AH Formatter V5.0 supports the following CSS properties.
As for the property of CSS2.1 or CSS3, please refer to the associated specifications of W3C shown in CSS Conformance for details. This section introduces the details of CSS extension properties, CSS2.1 or CSS3 properties with restrictions only. As for abbreviated expressions, such as [CSS3-GCPM] etc. in the table, please refer to CSS Conformance.
It's safer to use a prefix with -ah- when the property is still a draft specification before the candidate recommendation. (-ah-) is applied to such a property in the following table. AH Formatter V5.0 also processes the property even if -ah- is not applied. However the property may become invalid when a specification changes in the future. When you follow the candidate recommendation such as CSS2.1, it is not necessary to apply -ah-.
Property name | Description |
background | [CSS2.1] 14.2.1 Background properties |
background-attachment | [CSS2.1] 14.2.1 Background properties |
(-ah-)background-clip | [CSS3-Background] Background properties |
background-color | [CSS2.1] 14.2.1 Background properties |
background-image | [CSS2.1] 14.2.1 Background properties |
(-ah-)background-image-resolution | [CSS3-GCPM] Image resolution |
(-ah-)background-origin | [CSS3-Background] The 'background-origin' property |
background-position | [CSS2.1] 14.2.1 Background properties |
background-repeat | [CSS2.1] 14.2.1 Background properties |
(-ah-)block-progression | [CSS3-Text-Layout] Text flow |
(-ah-)bookmark-label | [CSS3-GCPM] Bookmarks |
(-ah-)bookmark-level | [CSS3-GCPM] Bookmarks |
(-ah-)bookmark-state | [CSS3-GCPM] Bookmarks |
border | [CSS2.1] 8.5.4 Border shorthand properties |
border-bottom | [CSS2.1] 8.5.4 Border shorthand properties |
border-bottom-color | [CSS2.1] 8.5.2 Border color |
(-ah-)border-bottom-left-radius | [CSS3-Background] Border properties |
(-ah-)border-bottom-right-radius | [CSS3-Background] Border properties |
border-bottom-style | [CSS2.1] 8.5.3 Border style |
border-bottom-width | [CSS2.1] 8.5.1 Border width |
border-collapse | [CSS2.1] 17.6 Borders |
border-color | [CSS2.1] 8.5.2 Border color |
border-left | [CSS2.1] 8.5.4 Border shorthand properties |
border-left-color | [CSS2.1] 8.5.2 Border color |
border-left-style | [CSS2.1] 8.5.3 Border style |
border-left-width | [CSS2.1] 8.5.1 Border width |
(-ah-)border-length | [CSS3-GCPM] The 'border-length' property |
(-ah-)border-radius | [CSS3-Background] Border properties |
border-right | [CSS2.1] 8.5.4 Border shorthand properties |
border-right-color | [CSS2.1] 8.5.2 Border color |
border-right-style | [CSS2.1] 8.5.3 Border style |
border-right-width | [CSS2.1] 8.5.1 Border width |
border-spacing | [CSS2.1] 17.6.1 The separated borders model |
border-style | [CSS2.1] 8.5.3 Border style |
border-top | [CSS2.1] 8.5.4 Border shorthand properties |
border-top-color | [CSS2.1] 8.5.2 Border color |
(-ah-)border-top-left-radius | [CSS3-Background] Border properties |
(-ah-)border-top-right-radius | [CSS3-Background] Border properties |
border-top-style | [CSS2.1] 8.5.3 Border style |
border-top-width | [CSS2.1] 8.5.1 Border width |
border-width | [CSS2.1] 8.5.1 Border width |
bottom | [CSS2.1] 9.3.2 Box offsets |
(-ah-)box-shadow | [CSS3-Background] Border properties |
box-sizing | [CSS3-UI] Box Model addition |
caption-side | [CSS2.1] 17.4.1 Caption position and alignment |
clear | [CSS2.1] 9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats |
clip | [CSS2.1] 11.1.2 Clipping |
(-ah-)crop | [CSS3-Content] The 'crop' property |
color | [CSS2.1] 14.1 Foreground color |
(-ah-)column-break-after | [CSS3-Multicol] Column breaks |
(-ah-)column-break-before | [CSS3-Multicol] Column breaks |
(-ah-)column-count | [CSS3-Multicol] The number and width of columns |
(-ah-)column-gap | [CSS3-Multicol] Column gaps and rules |
(-ah-)column-rule | [CSS3-Multicol] Column gaps and rules |
(-ah-)column-rule-color | [CSS3-Multicol] Column gaps and rules |
(-ah-)column-rule-style | [CSS3-Multicol] Column gaps and rules |
(-ah-)column-rule-width | [CSS3-Multicol] Column gaps and rules |
(-ah-)column-width | [CSS3-Multicol] The number and width of columns |
(-ah-)columns | [CSS3-Multicol] The number and width of columns |
content | [CSS2.1] 12.2 The 'content' property |
counter-increment | [CSS2.1] 12.4 Automatic counters and numbering |
counter-reset | [CSS2.1] 12.4 Automatic counters and numbering |
direction | [CSS2.1] 9.10 Text direction |
display | [CSS2.1] 9.2.4 The 'display' property |
(-ah-)float | [CSS2.1] 9.5.1 Positioning the float
[CSS3-GCPM] Page floats |
font | [CSS2.1] 15.8 Shorthand font property |
font-family | [CSS2.1] 15.3 Font family |
font-size | [CSS2.1] 15.7 Font size |
(-ah-)font-stretch | [CSS3-Fonts] Font styling |
font-style | [CSS2.1] 15.4 Font styling |
font-variant | [CSS2.1] 15.5 Small-caps |
font-weight | [CSS2.1] 15.6 Font boldness |
(-ah-)hanging-punctuation | [CSS3-Text] Edge Effects |
height | [CSS2.1] 10.5 Content height |
(-ah-)hyphenate-after | [CSS3-GCPM] Hyphenation |
(-ah-)hyphenate-before | [CSS3-GCPM] Hyphenation |
(-ah-)hyphenate-character | [CSS3-GCPM] Hyphenation |
(-ah-)hyphenate-lines | [CSS3-GCPM] Hyphenation |
(-ah-)hyphens | [CSS3-GCPM] Hyphenation |
(-ah-)image-resolution | [CSS3-GCPM] Image resolution |
left | [CSS2.1] 9.3.2 Box offsets |
letter-spacing | [CSS2.1] 16.4 Letter and word spacing |
line-height | [CSS2.1] 10.8.1 Leading and half-leading |
list-style | [CSS2.1] 12.5.1 Lists |
list-style-image | [CSS2.1] 12.5.1 Lists |
list-style-position | [CSS2.1] 12.5.1 Lists |
(-ah-)list-style-type | [CSS2.1] 12.5.1 Lists
[CSS3-Lists] List Content: The 'list-style-type' property [CSS3-GCPM] The 'super-decimal' list-style-type |
margin | [CSS2.1] 8.3 Margin properties |
margin-bottom | [CSS2.1] 8.3 Margin properties |
margin-left | [CSS2.1] 8.3 Margin properties |
margin-right | [CSS2.1] 8.3 Margin properties |
margin-top | [CSS2.1] 8.3 Margin properties |
(-ah-)marks | [CSS3-GCPM] Page marks and bleed area |
max-height | [CSS2.1] 10.7 Minimum and maximum heights |
max-width | [CSS2.1] 10.4 Minimum and maximum widths |
min-height | [CSS2.1] 10.7 Minimum and maximum heights |
min-width | [CSS2.1] 10.4 Minimum and maximum widths |
orphans | [CSS2.1] 13.3.2 Breaks inside elements |
overflow | [CSS2.1] 11.1.1 Overflow |
padding | [CSS2.1] 8.4 Padding properties |
padding-bottom | [CSS2.1] 8.4 Padding properties |
padding-left | [CSS2.1] 8.4 Padding properties |
padding-right | [CSS2.1] 8.4 Padding properties |
padding-top | [CSS2.1] 8.4 Padding properties |
(-ah-)page | [CSS3-GCPM] Named page lists |
(-ah-)page-bleed | [CSS3-GCPM] Page marks and bleed area |
page-break-after | [CSS2.1] 13.3.1 Page break properties |
page-break-before | [CSS2.1] 13.3.1 Page break properties |
page-break-inside | [CSS2.1] 13.3.1 Page break properties |
position | [CSS2.1] 9.3.1 Choosing-- a positioning scheme |
(-ah-)punctuation-trim | [CSS3-Text] Spacing |
right | [CSS2.1] 9.3.2 Box offsets |
(-ah-)size | [CSS3-Page] Page size |
(-ah-)string-set | [CSS3-GCPM] Named strings |
(-ah-)table-column-span | [CSS3-Tables] table-column-span and table-row-span properties |
table-layout | [CSS2.1] 17.5.2 Table width algorithms |
(-ah-)table-row-span | [CSS3-Tables] table-column-span and table-row-span properties |
(-ah-)text-align | [CSS2.1] 16.2 Alignment and Justification
[CSS3-Text] Text Alignment |
(-ah-)text-align-last | [CSS3-Text] Alignment and Justification |
(-ah-)text-autospace | [CSS3-Text] Spacing |
(-ah-)text-decoration | [CSS2.1] 16.3.1 Underlining, overlining, striking, and blinking
[CSS3-Text] Text Decoration |
(-ah-)text-decoration-color | [CSS3-Text] Text Decoration |
(-ah-)text-decoration-line | [CSS3-Text] Text Decoration |
(-ah-)text-decoration-style | [CSS3-Text] Text Decoration |
text-indent | [CSS2.1] 16.1 Indentation |
(-ah-)text-justify-trim | [CSS3-Text] Spacing |
(-ah-)text-replace | [CSS3-GCPM] Character substitution |
text-transform | [CSS2.1] 16.5 Capitalization |
(-ah-)text-underline-position | [CSS3-Text] Text Decoration |
top | [CSS2.1] 9.3.2 Box offsets |
unicode-bidi | [CSS2.1] 9.10 Text direction |
vertical-align | [CSS2.1] 10.8.1 Leading and half-leading |
visibility | [CSS2.1] 11.2 Visibility |
white-space | [CSS2.1] 16.6 Whitespace |
widows | [CSS2.1] 13.3.2 Breaks inside elements |
width | [CSS2.1] 10.2 Content width |
(-ah-)word-break | [CSS3-Text] Line Breaking and Word Boundaries |
word-spacing | [CSS2.1] 16.4 Letter and word spacing |
(-ah-)word-wrap | [CSS3-Text] Text Wrapping |
(-ah-)writing-mode | [CSS3-Text-Layout] Text flow |
z-index | [CSS2.1] 9.9.1 Specifying the stack level |
All of CSS extension properties of Antenna House start with -ah-. These are the properties which are not defined in the CSS specification. Many of them are the same features as those in XSL specification or XSL extension specification. See also XSL-FO 1.1 Conformance and XSL Extensions. If the extended property is only with CSS, [CSS-EXT] is added in the description in the following table.
Property name | Description |
-ah-action-type | Specifies the action of external link or form action. |
-ah-allowed-height-scale | [XSL1.1] 7.15.1 allowed-height-scale |
-ah-allowed-width-scale | [XSL1.1] 7.15.2 allowed-width-scale |
-ah-alt-glyph | Specifies the alternate glyph. |
-ah-alttext | Specifies the alternate text of the image. |
-ah-annotation-color | Specifies the color used for the background of the annotation. no-LT |
-ah-annotation-contents | Specifies the content of the annotation. no-LT |
-ah-annotation-file-attachment | Specifies the file with which file attachment annotation is related. no-LT |
-ah-annotation-flags | Specifies the flag of the annotation. no-LT |
-ah-annotation-font-family | Specifies the font family of the free text annotation. no-LT |
-ah-annotation-font-size | Specifies the font size of the free text annotation. no-LT |
-ah-annotation-font-style | Specifies whether to make the font of the free text annotation italic. no-LT |
-ah-annotation-font-weight | Specifies the font weight of the free text annotation. no-LT |
-ah-annotation-height | Specifies the height of the annotation. no-LT |
-ah-annotation-icon-name | Specifies the name of the icon used for displaying the annotation. no-LT |
-ah-annotation-open | Specifies the initial state of the annotation. no-LT |
-ah-annotation-position-horizontal | Specifies the horizontal position of the annotation. no-LT |
-ah-annotation-position-vertical | Specifies the vertical position of the annotation. no-LT |
-ah-annotation-text-align | Specifies the alignment of the free text annotation. no-LT |
-ah-annotation-text-color | Specifies the color of the free text annotation. no-LT |
-ah-annotation-title | Specifies the title of the annotation. no-LT |
-ah-annotation-type | Specifies the type of the annotation. no-LT |
-ah-annotation-width | Specifies the width of the annotation. no-LT |
-ah-append-non-end-of-line-characters | Specifies to append the non-end-of-line-characters. |
-ah-append-non-starter-characters | Specifies to append the non-starter characters. |
-ah-avoid-widow-words | Specifies the spacing behavior so that the last line of the paragraph does not have only one word left. |
-ah-background-content-height | Specifies the content height of a background image. |
-ah-background-content-type | Specifies the content type of a background image. |
-ah-background-content-width | Specifies the content width of a background image. |
-ah-background-scaling | Specifies the scaling ratio of a background image. |
-ah-base-uri | Specifies the location which becomes the base of relative URI. |
-ah-bleed-bottom | Specifies the width of the bleed region on the bottom for cutting off. no-LT |
-ah-bleed-left | Specifies the width of the bleed region on the left for cutting off. no-LT |
-ah-bleed-right | Specifies the width of the bleed region on the right for cutting off. no-LT |
-ah-bleed-top | Specifies the width of the bleed region on the top for cutting off. no-LT |
-ah-block-progression-dimension | [XSL1.1] 7.15.3 block-progression-dimension |
-ah-border-after-color | [XSL1.1] 7.8.10 border-after-color |
-ah-border-after-precedence | [XSL1.1] 7.28.1 border-after-precedence |
-ah-border-after-style | [XSL1.1] 7.8.11 border-after-style |
-ah-border-after-width | [XSL1.1] 7.8.12 border-after-width |
-ah-border-before-color | [XSL1.1] 7.8.7 border-before-color |
-ah-border-before-precedence | [XSL1.1] 7.28.2 border-before-precedence |
-ah-border-before-style | [XSL1.1] 7.8.8 border-before-style |
-ah-border-before-width | [XSL1.1] 7.8.9 border-before-width |
-ah-border-end-color | [XSL1.1] 7.8.16 border-end-color |
-ah-border-end-precedence | [XSL1.1] 7.28.4 border-end-precedence |
-ah-border-end-style | [XSL1.1] 7.8.17 border-end-style |
-ah-border-end-width | [XSL1.1] 7.8.18 border-end-width |
-ah-border-start-color | [XSL1.1] 7.8.13 border-start-color |
-ah-border-start-precedence | [XSL1.1] 7.28.6 border-start-precedence |
-ah-border-start-style | [XSL1.1] 7.8.14 border-start-style |
-ah-border-start-width | [XSL1.1] 7.8.15 border-start-width |
-ah-column-rule-align | Specifies the alignment of the column rule. |
-ah-column-rule-color | Specifies the color of the column rule. |
-ah-column-rule-length | Specifies the length of the column rule. |
-ah-content-height | [XSL1.1] 7.15.4 content-height |
-ah-content-type | [XSL1.1] 7.30.7 content-type |
-ah-content-width | [XSL1.1] 7.15.5 content-width |
-ah-crop-offset | Specifies the distance from the physical end to the trim size of the output medium. no-LT |
-ah-crop-offset-bottom | Specifies the distance from the physical bottom edge to the trim size of the output medium. no-LT |
-ah-crop-offset-left | Specifies the distance from the physical left edge to the trim size of the output medium. no-LT |
-ah-crop-offset-right | Specifies the distance from the physical right edge to the trim size of the output medium. no-LT |
-ah-crop-offset-top | Specifies the distance from the physical top edge to the trim size of the output medium. no-LT |
-ah-destination-type | Specifies the type of destination for external links. no-LT |
-ah-diagonal-border-color | Specifies the color of the diagonal border. |
-ah-diagonal-border-style | Specifies the style of the diagonal border. |
-ah-diagonal-border-width | Specifies the width of the diagonal border. |
-ah-display-align | [XSL1.1] 7.14.4 display-align |
-ah-except-non-end-of-line-characters | Specifies to except the non-end-of-line-characters. |
-ah-except-non-starter-characters | Specifies to except the non-starter characters. |
-ah-font-selection-strategy | [XSL1.1] 7.9.3 font-selection-strategy |
-ah-glyph-orientation-horizontal | [XSL1.1] 7.29.2 glyph-orientation-horizontal |
-ah-glyph-orientation-vertical | [XSL1.1] 7.29.3 glyph-orientation-vertical |
-ah-hyphenation-keep | [XSL1.1] 7.16.1 hyphenation-keep |
-ah-hyphenation-minimum-character-count | Specifies the minimum number of the character to hyphenate. |
-ah-hyphenation-zone | Limits the range where a hyphenation is available. |
-ah-ignore-leading-newline | [CSS-EXT] Specifies whether the line break right after the start tag is disregarded or not. |
-ah-inline-progression-dimension | [XSL1.1] 7.15.7 inline-progression-dimension |
-ah-intrusion-displace | [XSL1.1] 7.19.3 intrusion-displace |
-ah-japanese-glyph | Specifies the glyph of Japanese Kanji. |
-ah-justify-nbsp | Specifies whether to include NON-BREAKING SPACE for justification or not. |
-ah-kerning-mode | Specifies whether to process the kerning. |
-ah-lang | [XSL1.1] 7.31.24 xml:lang |
-ah-language | [XSL1.1] 7.10.2 language |
-ah-last-line-end-indent | [XSL1.1] 7.16.3 last-line-end-indent |
-ah-ligature-mode | Specifies whether to process the ligature. |
-ah-line-break | Specifies the method of line breaking. |
-ah-line-continued-mark | Specifies whether to show line continued marks. no-LT |
-ah-line-continued-mark-background-color | Specifies the background color of line continued marks. no-LT |
-ah-line-continued-mark-color | Specifies the color of line continued marks. no-LT |
-ah-line-continued-mark-font-family | Specifies the font family of line continued marks. no-LT |
-ah-line-continued-mark-font-size | Specifies the font size of line continued marks. no-LT |
-ah-line-continued-mark-font-style | Specifies whether to make the font style italic. no-LT |
-ah-line-continued-mark-font-weight | Specifies the font weight of line continued marks. no-LT |
-ah-line-continued-mark-offset | Specifies the offset of line continued marks. no-LT |
-ah-line-height-shift-adjustment | [XSL1.1] 7.16.5 line-height-shift-adjustment |
-ah-line-stacking-strategy | [XSL1.1] 7.16.6 line-stacking-strategy |
-ah-linefeed-treatment | [XSL1.1] 7.16.7 linefeed-treatment |
-ah-link | [CSS-EXT] Generates a hyper-link. |
-ah-margin-after | [CSS-EXT] Specifies the margin of the after region. |
-ah-margin-before | [CSS-EXT] Specifies the margin of the before region. |
-ah-margin-end | [CSS-EXT] Specifies the margin of the end region. |
-ah-margin-start | [CSS-EXT] Specifies the margin of the start region. |
-ah-number-transform | Converts the number sequence in the character string. no-LT |
-ah-outline-color | Specifies the color of the title for the PDF bookmark. no-LT |
-ah-outline-external-destination | Sets the external link in the PDF bookmark. no-LT |
-ah-outline-font-style | Specifies the font style of the title for the PDF bookmark. no-LT |
-ah-outline-font-weight | Specifies the font weight of the title for the PDF bookmark. no-LT |
-ah-outline-group | Groups bookmark items of PDF, and outputs them collectively. |
-ah-outline-internal-destination | Sets the internal link in the PDF bookmark. no-LT |
-ah-overflow-condense | Specifies how to condense the overflowed text within the region. |
-ah-overflow-condense-limit-font-size | Specifies the minimum font size when axf:overflow-condense="font-size" is specified. |
-ah-overflow-condense-limit-font-stretch | Specifies the minimum font size when axf:overflow-condense="font-stretch" is specified. |
-ah-overflow-replace | Specifies the alternative character string of the overflow text. |
-ah-padding-after | [XSL1.1] 7.8.32 padding-after |
-ah-padding-before | [XSL1.1] 7.8.31 padding-before |
-ah-padding-end | [XSL1.1] 7.8.34 padding-end |
-ah-padding-start | [XSL1.1] 7.8.33 padding-start |
-ah-printer-bin-selection | Selects the printer tray. no-LT |
-ah-printer-duplex | Specifies to print in duplex mode. no-LT |
-ah-printer-marks-line-color | Specifies the line color of the printer marks. no-LT |
-ah-printer-marks-line-length | Specifies the line length of the printer marks. no-LT |
-ah-printer-marks-line-width | Specifies the line width of the printer marks. no-LT |
-ah-printer-marks-zero-margin | Specifies the margin between the page and the printer marks when bleed is 0. no-LT |
-ah-punctuation-spacing | Specifies the width of adjacent full width punctuations. |
-ah-reference-orientation | [XSL1.1] 7.21.3 reference-orientation |
-ah-repeat-cell-content-at-break | Specifies whether to copy the contents of a cell when a cell breaks. |
-ah-repeat-footnote-in-table-footer | Specifies whether to repeat the fo:footnote in the fo:table-footer that is repeated by fo:table-oomit-footer-at-break="false". |
-ah-repeat-footnote-in-table-header | Specifies whether to repeat the fo:footnote in the fo:table-header that is repeated by fo:table-oomit-header-at-break="false". |
-ah-reverse-diagonal-border-color | Specifies the color of the reverse diagonal border. |
-ah-reverse-diagonal-border-style | Specifies the style of the reverse diagonal border. |
-ah-reverse-diagonal-border-width | Specifies the width of the reverse diagonal border. |
-ah-scaling | [XSL1.1] 7.15.12 scaling |
-ah-script | [XSL1.1] 7.10.3 script |
-ah-soft-hyphen-treatment | Specifies to output SOFT HYPHEN. |
-ah-table-omit-footer-at-break | [XSL1.1] 7.28.17 table-omit-footer-at-break |
-ah-table-omit-header-at-break | [XSL1.1] 7.28.18 table-omit-header-at-break |
-ah-text-align-first | Specifies the text alignment of the first line. |
-ah-text-align-string | Specifies the text alignment when text-align="<string>". |
-ah-text-autospace-width | Specifies the width for axf:text-autospace. |
-ah-text-kashida-space | Specifies the percentage of Kashida in Arabic. |
-ah-text-line-width | Specifies the width of underline, strikethrough, and overline. |
-ah-vertical-underline-side | Specifies the side for underline in vertical writing-mode. |
-ah-white-space-collapse | [XSL1.1] 7.16.12 white-space-collapse |
-ah-white-space-treatment | [XSL1.1] 7.16.8 white-space-treatment |
-ah-wrap-option | [XSL1.1] 7.16.13 wrap-option |
Selector name | Description |
Grouping (,) | [CSS2.1] 5.2.1 Grouping |
Universal selector (*) | [CSS2.1] 5.3 Universal selector |
Type selectors (E) | [CSS2.1] 5.4 Type selectors |
Descendant selectors (E F) | [CSS2.1] 5.5 Descendant selectors |
Child selector (E > F) | [CSS2.1] 5.6 Child selectors |
Adjacent sibling selectors (E + F) | [CSS2.1] 5.7 Adjacent sibling selectors |
Matching attributes and attribute values ([att], [att=val], [att~=val], [att|=val]) | [CSS2.1] 5.8.1 Matching attributes and attribute values |
Class selectors (.class) | [CSS2.1] 5.8.3 Class selectors |
ID selectors (#id) | [CSS2.1] 5.9 ID selectors |
::after | [CSS3-Selectors] The ::before and ::after pseudo-elements |
:after | [CSS2.1] 5.12.3 The :before and :after pseudo-elements |
::before | [CSS3-Selectors] The ::before and ::after pseudo-elements |
:before | [CSS2.1] 5.12.3 The :before and :after pseudo-elements |
:blank (@page) | [CSS3-GCPM] Styling blank pages |
:empty | [CSS3-Selectors] Structural pseudo-classes |
:first (@page) | [CSS2.1] 13.2.2 Page selectors: selecting left, right, and first pages
[CSS3-Page] Left, right, and first pages |
:first-child | [CSS2.1] 5.11.1 :first-child pseudo-class |
:first-child | [CSS3-Selectors] Structural pseudo-classes |
:first-of-type | [CSS3-Selectors] Structural pseudo-classes |
::footnote-call | [CSS3-GCPM] Footnote calls |
::footnote-marker | [CSS3-GCPM] Footnote markers |
:lang | [CSS2.1] 5.11.4 The language pseudo-class |
:last-child | [CSS3-Selectors] Structural pseudo-classes |
:last-of-type | [CSS3-Selectors] Structural pseudo-classes |
:left (@page) | [CSS2.1] 13.2.2 Page selectors: selecting left, right, and first pages
[CSS3-Page] Left, right, and first pages |
:link | [CSS2.1] 5.11.2 The link pseudo-classes |
::marker | [CSS3-Lists] Markers |
:not | [CSS3-Selectors] The negation pseudo-class |
:nth-child() | [CSS3-Selectors] Structural pseudo-classes |
:nth-last-child() | [CSS3-Selectors] Structural pseudo-classes |
:nth-last-of-type() | [CSS3-Selectors] Structural pseudo-classes |
:nth-of-type() | [CSS3-Selectors] Structural pseudo-classes |
:only-child | [CSS3-Selectors] Structural pseudo-classes |
:only-of-type | [CSS3-Selectors] Structural pseudo-classes |
:right (@page) | [CSS2.1] 13.2.2 Page selectors: selecting left, right, and first pages
[CSS3-Page] Left, right, and first pages |
:root | [CSS3-Selectors] Structural pseudo-classes |
::sidenote-call | [CSS3-GCPM] Sidenotes |
::sidenote-marker | [CSS3-GCPM] Sidenotes |
Rule name | Description |
@bottom-center | [CSS3-Page] Margin Boxes |
@bottom-left | [CSS3-Page] Margin Boxes |
@bottom-left-corner | [CSS3-Page] Margin Boxes |
@bottom-right | [CSS3-Page] Margin Boxes |
@bottom-right-corner | [CSS3-Page] Margin Boxes |
@footnote | [CSS3-GCPM] Footnotes |
@font-face | [CSS3-Webfonts] Font selection |
@import | [CSS2.1] 6.3 The @import rule |
@left-bottom | [CSS3-Page] Margin Boxes |
@left-middle | [CSS3-Page] Margin Boxes |
@left-top | [CSS3-Page] Margin Boxes |
@media | [CSS2.1] 7.2.1 The @media rule |
@namespace | [CSS3-Namespace] Declaring namespaces |
@page | [CSS2.1] 13.2 Page boxes: the @page rule |
@sidenote | [CSS3-GCPM] Sidenotes |
@right-bottom | [CSS3-Page] Margin Boxes |
@right-middle | [CSS3-Page] Margin Boxes |
@right-top | [CSS3-Page] Margin Boxes |
@top-center | [CSS3-Page] Margin Boxes |
@top-left | [CSS3-Page] Margin Boxes |
@top-left-corner | [CSS3-Page] Margin Boxes |
@top-right | [CSS3-Page] Margin Boxes |
@top-right-corner | [CSS3-Page] Margin Boxes |
Function name | Description |
attr(ident,type,value) | [CSS3-Values] The 'attr' function |
calc(expr) | [CSS3-Values] The 'calc' function |
cmyk(c,m,y,k) | [CSS3-GCPM] CMYK colors |
counter(ident,list-style-type) | [CSS2.1] 4.3.5 Counters |
counters(ident,string,list-style-type) | [CSS2.1] 4.3.5 Counters |
inset-rect(top,right,bottom,left) | [CSS3-Content] Replaced content |
leader(ident) | [CSS3-GCPM] Leaders |
rect(top,right,bottom,left) | [CSS3-Content] Replaced content |
rgb(r,g,b) | [CSS2.1] 4.3.6 Colors |
string(value) | [CSS3-GCPM] Using named strings |
target-counter(attr,ident,string,list-style-type) | [CSS3-GCPM] The 'target-counter' and 'target-counters' values |
target-counters(attr,ident,string,list-style-type) | [CSS3-GCPM] The 'target-counter' and 'target-counters' values |
target-text(attr,value) | [CSS3-GCPM] The 'target-text' value |
url(string) | [CSS2.1] 4.3.4 URLs and URIs |
-ah-attr-from(from,ident,type,value) | It is an extended function of attr(). |
-ah-rgb-icc(r,g,b,name,num,num) | [XSL1.1] 5.10.2 Color Functions |
Keyword | Description |
default | [CSS3-Values] Keywords |
!important | [CSS2.1] 6.4.2 !important rules |
inherit | [CSS2.1] 6.2.1 The 'inherit' value |
initial | [CSS3-Values] Keywords |
page | [CSS3-Pages] Page-based counters |
pages | [CSS3-Pages] Page-based counters |
Unit name | Description |
% | [CSS2.1] 4.3.3 Percentages |
cm | [CSS2.1] 4.3.2 Lengths |
em | [CSS2.1] 4.3.2 Lengths |
in | [CSS2.1] 4.3.2 Lengths |
mm | [CSS2.1] 4.3.2 Lengths |
pc | [CSS2.1] 4.3.2 Lengths |
pt | [CSS2.1] 4.3.2 Lengths |
px | [CSS2.1] 4.3.2 Lengths |
This section provides the explanation of the CSS3 main specifications which AH Formatter V5.0 currenly supports and extensions only for CSS which don't have the properties corresponding to XSL specification or XSL extension specification.
[CSS3-Background] Background properties
Value: | [border-box | padding-box | content-box | no-clip] [ , [border-box | padding-box | content-box | no-clip] ]* |
Initial: | border-box |
Applies to: | all elements |
Inherited: | no |
Percentages: | N/A |
[CSS3-GCPM] Image resolution
Value: | [normal | auto | <dpi>] [ , [normal | <dpi>]]? |
Initial: | normal |
Applies to: | replaced elements |
Inherited: | yes |
Percentages: | N/A |
[CSS3-Background] Background properties
Value: | [border-box | padding-box | content-box] [, [border-box | padding-box | content-box]]* |
Initial: | padding-box |
Applies to: | all elements |
Inherited: | no |
Percentages: | N/A |
[CSS3-Text-Layout] Text flow
Value: | tb | rl | lr |
Initial: | tb |
Applies to: | block-level elements |
Inherited: | yes |
Percentages: | N/A |
[CSS3-GCPM] Bookmarks
Value: | content | <attr> | <string> |
Initial: | content |
Applies to: | all elements |
Inherited: | no |
Percentages: | N/A |
[CSS3-GCPM] Bookmarks
Value: | none | <integer> |
Initial: | none |
Applies to: | all elements |
Inherited: | no |
Percentages: | N/A |
[CSS3-GCPM] Bookmarks
Value: | open | closed |
Initial: | open |
Applies to: | block-level elements |
Inherited: | no |
Percentages: | N/A |
[CSS3-GCPM] The 'border-length' property
Value: | <length> <length>? | auto |
Initial: | auto |
Applies to: | all elements |
Inherited: | no |
Percentages: | refer to width of element |
[CSS3-Background] Border properties
Value: | <length>{1,4} [ / <length>{1,4} ]? |
Initial: | 0 |
Applies to: | all elements, except table element when 'border-collapse' is 'collapse' |
Inherited: | no |
Percentages: | N/A |
[CSS3-Background] Border properties
Value: | <length> <length>? |
Initial: | 0 |
Applies to: | all elements, except table element when 'border-collapse' is 'collapse' |
Inherited: | no |
Percentages: | N/A |
[CSS3-Background] Border properties
Value: | none | <shadow> [ , <shadow> ]* |
Initial: | none |
Applies to: | all elements |
Inherited: | no |
Percentages: | N/A |
[CSS3-UI] Box Model addition
Value: | content-box | border-box | inherit |
Initial: | content-box |
Applies to: | all elements that accept width or height |
Inherited: | no |
Percentages: | N/A |
[CSS3-Content] Replaced content
Value: | <shape> | auto |
Initial: | auto |
Applies to: | replaced elements |
Inherited: | no |
Percentages: | relative to intrinsic size |
[CSS3-Multicol] Column breaks
Value: | auto | always | avoid |
Initial: | auto |
Applies to: | block-level elements |
Inherited: | no |
Percentages: | N/A |
[CSS3-Multicol] Column breaks
Value: | auto | always | avoid |
Initial: | auto |
Applies to: | block-level elements |
Inherited: | no |
Percentages: | N/A |
[CSS3-Multicol] The number and width of columns
Value: | <integer> | auto |
Initial: | auto |
Applies to: | block-level elements |
Inherited: | no |
Percentages: | N/A |
[CSS3-Multicol] Column gaps and rules
Value: | <length> | normal |
Initial: | normal |
Applies to: | multi-column elements |
Inherited: | no |
Percentages: | N/A |
[CSS3-Multicol] Column gaps and rules
Value: | <border-width> || <border-style> || [ <color> | transparent ] |
Initial: | see individual properties |
Applies to: | multi-column elements |
Inherited: | no |
Percentages: | N/A |
[CSS3-Multicol] Column gaps and rules
Value: | <color> |
Initial: | currentColor |
Applies to: | multi-column elements |
Inherited: | no |
Percentages: | N/A |
[CSS3-Multicol] Column gaps and rules
Value: | <border-style> |
Initial: | none |
Applies to: | multi-column elements |
Inherited: | no |
Percentages: | N/A |
[CSS3-Multicol] Column gaps and rules
Value: | <border-width> |
Initial: | medium |
Applies to: | multi-column elements |
Inherited: | no |
Percentages: | N/A |
[CSS3-Multicol] The number and width of columns
Value: | <length> | auto |
Initial: | auto |
Applies to: | block-level elements |
Inherited: | no |
Percentages: | N/A |
[CSS3-Multicol] The number and width of columns
Value: | [ [ <integer> | auto] || [ <length> | auto] ] |
Initial: | see individual properties |
Applies to: | block-level elements |
Inherited: | no |
Percentages: | N/A |
[CSS2.1] 9.5.1 Positioning the float
[CSS3-GCPM] Page floats
Value: | [[left | right | inside | outside] || [top | bottom | before | after ] || page ] | footnote | sidenote | none |
Initial: | none |
Applies to: | all (but restricted) |
Inherited: | no |
Percentages: | N/A |
The following values are supported.
"next" is not supported. The value combined with "page" has restrictions.
[CSS3-Fonts] Font specification
Value: | normal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded | <percentage> | <number> |
Initial: | normal |
Applies to: | all elements and generated content |
Inherited: | yes |
Percentages: | font size |
[CSS3-Text] Edge Effects
Value: | none | [start || [end || end-auto] || first || last ] |
Initial: | none |
Applies to: | block-level, inline-block elements and table cells |
Inherited: | yes |
Percentages: | N/A |
[CSS3-GCPM] Hyphenation
Value: | <integer> | auto |
Initial: | auto |
Applies to: | all elements |
Inherited: | yes |
Percentages: | N/A |
[CSS3-GCPM] Hyphenation
Value: | <integer> | auto |
Initial: | auto |
Applies to: | all elements |
Inherited: | yes |
Percentages: | N/A |
[CSS3-GCPM] Hyphenation
Value: | auto | <string> |
Initial: | auto |
Applies to: | all elements |
Inherited: | yes |
Percentages: | N/A |
[CSS3-GCPM] Hyphenation
Value: | no-limit | <integer> |
Initial: | no-limit |
Applies to: | all elements |
Inherited: | yes |
Percentages: | N/A |
[CSS3-GCPM] Hyphenation
Value: | none | manual | auto |
Initial: | manual |
Applies to: | all elements |
Inherited: | yes |
Percentages: | N/A |
[CSS3-GCPM] Image resolution
Value: | [normal | auto | <dpi>] [ , [normal | <dpi>]]? |
Initial: | normal |
Applies to: | replaced elements |
Inherited: | yes |
Percentages: | N/A |
[CSS2.1] 12.5.1 Lists
[CSS3-Lists] List Content: The 'list-style-type' property
[CSS3-GCPM] The 'super-decimal' list-style-type
Value: | [ <list-style-type> || <list-style-position> || <list-style-image> ] | inherit |
Initial: | see individual properties |
Applies to: | elements with 'display: list-item' |
Inherited: | yes |
Percentages: | N/A |
The following <list-style-type> are supported. ☞ axf:number-transform, format
axf:number-transform="kansuji" axf:kansuji-style="readable" axf:kansuji-letter="kanji"
axf:number-transform="kansuji" axf:kansuji-style="readable" axf:kansuji-letter="〇壱弐参" axf:kansuji-grouping-letter="拾"
axf:number-transform="kansuji" axf:kansuji-style="readable" axf:kansuji-letter="〇壹貳參肆伍陸柒捌玖" axf:kansuji-grouping-letter="拾佰阡萬"
[CSS3-GCPM] Page marks and bleed area
Value: | [ crop || cross ] | none |
Initial: | none |
Applies to: | page context |
Inherited: | no |
Percentages: | N/A |
[CSS3-Page] Using named pages
[CSS3-GCPM] Named page lists
Value: | auto | [ <identifier> ]+ auto? |
Initial: | auto |
Applies to: | block-level elements |
Inherited: | no |
Percentages: | N/A |
[CSS3-GCPM] Page marks and bleed area
Value: | <length> |
Initial: | 6pt |
Applies to: | page context |
Inherited: | no |
Percentages: | refer to width of page box |
[CSS3-Text] Spacing
Value: | none | [start || [end || end-auto || end-except-fullstop] || adjacent] | all | auto |
Initial: | auto |
Applies to: | all elements and generated content |
Inherited: | yes |
Percentages: | N/A |
[CSS3-Page] Page size
Value: | <length>{1,2} | auto | [ <page-size> || [ portrait | landscape] ] |
Initial: | auto |
Applies to: | page context |
Inherited: | N/A |
Percentages: | N/A |
The following can be specified to <page-size>. Case insensitive.
<page-size> | Short×Long |
A3 | 297×420mm |
A4 | 210×297mm |
A5 | 148×210mm |
A6 | 105×148mm |
B4 | 250×353mm |
ISO-B4 | 250×353mm |
JIS-B4 | 257×364mm |
B5 | 176×250mm |
ISO-B5 | 176×250mm |
JIS-B5 | 182×257mm |
B6 | 125×176mm |
ISO-B6 | 125×176mm |
JIS-B6 | 128×182mm |
Letter | 8.5×11in |
Legal | 8.5×14in |
Ledger | 11×17in |
Statement | 5.5×8.5in |
Executive | 7.25×10.5in |
Folio | 210×330mm |
Quarto | 8.5×10.83in |
C | 17×22in |
D | 22×34in |
E | 34×44in |
ISO-Designated | 110×220mm |
ISO-C3 | 324×458mm |
ISO-C4 | 229×324mm |
ISO-C5 | 162×229mm |
ISO-C6 | 114×162mm |
Hagaki | 100×148mm |
[CSS3-GCPM] Named strings
Value: | [[ <identifier> <content-list>] [, <identifier> <content-list>]* ] | none |
Initial: | none |
Applies to: | all elements |
Inherited: | no |
Percentages: | N/A |
[CSS3-Tables] table-column-span and table-row-span properties
Value: | <number> | attr(...) |
Initial: | 1 |
Applies to: | table cells |
Inherited: | no |
Percentages: | N/A |
[CSS3-Tables] table-column-span and table-row-span properties
Value: | <number> | attr(...) |
Initial: | 1 |
Applies to: | table cells |
Inherited: | no |
Percentages: | N/A |
[CSS2.1] 16.2 Alignment
[CSS3-Text] Alignment and Justification
Value: | start | end | left | right | center | justify | <string> |
Initial: | start |
Applies to: | all elements |
Inherited: | yes |
Percentages: | N/A |
[CSS3-Text] Alignment and Justification
Value: | start | end | left | right | center | justify |
Initial: | start |
Applies to: | all elements |
Inherited: | yes |
Percentages: | N/A |
[CSS3-Text] Spacing
Value: | none | [ ideograph-numeric || ideograph-alpha || ideograph-space || ideograph-parenthesis || ideograph-punctuation ] | auto |
Initial: | auto |
Applies to: | all elements and generated content |
Inherited: | yes |
Percentages: | N/A |
[CSS2.1] 16.3.1 Underlining, overlining, striking, and blinking
[CSS3-Text] Text Decoration
Value: | <text-decoration-line> || <text-decoration-color> || <text-decoration-style> |
Initial: | none |
Applies to: | all elements and generated content |
Inherited: | no |
Percentages: | N/A |
[CSS3-Text] Text Decoration
Value: | <color> |
Initial: | currentColor |
Applies to: | all elements and generated content |
Inherited: | no |
Percentages: | N/A |
[CSS3-Text] Text Decoration
Value: | none | [ underline || overline || line-through ] |
Initial: | none |
Applies to: | all elements and generated content |
Inherited: | no (but see prose) |
Percentages: | N/A |
[CSS3-Text] Text Decoration
Value: | <border-style> |
Initial: | solid |
Applies to: | all elements and generated content |
Inherited: | no |
Percentages: | N/A |
[CSS3-Text] Spacing
Value: | none | [punctuation | punctuation-except-fullstop] || [kana | ideograph] || inter-word] | auto |
Initial: | none |
Applies to: | all elements and generated content |
Inherited: | yes |
Percentages: | N/A |
[CSS3-GCPM] Character substitution
Value: | [<string> <string>]+ | none |
Initial: | none |
Applies to: | all elements |
Inherited: | yes or? |
Percentages: | N/A |
[CSS3-Text] Text Decoration
Value: | auto | before-edge | alphabetic | after-edge |
Initial: | auto |
Applies to: | all elements and generated content |
Inherited: | yes |
Percentages: | N/A |
[CSS3-Text] Line Breaking and Word Boundaries
Value: | normal | break-all |
Initial: | normal |
Applies to: | all elements and generated content |
Inherited: | yes |
Percentages: | N/A |
[CSS3-Text] Text Wrapping
Value: | normal | break-word |
Initial: | normal |
Applies to: | all elements and generated content |
Inherited: | yes |
Percentages: | N/A |
[CSS3-Text-Layout] Text flow
Value: | lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl |
Initial: | lr-tb |
Applies to: | all elements and generated content |
Inherited: | yes |
Percentages: | N/A |
bt-rl, tb-lr and bt-lr are not supported.
Specifies whether the line break right after the start tag is disregarded or not.
Value: | false | true | auto |
Initial: | false |
Applies to: | <pre> element |
Inherited: | no |
Percentages: | N/A |
Values have the following meanings.
The line break right after the start tag is not desregarded.
The line break right after the start tag is desregarded.
The line break right after the start tag is desregarded with HTML, not disregarded with XHTML.
This is effective with the element that does not disregard the line break like <pre>.
Generates a hyper-link.
Value: | <uri-specification> |
Initial: | N/A |
Applies to: | all inline elements |
Inherited: | no |
Percentages: | N/A |
☞ [XSL1.1] 7.23.6 external-destination, 7.23.8 internal-destination
Specifies the margin of the after region.
Value: | <length> | <percentage> |
Initial: | 0 |
Applies to: | all elements except elements with table display types other than table-caption, table and inline-table |
Inherited: | no |
Percentages: | refer to width of containing block |
☞ [XSL1.1] 7.11.6 space-after
Specifies the margin of the before region.
Value: | <length> | <percentage> |
Initial: | 0 |
Applies to: | all elements except elements with table display types other than table-caption, table and inline-table |
Inherited: | no |
Percentages: | refer to width of containing block |
☞ [XSL1.1] 7.11.5 space-before
Specifies the margin of the end region.
Value: | <length> | <percentage> |
Initial: | 0 |
Applies to: | all elements except elements with table display types other than table-caption, table and inline-table |
Inherited: | no |
Percentages: | refer to width of containing block |
☞ [XSL1.1] 7.11.8 end-indent, 7.12.5 space-end
Specifies the margin of the start region.
Value: | <length> | <percentage> |
Initial: | 0 |
Applies to: | all elements except elements with table display types other than table-caption, table and inline-table |
Inherited: | no |
Percentages: | refer to width of containing block |
☞ [XSL1.1] 7.11.7 start-indent, 7.12.6 space-start
CSS3 Values and Units : It is an extension of 'attr' function. Specify the element of the ancestor which applies attr() to the first parameter.