Interface DiagramListener

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
DiagramAdapter, DiagramApplet

public interface DiagramListener
extends java.util.EventListener

Defines events raised by JDiagram in response to users actions.

Method Summary
 void actionRecorded(UndoEvent e)
          Raised when an action is recorded in the undo buffer.
 void actionRecording(UndoValidationEvent e)
          A validation event raised before an action is recorded in the undo buffer.
 void actionRedone(UndoEvent e)
          Raised when an action is redone.
 void actionUndone(UndoEvent e)
          Raised when an action is undone.
 void cellClicked(CellEvent e)
          Called when a table cell is clicked.
 void cellDoubleClicked(CellEvent e)
          Raised when the user double-clicks a table's cell.
 void cellTextEdited(EditCellTextEvent e)
          Raised when the user edits the text of a table's cell.
 void cellTextEditing(CellValidationEvent e)
          A validation event that lets you prevent users from editing the text of a table's cell.
 void clicked(DiagramEvent e)
          Raised when the user clicks the diagram at a point where no items are located.
 void containerChildAdded(ContainerChildEvent e)
          Raised when a node is added to a ContainerNode, either programmatically or by the user.
 void containerChildRemoved(ContainerChildEvent e)
          Raised when a node is removed from a ContainerNode, either programmatically or by the user.
 void containerFolded(NodeEvent e)
          Raised when the user folds a container by clicking the arrow-up button in the container's caption area.
 void containerUnfolded(NodeEvent e)
          Raised when the user unfolds a container by clicking the arrow-down button in the container's caption area.
 void deserializeTag(SerializeTagEvent e)
          Raised when the tag of a diagram item must be deserialized from XML format.
 void doubleClicked(DiagramEvent e)
          Raised when the user double-clicks the diagram at a point where no items are located.
 void drawAnchorPoint(DrawAnchorPointEvent e)
          Raised when an anchor point must be custom drawn.
 void drawBackground(DiagramEvent e)
          Raised to let you custom draw the diagram background.
 void drawCell(DrawCellEvent e)
          Raised when a table's cell must be custom drawn.
 void drawForeground(DiagramEvent e)
          Raised to let you custom draw the diagram foreground.
 void drawLink(DrawLinkEvent e)
          Raised when a diagram link must be custom drawn.
 void drawNode(DrawNodeEvent e)
          Raised when a diagram node must be custom drawn.
 void enterInplaceEditMode(InPlaceEditEvent e)
          Called when entering inplace-edit mode.
 void expandButtonClicked(NodeEvent e)
          Raised when the user clicks the [±] button of a expandable node.
 void groupDestroyed(GroupEvent e)
          Raised when a Group object is destroyed.
 void imageLoaded(ImageLoadedEvent e)
          Called when image download initiated with Diagram.setImageUrl completes
 void initializeLink(LinkEvent e)
          Raised when the user starts drawing a new link, just after the DiagramLink instance is created.
 void initializeNode(NodeEvent e)
          Raised when the user starts drawing a new node, just after the DiagramNode instance is created.
 void itemAdded(ItemEvent e)
          Raised when an item is added to the diagram, either programmatically or interactively.
 void itemRemoved(ItemEvent e)
          Raised when an item is removed from the diagram, either programmatically or interactively.
 void leaveInplaceEditMode(InPlaceEditEvent e)
          Called when an inplace edit is accepted or rejected
 void linkActivated(LinkEvent e)
          Raised when a link becomes the activeItem.
 void linkClicked(LinkEvent e)
          Raised when the user clicks a link.
 void linkCreated(LinkEvent e)
          Raised when the user draws a new link.
 void linkCreating(LinkValidationEvent e)
          A validation event raised while the user is drawing a new link.
 void linkDeactivated(LinkEvent e)
          Raised when a link is no longer the active Item.
 void linkDeleted(LinkEvent e)
          Raised when a link is deleted, either programmatically or by the user.
 void linkDeleting(LinkValidationEvent e)
          Raised when the user tries to delete a link, this event lets you cancel the operation.
 void linkDeselected(LinkEvent e)
          Raised when a link is deselected, either programmatically or by the user.
 void linkDoubleClicked(LinkEvent e)
          Raised when the user double-clicks a link.
 void linkModified(LinkEvent e)
          Raised when the user moves any control point of a link.
 void linkModifying(LinkValidationEvent e)
          A validation event raised while the user is modifying a link.
 void linkMouseEnter(LinkEvent e)
          Called when the mouse pointer enters a link.
 void linkMouseLeave(LinkEvent e)
          Called when the mouse pointer leaves a link.
 void linkRouted(LinkEvent e)
          Raised when a link is routed by the auto-routing algorithm.
 void linkSelected(LinkEvent e)
          Raised when a link is selected, either programmatically or by the user.
 void linkSelecting(LinkValidationEvent e)
          Raised when the user tries to select a link, this event lets you cancel the operation.
 void linkStartModifying(LinkValidationEvent e)
          A validation event raised when the user starts modifying a link.
 void linkTextEdited(EditLinkTextEvent e)
          Raised when the user edits the text of a link.
 void linkTextEditing(LinkValidationEvent e)
          A validation event that lets you approve or reject changes made to the text of a link.
 void nodeActivated(NodeEvent e)
          Raised when a node becomes the active Item.
 void nodeClicked(NodeEvent e)
          Raised when the user clicks a node.
 void nodeCreated(NodeEvent e)
          Raised when the user draws a new node.
 void nodeCreating(NodeValidationEvent e)
          A validation event raised while the user is drawing a new node.
 void nodeDeactivated(NodeEvent e)
          Raised when a node is no longer the active Item.
 void nodeDeleted(NodeEvent e)
          Raised when a node is deleted, either programmatically or by the user.
 void nodeDeleting(NodeValidationEvent e)
          Raised when the user tries to delete a node, this event lets you cancel the operation.
 void nodeDeselected(NodeEvent e)
          Raised when a node is deselected, either programmatically or by the user.
 void nodeDoubleClicked(NodeEvent e)
          Raised when the user double-clicks a node.
 void nodeModified(NodeEvent e)
          Raised when the user moves or resizes a node.
 void nodeModifying(NodeValidationEvent e)
          A validation event raised while the user is moving or resizing a node.
 void nodeMouseEnter(NodeEvent e)
          Called when the mouse pointer enters a node.
 void nodeMouseLeave(NodeEvent e)
          Called when the mouse pointer leaves a node.
 void nodeSelected(NodeEvent e)
          Raised when a node is selected, either programmatically or by the user.
 void nodeSelecting(NodeValidationEvent e)
          Raised when the user tries to select a node, this event lets you cancel the operation.
 void nodeStartModifying(NodeValidationEvent e)
          A validation event raised when the user starts modifying a node.
 void nodeTextEdited(EditNodeTextEvent e)
          Raised when the user edits the text of a node.
 void nodeTextEditing(NodeValidationEvent e)
          A validation event that lets you approve or reject changes made to the text of a node.
 void repaint(RepaintEvent e)
          Raised when the diagram views should be repainted.
 void selectionMoved(java.util.EventObject e)
          Called when multiple selected items are moved.
 void selectionMoving(ValidationEvent e)
          Raised while the user is moving multiple selected items, this event lets you cancel the modification.
 void serializeTag(SerializeTagEvent e)
          Raised when the tag of a diagram item must be serialized into an XML document.
 void tableSectionCollapsed(RowEvent e)
          Called when a table section is collapsed
 void tableSectionExpanded(RowEvent e)
          Called when a table section is expanded
 void treeCollapsed(NodeEvent e)
          Raised when a user collapses a tree branch by clicking the [-] button of a expandable node.
 void treeExpanded(NodeEvent e)
          Raised when a user expands a tree branch by clicking the [+] button of a expandable node.
 void treeItemTextEdited(EditTreeItemTextEvent e)
 void validateAnchorPoint(LinkValidationEvent e)
          A validation event that lets you approve or reject connecting a link to an anchor point.
 void viewportChanged()
 void viewRemoved(ValidationEvent e)
          Raised when a DiagramView is detached from this diagram.

Method Detail


void initializeLink(LinkEvent e)
Raised when the user starts drawing a new link, just after the DiagramLink instance is created.


void linkCreated(LinkEvent e)
Raised when the user draws a new link.


void linkModified(LinkEvent e)
Raised when the user moves any control point of a link.


void linkClicked(LinkEvent e)
Raised when the user clicks a link.


void linkDoubleClicked(LinkEvent e)
Raised when the user double-clicks a link.


void linkSelected(LinkEvent e)
Raised when a link is selected, either programmatically or by the user.


void linkActivated(LinkEvent e)
Raised when a link becomes the activeItem.


void linkDeselected(LinkEvent e)
Raised when a link is deselected, either programmatically or by the user.


void linkDeactivated(LinkEvent e)
Raised when a link is no longer the active Item.


void linkDeleted(LinkEvent e)
Raised when a link is deleted, either programmatically or by the user.


void linkRouted(LinkEvent e)
Raised when a link is routed by the auto-routing algorithm.


void initializeNode(NodeEvent e)
Raised when the user starts drawing a new node, just after the DiagramNode instance is created.


void nodeCreated(NodeEvent e)
Raised when the user draws a new node.


void nodeModified(NodeEvent e)
Raised when the user moves or resizes a node.


void nodeClicked(NodeEvent e)
Raised when the user clicks a node.


void nodeDoubleClicked(NodeEvent e)
Raised when the user double-clicks a node.


void nodeSelected(NodeEvent e)
Raised when a node is selected, either programmatically or by the user.


void nodeActivated(NodeEvent e)
Raised when a node becomes the active Item.


void nodeDeselected(NodeEvent e)
Raised when a node is deselected, either programmatically or by the user.


void nodeDeactivated(NodeEvent e)
Raised when a node is no longer the active Item.


void nodeDeleted(NodeEvent e)
Raised when a node is deleted, either programmatically or by the user.


void expandButtonClicked(NodeEvent e)
Raised when the user clicks the [±] button of a expandable node.


void treeExpanded(NodeEvent e)
Raised when a user expands a tree branch by clicking the [+] button of a expandable node.


void treeCollapsed(NodeEvent e)
Raised when a user collapses a tree branch by clicking the [-] button of a expandable node.


void containerFolded(NodeEvent e)
Raised when the user folds a container by clicking the arrow-up button in the container's caption area.


void containerUnfolded(NodeEvent e)
Raised when the user unfolds a container by clicking the arrow-down button in the container's caption area.


void containerChildAdded(ContainerChildEvent e)
Raised when a node is added to a ContainerNode, either programmatically or by the user.


void containerChildRemoved(ContainerChildEvent e)
Raised when a node is removed from a ContainerNode, either programmatically or by the user.


void linkCreating(LinkValidationEvent e)
A validation event raised while the user is drawing a new link.


void linkModifying(LinkValidationEvent e)
A validation event raised while the user is modifying a link.


void linkStartModifying(LinkValidationEvent e)
A validation event raised when the user starts modifying a link.


void linkSelecting(LinkValidationEvent e)
Raised when the user tries to select a link, this event lets you cancel the operation.


void linkDeleting(LinkValidationEvent e)
Raised when the user tries to delete a link, this event lets you cancel the operation.


void validateAnchorPoint(LinkValidationEvent e)
A validation event that lets you approve or reject connecting a link to an anchor point.


void linkTextEditing(LinkValidationEvent e)
A validation event that lets you approve or reject changes made to the text of a link.


void nodeCreating(NodeValidationEvent e)
A validation event raised while the user is drawing a new node.


void nodeModifying(NodeValidationEvent e)
A validation event raised while the user is moving or resizing a node.


void nodeStartModifying(NodeValidationEvent e)
A validation event raised when the user starts modifying a node.


void nodeSelecting(NodeValidationEvent e)
Raised when the user tries to select a node, this event lets you cancel the operation.


void nodeDeleting(NodeValidationEvent e)
Raised when the user tries to delete a node, this event lets you cancel the operation.


void nodeTextEditing(NodeValidationEvent e)
A validation event that lets you approve or reject changes made to the text of a node.


void cellClicked(CellEvent e)
Called when a table cell is clicked.

e - A CellEvent object providing information about the event.


void cellDoubleClicked(CellEvent e)
Raised when the user double-clicks a table's cell.


void cellTextEditing(CellValidationEvent e)
A validation event that lets you prevent users from editing the text of a table's cell.


void groupDestroyed(GroupEvent e)
Raised when a Group object is destroyed.


void tableSectionExpanded(RowEvent e)
Called when a table section is expanded

e - A RowEvent object providing information about the event.


void tableSectionCollapsed(RowEvent e)
Called when a table section is collapsed

e - A RowEvent object providing information about the event.


void drawBackground(DiagramEvent e)
Raised to let you custom draw the diagram background.


void drawForeground(DiagramEvent e)
Raised to let you custom draw the diagram foreground.


void clicked(DiagramEvent e)
Raised when the user clicks the diagram at a point where no items are located.


void doubleClicked(DiagramEvent e)
Raised when the user double-clicks the diagram at a point where no items are located.


void drawLink(DrawLinkEvent e)
Raised when a diagram link must be custom drawn.


void drawNode(DrawNodeEvent e)
Raised when a diagram node must be custom drawn.


void drawCell(DrawCellEvent e)
Raised when a table's cell must be custom drawn.


void drawAnchorPoint(DrawAnchorPointEvent e)
Raised when an anchor point must be custom drawn.


void linkTextEdited(EditLinkTextEvent e)
Raised when the user edits the text of a link.


void nodeTextEdited(EditNodeTextEvent e)
Raised when the user edits the text of a node.


void cellTextEdited(EditCellTextEvent e)
Raised when the user edits the text of a table's cell.


void treeItemTextEdited(EditTreeItemTextEvent e)


void actionRecorded(UndoEvent e)
Raised when an action is recorded in the undo buffer.


void actionUndone(UndoEvent e)
Raised when an action is undone.


void actionRedone(UndoEvent e)
Raised when an action is redone.


void actionRecording(UndoValidationEvent e)
A validation event raised before an action is recorded in the undo buffer.


void selectionMoving(ValidationEvent e)
Raised while the user is moving multiple selected items, this event lets you cancel the modification.


void nodeMouseEnter(NodeEvent e)
Called when the mouse pointer enters a node. Use the setTrackPointedItem method to enable this event.

e - A NodeEvent object providing information about the event.


void nodeMouseLeave(NodeEvent e)
Called when the mouse pointer leaves a node. Use the setTrackPointedItem method to enable this event.

e - A NodeEvent object providing information about the event.


void linkMouseEnter(LinkEvent e)
Called when the mouse pointer enters a link. Use the setTrackPointedItem method to enable this event.

e - A LinkEvent object providing information about the event.


void linkMouseLeave(LinkEvent e)
Called when the mouse pointer leaves a link. Use the setTrackPointedItem method to enable this event.

e - A LinkEvent object providing information about the event.


void enterInplaceEditMode(InPlaceEditEvent e)
Called when entering inplace-edit mode.

e - An InPlaceEditEvent object providing information about the event.


void leaveInplaceEditMode(InPlaceEditEvent e)
Called when an inplace edit is accepted or rejected

e - An InPlaceEditEvent object providing information about the event.


void repaint(RepaintEvent e)
Raised when the diagram views should be repainted.


void viewportChanged()


void imageLoaded(ImageLoadedEvent e)
Called when image download initiated with Diagram.setImageUrl completes

e - An ImageLoadedEvent object that provides more information about the event.


void selectionMoved(java.util.EventObject e)
Called when multiple selected items are moved.

e - An EventObject providing information about the event.


void itemAdded(ItemEvent e)
Raised when an item is added to the diagram, either programmatically or interactively.


void itemRemoved(ItemEvent e)
Raised when an item is removed from the diagram, either programmatically or interactively.


void viewRemoved(ValidationEvent e)
Raised when a DiagramView is detached from this diagram.


void serializeTag(SerializeTagEvent e)
Raised when the tag of a diagram item must be serialized into an XML document.


void deserializeTag(SerializeTagEvent e)
Raised when the tag of a diagram item must be deserialized from XML format.