Dundas Chart for Windows Forms
ChartArea Class Members
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DundasWinChart Assembly > Dundas.Charting.WinControl Namespace : ChartArea Class

The following tables list the members exposed by ChartArea.

Public Constructors

  Name Description
Public Constructor ChartArea Constructor

Creates a new, initialized instance of the ChartArea class.

Default constructor.  

Public Properties

  Name Description
Public Property AlignOrientation

Gets or sets the alignment orientation of a chart area.

Chart areas alignment orientation.  
Public Property AlignType

Gets or sets a value that represents an AreaAlignType value or bitwise "OR" AreaAlignType values to define the alignment to use.

Chart areas alignment type.  
Public Property AlignWithChartArea

Gets or sets the name of the ChartArea object to which this chart area should be aligned.

Name of the chart area which is used for alignment.  
Public Property Area3DStyle Gets or sets a ChartArea3DStyle object, used to implement 3D for all series in a chart area. (Inherited from ChartArea3D)
Public Property Axes

Gets or sets an array that represents all axes for a chart area.

Reference to the Axes  
Public Property AxisX

Gets or sets an Axis object that represents the primary X-axis.

Reference to the Primary X axis  
Public Property AxisX2

Gets or sets an Axis object that represents the secondary X-axis.

Reference to the Secondary X axis  
Public Property AxisY

Gets or sets an Axis object that represents the primary Y-axis.

Reference to the Primary Y Axis  
Public Property AxisY2

Gets or sets an Axis object that represents the secondary Y-axis.

Reference to the Secondary Y axis  
Public Property BackColor

Gets or sets the background color of a ChartArea object.

Chart area Background color  
Public Property BackGradientEndColor

Gets or sets the secondary color of a ChartArea object.

The second color which is used for a gradient  
Public Property BackGradientType

Gets or sets the orientation of a chart element's gradient, and also determines whether or not a gradient is used.

Chart area Background Gradient Type  
Public Property BackHatchStyle

Gets or sets the hatching style of a ChartArea object.

Chart area Background Hatch Style  
Public Property BackImage

Gets or sets the background image of a ChartArea object.

Chart area background image  
Public Property BackImageAlign

Gets or sets the alignment of a ChartArea object.

Background image alignment used by ClampUnscale drawing mode.  
Public Property BackImageMode

Gets or sets the drawing mode of the background image of a ChartArea object.

Chart area background image drawing mode.  
Public Property BackImageTranspColor

Gets or sets the color of a ChartArea object's background image that will be implemented as transparent.

Background image transparent color.  
Public Property BorderColor

Gets or sets the border color of a ChartArea object.

The border line color  
Public Property BorderStyle

Gets or sets the border style of a ChartArea object.

The style of the border line  
Public Property BorderWidth

Gets or sets the border width of a ChartArea object.

The width of the border line  
Public Property CursorX

Gets or sets a Cursor object that is used for cursors and selected ranges along the X-axis.

Chart area X axis cursor and range selection.  
Public Property CursorY

Gets or sets a Cursor object that is used for cursors and selected ranges along the Y-axis.

Chart area Y axis cursor and range selection.  
Public Property EquallySizedAxesFont

Gets or sets a boolean that determines if the labels of all chart area axes (that have LabelsAutoFit set to true) are of equal size.

Indicates that same auto-fit font size will be used for all axes labels.  
Public Property InnerPlotPosition

Gets or sets an ElementPosition object, which defines the inner plot position of a chart area object.

Chart area position  
Public Property Name

Gets or sets the unique name of a ChartArea object.

The name of the chart area  
Public Property Position

Gets or sets an ElementPosition object, which defines the position of a chart area object within the chart image.

Chart area position  
Public Property ShadowColor

Gets or sets the shadow color of a ChartArea object.

The color of the shadow. Use alpha value for real shadow  
Public Property ShadowOffset

Gets or sets the shadow offset (in pixels) of a ChartArea object.

The distance between the chart area and a shadow of the chart area  
Public Property Visible Determines if a chart area is visible.
Gets or sets a flag that specifies whether the chart area is visible.  

Public Methods

  Name Description
Public Method Dispose  
Public Method GetSeriesDepth Call this method to get the depth of a series in a chart area. (Inherited from ChartArea3D)
Public Method GetSeriesZPosition Call this method to get the Z position of a series (useful for custom drawing). (Inherited from ChartArea3D)
Public Method ReCalc

Recalculates a chart area axes scale.

Recalculates the chart area axes scale.  
Public Method TransformPoints Call this method to apply 3D transformations on an array of 3D points (must be done before calling GDI+ drawing methods). (Inherited from ChartArea3D)

See Also

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