Interface LinkRouter

All Known Implementing Classes:
GridRouter, QuickRouter

public interface LinkRouter

Defines methods that should be implemented by a link-router component. The control calls them when a new link path should be set in response to changes in the diagram, such as adding or modifying nodes.

Method Summary
 void Resume(boolean routeDeferredLinks)
          Called when the control ends a batch update operation that might affect many links.
 boolean RouteLink(DiagramLink link)
          Called when a single link must be routed.
 void RouteLinks(DiagramLinkList links)
          Called when more than one links must be routed.
 void Suspend()
          Called when the control starts a batch update operation that might affect many links.

Method Detail


boolean RouteLink(DiagramLink link)
Called when a single link must be routed.

link - A DiagramLink object representing the link.
true if a path has been found, otherwise false.


void RouteLinks(DiagramLinkList links)
Called when more than one links must be routed.

links - A DiagramLinkCollection containing the links that should be routed.


void Suspend()
Called when the control starts a batch update operation that might affect many links. Implementations might collect the links specified through RouteLink and RouteLinks calls and defer finding their paths for when Resume is called.


void Resume(boolean routeDeferredLinks)
Called when the control ends a batch update operation that might affect many links.

routeDeferredLinks - true if the links should be routed, otherwise false.