Interface ITreeTableCellRenderer

All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultTreeTableCellRenderer, TreeTable.BooleanRenderer, TreeTable.CalendarRenderer, TreeTable.ColorRenderer, TreeTable.DateRenderer, TreeTable.DoubleRenderer, TreeTable.EnumRenderer, TreeTable.IconRenderer, TreeTable.NumberRenderer

public interface ITreeTableCellRenderer

A renderer interface used for creating tree table cell renderers. Such renderers are used for drawing a visual representation of values inside tree table cells.

Dirk Lemmermann
See Also:
TreeTable.setCellRenderer(Class, ITreeTableCellRenderer), TableCellRenderer

Method Summary
 java.awt.Component getTreeTableCellRendererComponent(TreeTable table, java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object value, int depth, boolean selected, boolean expanded, boolean leaf, int row, int column, boolean focus)
          Returns a component suitable for rendering the given value object inside a cell of the given tree table.

Method Detail


java.awt.Component getTreeTableCellRendererComponent(TreeTable table,
                                                     java.lang.Object node,
                                                     java.lang.Object value,
                                                     int depth,
                                                     boolean selected,
                                                     boolean expanded,
                                                     boolean leaf,
                                                     int row,
                                                     int column,
                                                     boolean focus)
Returns a component suitable for rendering the given value object inside a cell of the given tree table.

table - the tree table component in which the cell gets rendererd
node - the hierarchy node that gets displayed in the row where the cell is located
value - the value object stored in the cell
depth - the hierarcy depth of the row in which the cell is located
selected - a flag signalling whether the cell has been selected by the user
expanded - a flag signalling whether the hierarcy node to which the cell belongs is currently in an expanded state (opened)
leaf - a flag signalling whether the hierarchy node to which the cell belongs is a leaf (has no children)
row - the row in which the cell is located
column - the column in which the cell is located (not the model index)
focus - a flag signalling whether the cell is the focus owner
a component suitable for rendering the given value object in the given table cell