Dundas Chart for Windows Forms
Axis Types
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Using Dundas Chart > Axis > Axis Types

Glossary Item Box


Charts are plotted using X and Y axes. Y axes are always value axes used to plot data (e.g. number of sales, etc.). X axes are normally categorical (e.g. months of the year, etc.), but can be used as value axes as well (e.g. a scatter-type plot). Refer to the diagram below for an illustration of value versus categorical axes.


Catagorical Axis Value Axis
Figure 1: A chart using categorical axis (shown left), and a chart using value axis (shown right).


There are two sets of axes: Primary and Secondary axes. Primary axes for all charts, except the bar charts, are located at the bottom (primary X axis) and left (primary Y axis) border of the chart area. The secondary axes are located at the top (secondary X axis), and right (secondary Y axis) border of the chart area as shown in Figure 2 below.

To set which axes a series is plotted against use the YAxisType and XAxisType properties of a Series object.


Figure 2: The primary and secondary axes.


The bar and stacked bar charts have their X, and Y axes rotated by 90 degrees. This means that the Y axes are horizontal (primary is bottom axis, secondary is top axis), and the X axes are vertical (primary is left axis, secondary is right axis). Refer to Figure 3 below for a pictorial representation of bar chart axes.

Pie and Doughnut charts do not use axes.


Figure 3: Bar chart using Primary and Secondary axes.


Using Multiple Axes As Sub-axes

The charting control allows you to plot your data against primary and secondary x-axes, as well as primary and secondary y-axes. Each primary and secondary axis can also contain a number of sub-axes which can be added using the SubAxis class. In short, both primary and secondary x-axes and y-axes can have their own set of sub-axes.

Sub-axes are useful in that they provide a means by which additional insight can be added to the data that is displayed within a chart. For example, Figure 4 below demonstrates a chart where temperatures are displayed on both the Celsius and Farenheit scales. By using a sub-axis within the primary y-axis to plot these temperature values, a user can easily see how the two temperature readings relate to each other and also to both scales. Now, a user can easily see that 68 degrees Farenheit is 20 degrees Celsius.


Figure 4: A chart with a dollar figure plotted along its y-axis, and a percentage plotted using a sub-axis of the y-axis.


Every axis can have its own set of sub-axes, however, each sub-axis must have its own unique name within its assigned axis collection. This means that two axes with the same name cannot exist as a parent and child (sub-axis) axis. Further, two sub-axes cannot possess the same name.

Using SubAxis has no effect on 3D charts.

This example demonstrates how to programmatically define and use a primary and secondary y-axis with each containing its own sub-axes. This example assumes that a chart called Chart1 has been added to the project, and that a data series called mySeries exists within the project as well. 

Visual Basic Copy Code
' Create a sub-axis object called SubAxis1.
Dim subAxisY As New SubAxis("SubAxis1")
' Add that sub-axis to the primary y-axis collection.
' Create another sub-axis object also called SubAxis1.
Dim subAxisY2 As New SubAxis("SubAxis1")
' Add that sub-axis to the secondary y-axis collection.
' This code assigns our data series called mySeries
' to SubAxis1 of the primary y-axis.
mySeries.YAxisType = AxisType.Primary
mySeries.YSubAxisName = "SubAxis1"
' This code assigns our data series called mySeries
' to SubAxis1 of the secondary y-axis.
mySeries.YAxisType = AxisType.Secondary
mySeries.YSubAxisName = "SubAxis1"
C# Copy Code
// Create a sub-axis object called SubAxis1.
SubAxis subAxisY = new SubAxis("SubAxis1");
// Add that sub-axis to the primary y-axis collection.
// Create another sub-axis object also called SubAxis1.
SubAxis subAxisY2 = new SubAxis("SubAxis1");
// Add that sub-axis to the secondary y-axis collection.
// This code assigns our data series called mySeries
// to SubAxis1 of the primary y-axis.
mySeries.YAxisType = AxisType.Primary;
mySeries.YSubAxisName =
// This code assigns our data series called mySeries
// to SubAxis1 of the secondary y-axis.
mySeries.YAxisType = AxisType.Secondary;
mySeries.YSubAxisName =

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