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SaveSelectedImagesToBytes Method


Saves the selected images in buffer to a byte array in the specified file format.

ActiveX Edition Plug-in Edition Mac Edition
Since V6.0 Since V6.0 Since V6.4


Uint32 ObjectName. SaveSelectedImagesToBytes(in Uint32 bufferSize, inout Variant * buffer)


in Uint32 bufferSize: specified the buffer size

inout Variant * buffer: A byte array of the image data.


The method should be called after GetSelectedImagesSize method.

When an error occurs and IfThrowException property is TRUE, an exception will be thrown.

When FALSE is returned or an exception is thrown, check ErrorCode property and ErrorString property for error information.

See also

SaveAsTIFF(), SaveAsJPEG(), SaveAsBMP(), SaveAsPNG(), FTPUpload(), FTPDownload(), HTTPUploadThroughPut(), HTTPUploadThroughPost(), HTTPDownload(), AllowMultiSelect, SaveSelectedImagesToBase64Binary


Javascript Sample:

	Webcam.SelectedImagesCount = 2;
	Webcam.SelectedImageIndex(0) = 4;// Set the 5th image as the first selected image.
	Webcam.SelectedImageIndex(1) = 3;// Set the 4th image as the second selected image.
	var size = Webcam.GetSelectedImagesSize(2); //Calculate the size of selected images in TIFF format
  	var ary = new Array(size);
        for (var i =0; i<size; i++)
            ary[i] = 0;
	Webcam.SaveSelectedImagesToBytes(size, ary);