Class TreeLayoutTraits

  extended by com.mindfusion.diagramming.NamedEnum
      extended by com.mindfusion.diagramming.jlayout.TreeLayoutTraits

public final class TreeLayoutTraits
extends NamedEnum

Indicates item traits specific to tree layouts. Members of this enumeration can be used as keys in the DiagramItem.LayoutTraits hashtable.

Field Summary
static TreeLayoutTraits Assistant
          If the LayoutTraits value associated with a node through this key is true, the CenterTreeLayout treats this node as an "assistant" during the arrangement.
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class com.mindfusion.diagramming.NamedEnum
equals, getName, hashCode, value
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final TreeLayoutTraits Assistant
If the LayoutTraits value associated with a node through this key is true, the CenterTreeLayout treats this node as an "assistant" during the arrangement. If the value is false or is not present, the node is treated as "subordinate". The associated value can also be of type AssistantType if it is required to specify the position of the assistant node relative to its parent.