Dundas Chart for ASP.NET
100% Stacked Area Chart
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Chart Types > 100% Stacked Area Chart

Glossary Item Box


This chart type displays multiple sets (i.e. series) of data as stacked areas, and the cumulative proportion of each stacked element always totals 100%. The entire chart will always be filled, since the value being measured must be 100% (a combination of several sets of data).


Figure 1: A 100% Stacked Area chart.


Each series in a Stacked Area chart is represented by a "stacked" layer.


Stacked series must be aligned, otherwise data points will be rendered incorrectly. For more information on alignment see the topic on Aligning Series.


Chart Details

Number of Y values per point:


Number of series:

Two or more.

Support markers:


Cannot be combined with:

Doughnut, Pie, Bar, Stacked Bar charts, Polar, Radar, Pyramid, or Funnel.


Custom Attributes


See Also

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