Interface IColumnHeaderRenderer

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IColumnHeaderRenderer

A renderer used to visualize the individual headers of columns. Each column can have its own renderer depending on the type of the header value (see TreeTableColumn.getHeaderValue()). Header renderers need to make sure that they visualize the sorting direction if sorting is applied on a column.

Dirk Lemmermann
See Also:
TreeTableHeader.setColumnHeaderRenderer(Class, IColumnHeaderRenderer)

Method Summary
 java.awt.Component getColumnHeaderRendererComponent(TreeTableHeader header, TreeTableColumn column, boolean selected, boolean hasFocus, SortDirection sortDirection, int sortPosition)
          Returns a component that gets used to render the header of a column in the tree table header component.

Method Detail


java.awt.Component getColumnHeaderRendererComponent(TreeTableHeader header,
                                                    TreeTableColumn column,
                                                    boolean selected,
                                                    boolean hasFocus,
                                                    SortDirection sortDirection,
                                                    int sortPosition)
Returns a component that gets used to render the header of a column in the tree table header component.

header - the tree table header component in which the header will be rendered
column - the column for which to draw a header
selected - a flag indicating whether the column is currently selected
hasFocus - a flag indicating whether the column currently has the focus
sortDirection - indicates whether the column is sorted and in which direction
sortPosition - the sort position (important when doing a multi-column sort)
a component that will renderer the header of the given column
1.0 TODO implement the focus and selection support inside the table header