Package com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable

A tree table implementation used solely for the purpose of drawing the left-hand side of a Gantt chart.


Interface Summary
IColumnHeaderRenderer A renderer used to visualize the individual headers of columns.
IRowHeaderMenuProvider<T extends AbstractRowHeader> A menu provider is a convenient way of adding a context sensitive popup menu to an instance of AbstractRowHeader.
IRowHeaderRenderer<T extends AbstractRowHeader> An interface for renderers used by the row header to draw the content of the headers for each row.
ITreeTableCellEditor An interface for objects that can be used as editors for values shown in the cells of a tree table.
ITreeTableCellRenderer A renderer interface used for creating tree table cell renderers.
ITreeTableHeaderMenuProvider A menu provider is a convenient way of adding a context sensitive popup menu to the TreeTableHeader.
ITreeTableMenuProvider A menu provider is a convenient way of adding a context sensitive popup menu to the TreeTable.
ITreeTableRowHeaderRenderer An extension of the row header renderer used for rendering the row headers of a tree table inside a TreeTableRowHeader component.
ITreeTableSelectionModel A selection model definition used for supporting selections performed in an instance of a TreeTable.

Class Summary
CellFocusManager The cell focus manager is concerned with anything related to tracking and changing the focus of tree table cells.
DefaultColumnHeaderRenderer The default colum header renderer displays the column's name.
DefaultTreeTableCellRenderer A default tree table cell renderer implementation using a label as a component.
DefaultTreeTableHeaderMenuProvider A default implementation of a menu provider for a row header, which contains the most common actions usually performed on a row header.
DefaultTreeTableMenuProvider A default implementation of a menu provider for a tree table, which contains the most common actions usually performed on a tree table.
DefaultTreeTableRowHeaderRenderer The default implementation of IRowHeaderRenderer.
DefaultTreeTableSelectionModel The definition of a tree table selection model.
TreeTable The left-hand side of any Gantt chart is represented by a tree table component, which allows the user to drill down the data provided by a tree table model.
TreeTable.BooleanEditor An editor for values of type Boolean.
TreeTable.BooleanRenderer A renderer for drawing values of type Boolean.
TreeTable.CalendarEditor An editor for values of type Calendar.
TreeTable.CalendarRenderer A renderer for values of type Calendar.
TreeTable.ColorEditor An editor for values of type Color.
TreeTable.ColorRenderer A renderer for values of type Color.
TreeTable.DateEditor An editor for values of type Date.
TreeTable.DateRenderer A renderer for values of type Date.
TreeTable.DoubleRenderer A renderer for values of type Double.
TreeTable.EnumEditor An editor for enumerations.
TreeTable.EnumRenderer A renderer for values of type Enum.
TreeTable.IconRenderer A renderer for drawing icons.
TreeTable.NumberEditor An editor for numbers (double, float, ...).
TreeTable.NumberRenderer A tree table cell renderer for numbers (double, float, etc...).
TreeTableContainer A somewhat limited Gantt chart implementation that is only capable of displaying a tree table.
TreeTableDragAndDropManager A manager for the tree table that deals with anything related to drag and drop operations within or between tree tables.
TreeTableHeader The column heder is used in combination with the TreeTable.
TreeTableNode This class is primarily used internally by the TreeTable to store the state of its tree nodes.
TreeTableRowHeader A component used for displaying row numbers and expand / collapse icons on the left-hand side of the tree table.
TreeTableScrollPane A scrollpane specialized on displaying a tree table for the left-hand side of the Gantt chart.

Enum Summary
DefaultTreeTableRowHeaderRenderer.Type A type enumerator that is used to indicate to the renderer whether the application wants standard row numbers to be shown or information based on model information.

Package com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable Description

A tree table implementation used solely for the purpose of drawing the left-hand side of a Gantt chart. The classes in this package do not try to be a substitute for the missing Swing tree table. Certain constraints are embedded in the code that assume that the table will be used as a child control in a Gantt chart container.