic Webcam SDK supports FTP, HTTP Put and HTTP Post upload method.

The following is a simple sample of using HTTP Put method to upload an image:

JavaScript Sample:
function btnUpload_onclick() 
	Webcam.HTTPUploadThroughPut("localhost", 0, "/Webcam/Images/ImageData.jpg"); //HTTPUploadThroughPut method

6.    How to upload each image as a separate file to server?

JavaScript Sample:
function btnUpload_onclick() 
    var i;

    var strActionPage;
    var strHostIP;
    var CurrentPathName = unescape(location.pathname); // get current PathName in plain ASCII 
    var CurrentPath = CurrentPathName.substring(0, CurrentPathName.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);   
    strActionPage = CurrentPath + "SaveToFile.aspx"; //the ActionPage's file path 
    strHostIP = "location.hostname";        //the host's ip or name 
    Webcam.HTTPPort = location.port == "" ? 80 : location.port;  //the port number 
    for (i=0; i<Webcam.HowManyImagesInBuffer; i++)
        Webcam.HTTPUploadThroughPost(strHostIP, i, strActionPage, i+".PDF"); //upload each image as a separate fi

7.    How can I work with SSL?

You can use the IfSSL property.

The following sample shows how to use the IfSSL property.

JavaScript Sample:
function btnUpload_onclick()
   Webcam.HTTPPort = 80; 
   Webcam.IfSSL = false; // if 80 is the port number of non-secure port

  Webcam.HTTPPort = 443; 
  Webcam.IfSSL = true; // if 443 is the port number of secure port

  Webcam.HTTPUploadThroughPost("", 0, "/SaveToFile.php", "image.jpg");

   if (Webcam.ErrorCode != 0)
   else  //succeded
      alert("Image uploaded successfully!");

8.    How can I save acquired images as a multi-page TIFF file to local disk?

JavaScript Sample:
function btnSaveMultiTIFF_onclick() {

9.    How can I rotate an image before I save it?

You can use the RotateLeft method and the RotateRight method.

JavaScript Sample:
function btnRotateLeft_onclick() {
 Webcam.RotateLeft(Webcam.CurrentImageIndexInBuffer); //Rotate the current image by 90 degrees counter-clockwise
function btnRotateRight_onclick() {
 Webcam.RotateRight(Webcam.CurrentImageIndexInBuffer);// Rotate the current image by 90 degrees clockwise

Also, you can do it in image editor which can be shown using the ShowImageEditor method.

function btnShowImageEditor_onclick() {

10.    How can I view a specified image if there are several images in buffer?

You can view a specified image or go through all the images in buffer with clicking "NextImage" or "PreImage" buttons.

JavaScript Sample:
function btnPreImage_onclick() {    
    Webcam.CurrentImageIndexInBuffer = Webcam.CurrentImageIndexInBuffer - 1;

function btnNextImage_onclick() {    
    Webcam.CurrentImageIndexInBuffer = Webcam.CurrentImageIndexInBuffer + 1;

11.    How to implement the video view in my application?

You can use the CurrentHWND property to get the current window handle of Dynamic Webcam SDK ActiveX/Plugin and use the SetVideoContainer method to set it as the video container.


// Set the current Activex/Plugin window handle as the video container. 
How to implement Dynamic Webcam SDK in web application


1.    Why do I fail to download the ActiveX control on the client machine?

The failure of loading ActiveX control has the following possible causes:

  • The security settings of IE on the client machine are incorrect.

    Please verify the following security settings of IE to "Prompt" or "Enabled":
    a) Download signed ActiveX controls
    b) Run ActiveX Controls and plug-ins
    c) Script ActiveX controls marked safe for scripting

    The dialog box of the security setting can be launched from menu Tools>Internet Options. Then select the security tab.

  • The deployment of Dynamic Webcam SDK does not follow the right steps.

    Please make sure the DynamicWebcam.lpk file and the file are placed in the directory of your Web server and referenced properly in your code.

    For more information on how to deploy Dynamic Webcam SDK on Web server, please refer to Deploying Dynamic Webcam SDK on Web Server.

  • The file is invalid.

    If the above is the not the cause and the problem still exists, please send the file to and we will check them for you.

  • Dynamic Webcam SDK ActiveX is already installed on the machine.
    To check it, please go to IE menu Tools>Manage Add-ons, choose All add-ons in the drop-down list and see if you can find any DynamicWebcam class in the add-on list. You can double click it to check the detailed info like its location, the version etc.

2.    Why do I get the error "HTTP process error"?

The error "HTTP process error" has the following possible causes:

  • The write permission is not granted to the specified directory of Web server.

  • The action page returns something from Web server.

    Dynamic Webcam SDK uses a special way to see if an image is uploaded and processed successfully by server. If the server returns 0 bytes, indicates success. Otherwise, indicates failure. In other words, when the uploaded image is processed successfully, the action page on the server should not return anything.

    When you get the error "HTTP process error", please check the response string from the HTTP server. You can get the response string by using the HTTPPostResponseString property.

  • The Port for uploading is not right. Set the Port with the property HTTPPort.

    For example: If the URL for the scan page is "http://localhost:3253/....", you need to set the port to 3253.
    NOTE: If you set the IfSSL property to true, you must set a secure port for the HTTPPort property. more details

  • The maximum transferable data size setting in your web server is too low. Please increase the limit and try again.

3.    Why do I get the error "Your trial license has expired"?

The Trial version of Dynamic Webcam SDK is downloaded for evaluation purpose. The evaluation period is 30 days.
You will get the error "Your trial license has expired" when the Trial version of Dynamic Webcam SDK is out of its period expiration.

Please refer to What can I do when the Trial version is expired for more information.

4.    How to use Dynamic Webcam SDK in IE?

Please refer to How to use Dynamic Webcam SDK ActiveX

5.    How to use Dynamic Webcam SDK in Firefox/Chrome?

Please refer to How to use Dynamic Webcam SDK Plugin.