CSS Conformance

AH Formatter V5.0's CSS implementation is based on the following specifications: ([CSS3-GCPM] etc. written at the beginning is an abbreviated name when refering to the specification)

CAUTION: These specifications are not yet endorsed as W3C Recommendation. Especially CSS3 still has many drafts and there may be specification changes in the future. AH Formatter V5.0 will continue to correspond to these specification changes.

Sometimes items with [yes] have some limitation(s) that do not affect their ability to accomplish the specified tasks. With CSS3, a draft specification before the candidate, when a certain implementation is performed, it is considered as [yes]. This is because specification is not being fixed, we cannot judge whether it's partial or not clearly. See also CSS Reference.

CSS Level 2 Revision 1 (CSS2.1)

4 Syntax and basic data types

Name Current condition Comments
4.4 @charset yes Encodings

5 Selectors

Name Current condition Comments
5.2.1 Grouping (,) yes
5.3 Universal selector (*) yes
5.4 Type selectors (E) yes
5.5 Descendant selectors (E F) yes
5.6 Child selector (E > F) yes
5.7 Adjacent sibling selectors (E + F) yes
5.8.1 Matching attributes and attribute values ([att], [att=val], [att~=val], [att|=val]) yes
5.8.3 Class selectors (.class) yes
5.9 ID selectors (#id) yes
5.11.1 The :first-child pseudo-class yes
5.11.2 The link pseudo-classes: :link and :visited partial :visited is not supported.
5.11.3 The dynamic pseudo-classes: :hover, :active, and :focus no
5.11.4 The language pseudo-class: :lang yes
5.12.1 The :first-line pseudo-element no
5.12.2 The :first-letter pseudo-element yes
5.12.3 The :before and :after pseudo-elements yes

6 Assigning property values, Cascading, and Inheritance

Name Current condition Comments
6.2.1 The 'inherit' value yes
6.3 The @import rule yes
6.4.2 !important rules yes

7 Media types

Name Current condition Comments
7.2.1 The @media rule yes 'print' and 'all' media types are supported.

8 Box model

Name Current condition Comments
8.3 'margin-top', 'margin-right', 'margin-bottom', 'margin-left', 'margin' yes
8.4 'padding-top', 'padding-right', 'padding-bottom', 'padding-left', 'padding' yes
8.5.1 'border-top-width', 'border-right-width', 'border-bottom-width', 'border-left-width', 'border-width' yes
8.5.2 'border-top-color', 'border-right-color', 'border-bottom-color', 'border-left-color', 'border-color' yes
8.5.3 'border-top-style', 'border-right-style', 'border-bottom-style', 'border-left-style', 'border-style' yes
8.5.4 'border-top', 'border-right', 'border-bottom', 'border-left', 'border' yes

9 Visual formatting model

Name Current condition Comments
9.2.4 The 'display' property partial Limitation: run-in and table-column-group are not supported. table-caption in inline-table is not supported.
9.3.1 Choosing a positioning scheme: 'position' yes
9.3.2 Box offsets: 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left' yes
9.5.1 Positioning the float: 'float' yes The page break (column break) in the float is not supported.
9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats: 'clear' yes
9.9.1 Specifying the stack level: 'z-index' yes
9.10 Text direction: 'direction', 'unicode-bidi' yes

10 Visual formatting model details

Name Current condition Comments
10.2 Content width: 'width' yes
10.4 Minimum and maximum widths: 'min-width', 'max-width' yes
10.5 Content height: 'height' yes
10.7 Minimum and maximum heights: 'min-height', 'max-height' yes
10.8 Line height calculations: 'line-height' yes
10.8 Line height calculations: 'vertical-align' yes

11 Visual effects

Name Current condition Comments
11.1.1 Overflow: 'overflow' yes
11.1.2 Clipping: 'clip' yes
11.2 Visibility: 'visibility' yes visibility:collapse specified to table-column is considered as hidden.

12 Generated content, automatic numbering, and lists

Name Current condition Comments
12.2 The 'content' property partial Limitation: open-quote, close-quote, no-open-quote and no-close-quote are not supported.
12.3.1 Specifying quotes with the 'quotes' property no
12.4 Automatic counters and numbering: 'counter-reset' yes
12.4 Automatic counters and numbering: 'counter-increment' yes
12.5.1 Lists: 'list-style-type' yes
12.5.1 Lists: 'list-style-image' yes
12.5.1 Lists: 'list-style-position' yes
12.5.1 Lists: 'list-style' yes

13 Paged media

Name Current condition Comments
13.2 Page boxes: the @page rule yes
13.2.2 Page selectors: selecting left, right, and first pages (:left, :right, :first) yes
13.3.1 Page break properties: 'page-break-before', 'page-break-after', 'page-break-inside' yes
13.3.2 Breaks inside elements: 'orphans', 'widows' yes

14 Colors and Backgrounds

Name Current condition Comments
14.1 Foreground color: 'color' yes
14.2.1 Background properties: 'background-color' yes
14.2.1 Background properties: 'background-image' yes
14.2.1 Background properties: 'background-repeat' yes
14.2.1 Background properties: 'background-attachment' yes
14.2.1 Background properties: 'background-position' yes
14.2.1 Background properties: 'background' yes

15 Fonts

Name Current condition Comments
15.3 Font family: 'font-family' yes
15.4 Font styling: 'font-style' yes
15.5 Small-caps: 'font-variant' yes
15.6 Font boldness: 'font-weight' yes
15.7 Font size: 'font-size' yes
15.8 Shorthand font property: 'font' yes

16 Text

Name Current condition Comments
16.1 Indentation: 'text-indent' yes
16.2 Alignment: 'text-align' yes
16.3.1 Underlining, overlining, striking, and blinking: 'text-decoration' yes Limitation: blink is not supported.
16.4 Letter and word spacing: 'letter-spacing' yes
16.4 Letter and word spacing: 'word-spacing' yes
16.5 Capitalization: 'text-transform' yes
16.6 Whitespace: 'white-space' yes

17 Tables

Name Current condition Comments
17.4.1 Caption position and alignment: 'caption-side' yes
17.5.2 Table width algorithms: 'table-layout' yes
17.6.1 The separated borders model: 'border-spacing' yes Borders and Backgrounds around empty cells: 'empty-cells' no
17.6.2 The collapsing border model: 'border-collapse' yes

18 User interface

Name Current condition Comments
18.1 Cursors: 'cursor' no
18.4 Dynamic outlines: 'outline' no

CSS3 Paged Media

Margin Boxes

Name Current condition Comments
@top-left-corner yes
@top-left yes
@top-center yes
@top-right yes
@top-right-corner yes
@left-top yes
@left-middle yes
@left-bottom yes
@right-top yes
@right-middle yes
@right-bottom yes
@bottom-left-corner yes
@bottom-left yes
@bottom-center yes
@bottom-right yes
@bottom-right-corner yes

Page-based counters

Details are not given in CSS3 Paged Media. See also Editor's Draft for more details.

Name Current condition Comments
Page number: counter(page) yes
Total number of pages: counter(pages) yes

Page size

Name Current condition Comments
Page size: 'size' property yes (-ah-)size

Using named pages

Name Current condition Comments
'page' property yes (-ah-)page

CSS3 Generated Content for Paged Media (GCPM)

Named strings

Name Current condition Comments
Setting named strings: 'string-set' property yes


Using named strings: string() yes


Name Current condition Comments
leader() yes


Name Current condition Comments
target-counter() yes
target-counters() yes
target-text() yes


Name Current condition Comments
float: footnote yes (-ah-)float
@footnote yes
'border-length' property yes (-ah-)border-length
::footnote-call pseudo-element yes
::footnote-marker pseudo-element yes


Name Current condition Comments
float: sidenote yes (-ah-)float
@sidenote yes
::sidenote-call pseudo-element yes
::sidenote-marker pseudo-element yes


Name Current condition Comments
'hyphens' property yes (-ah-)hyphens
'hyphenate-before' property yes (-ah-)hyphenate-before
'hyphenate-after' property yes (-ah-)hyphenate-after
'hyphenate-lines' property yes (-ah-)hyphenate-lines
'hyphenate-character' property yes (-ah-)hyphenate-character

New counter styles

Name Current condition Comments
'super-decimal' list-style-type yes (-ah-)list-style-type

Character substitution

Name Current condition Comments
'text-replace' property yes (-ah-)text-replace

Image resolution

Name Current condition Comments
'image-resolution' property yes (-ah-)image-resolution
'background-image-resolution' property yes (-ah-)background-image-resolution

Page marks and bleed area

Name Current condition Comments
'marks' property yes (-ah-)marks
'page-bleed' property yes (-ah-)page-bleed


Name Current condition Comments
'bookmark-level' property yes (-ah-)bookmark-level
'bookmark-label' property yes (-ah-)bookmark-label
'bookmark-state' property yes (-ah-)bookmark-state

CMYK colors

Name Current condition Comments
cmyk() yes

Page floats

Name Current condition Comments
'float' property yes (-ah-)float

Named page lists

Name Current condition Comments
'page' property yes (-ah-)page

CSS3 Multi-column layout

The number and width of columns

Name Current condition Comments
'column-width' property yes (-ah-)column-width
'column-count' property yes (-ah-)column-count
'columns' property yes (-ah-)columns

Column gaps and rules

Name Current condition Comments
'column-gap' property yes (-ah-)column-gap
'column-rule-color' property yes (-ah-)column-rule-color
'column-rule-style' property yes (-ah-)column-rule-style
'column-rule-width' property yes (-ah-)column-rule-width
'column-rule' property yes (-ah-)column-rule

Column breaks

Name Current condition Comments
'column-break-before' property yes (-ah-)column-break-before
'column-break-after' property yes (-ah-)column-break-after

CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders

Background properties

Name Current condition Comments
'background-clip' property yes (-ah-)background-clip
'background-origin' property yes (-ah-)background-origin

Border properties

Name Current condition Comments
'border-top-right-radius' property yes (-ah-)border-*-radius
'border-bottom-right-radius' property yes
'border-bottom-left-radius' property yes
'border-top-left-radius' property yes
'border-radius' property yes (-ah-)border-radius
'box-shadow' property yes (-ah-)box-shadow

CSS3 Lists

List Content: The 'list-style-type' property

Name Current condition Comments
'list-style-type' property yes (-ah-)list-style-type

Markers: The ::marker pseudo-element

Name Current condition Comments
::marker pseudo-element yes

CSS3 Text

Line Breaking and Word Boundaries

Name Current condition Comments
'word-break' property yes (-ah-)word-break

Text Wrapping

Name Current condition Comments
'word-wrap' property yes (-ah-)word-wrap

Alignment and Justification

Name Current condition Comments
'text-align' property yes (-ah-)text-align
'text-align-last' property yes (-ah-)text-align-last


Name Current condition Comments
'punctuation-trim' property yes (-ah-)punctuation-trim
'text-justify-trim' property yes (-ah-)text-justify-trim
'text-autospace' property yes (-ah-)text-autospace

Text Decoration

See also Editor's Draft.

Name Current condition Comments
'text-decoration-line' property yes (-ah-)text-decoration-line
'text-decoration-color' property yes (-ah-)text-decoration-color
'text-decoration-style' property yes (-ah-)text-decoration-style
'text-decoration' property yes (-ah-)text-decoration
'text-underline-position' property yes (-ah-)text-underline-position

Edge Effects

Name Current condition Comments
'hanging-punctuation' property yes (-ah-)hanging-punctuation

CSS3 Text Layout

Text flow

Name Current condition Comments
'block-progression' property yes (-ah-)block-progression
'writing-mode' property yes (-ah-)writing-mode

CSS3 Generated and Replaced Content Module

Replaced content

Name Current condition Comments
'crop' property yes (-ah-)crop

CSS3 Basic User Interface

Box Model addition

Name Current condition Comments
'box-sizing' property yes box-sizing

CSS3 Fonts

Font specification

Name Current condition Comments
'font-stretch' property yes (-ah-)font-stretch

CSS3 Web Fonts

Font Descriptions and @font-face

Name Current condition Comments
@font-face at-rule yes Only the following specifications are supported.
  • src
  • font-family

CSS3 Tables

There are no specifications about CSS3 Tables opened to the public. table-column-span and table-row-span are just candidate properties that will be dominant.

table-column-span and table-row-span

Name Current condition Comments
'table-column-span' property yes (-ah-)table-column-span
'table-row-span' property yes (-ah-)table-row-span

CSS3 Values and Units


Name Current condition Comments
'inherit' value yes
'initial' value yes
'default' value yes

Functional notation

Name Current condition Comments
attr() function yes
url() function yes
counter() function yes
calc() function yes

CSS3 Selectors

Structural pseudo-classes

Name Current condition Comments
:root pseudo-class yes
:nth-child() pseudo-class yes
:nth-last-child() pseudo-class yes
:nth-of-type() pseudo-class yes
:nth-last-of-type() pseudo-class yes
:first-child pseudo-class yes
:last-child pseudo-class yes
:first-of-type pseudo-class yes
:last-of-type pseudo-class yes
:only-child pseudo-class yes
:only-of-type pseudo-class yes
:empty pseudo-class yes

Negation pseudo-class

Name Current condition Comments
:not pseudo-class yes


Name Current condition Comments
::before and ::after pseudo-elements yes


Name Current condition Comments
General sibling combinator (E ~ F) yes

CSS3 Namespaces

Declaring namespaces: the @namespace rule

Name Current condition Comments
@namespace rule yes

CSS Qualified Names

Name Current condition Comments
CSS qualified name yes