
Attribute IDs


#define ATTR_INVALID   0x0
#define ATTR_READ_ERROR_RATE   0x1
 Raw Read Error Rate: Represents the rate of uncorrected read errors. Lower values indicate that there is a problem with either disk surface or read/write heads.
 Throughput Performance: Represents the throughput performance of the drive, i.e. The speed at which the drive is reading and writing data.
#define ATTR_SPIN_UP_TIME   0x3
 Spin Up Time: Represents the average amount of time required to spin up the drive spindle to operational speed from a stopped state.
 Start/Stop Count: Represents the number of start/stop cycles for the drive. The raw value indicates the count of start/stop cycles for the drive. The drive being powered on/off or suspended/woken up are considered as start/stop cycles.
 Reallocated Sector Count: Represents the amount of spare sector pool available. Spare sectors are used to replace sectors that became bad for some reason (for instance, if a read error occurs). Therefore the more sectors reallocated, the worse the condition of the drive. A high value represents few reallocated sectors, a low value represents a disk in poor physical condition.
 Read Channel Margin: Margin of a channel while reading data. The function of this attribute is not specified.
#define ATTR_SEEK_ERROR_RATE   0x7
 Seek Error Rate: Represents the number of seek errors. Each time the drive attempts a seek operation, but fails to position its head correctly, the seek error rate increases.
#define ATTR_SEEK_TIME_PERF   0x8
 Seek Time Performance: Represents how efficiently the drive is performing seek operations. A low value indicates problems with the drive subsystem, for instance the servo responsible for positioning the head.
#define ATTR_POWER_ON_TIME   0x9
 Power On Hours Count: This is an informative attribute, the raw value of which displays the number of hours the drive has been powered on for.
 Spin Retry Count: Represents the number of times a drive fails to spin its spindle up to operation speed on the first attempt. The lower the value, the more retries have occurred.
 Calibration Retry Count: Calibration is the act of repositioning the drive read/write head to cylinder 0. This value represents the number of times a calibration has failed on the first attempt.
 Power Cycle Count: Informative attribute, the raw value of which represents the number of drive power on/drive power off cycles for the disk.
 Soft Read Error Rate: Uncorrected read errors reported to the operating system.
#define ATTR_END_TO_END_ERROR   0xB8
 Temperature Difference from 100: The exact specification of this attribute is not quite stable. This is what it is known as on Seagate drives whereas it is called Airflow Temperature on Western Digital hard disks. In either case this attribute usually has to do with subtracting the temperature from 100 to give a value that is worse when it is lower.
 G-Sense Error Rate: Frequency of mistakes as a result of impact loads.
 Power-off Retract Count: Number of times the heads are loaded off the media. Heads can be unloaded without actually powering off.
 Load/Unload Cycle: Count of load/unload cycles into head landing zone position.
#define ATTR_TEMPERATURE_C2   0xC2
 Temperature: Informative attribute, the raw value of which represents the current temperature in Celsius of the drive.
 Hardware ECC Recovered: Time between ECC-corrected errors.
 Reallocation Event Count: Represents the number of reallocation events, which have taken place. Sometimes multiple sectors are reallocated together – this corresponds to one reallocation event. (See also: Reallocated Sector Count and Current Pending Sector Count).
 Current Pending Sector Count: Represents the number of sectors currently pending reallocation.
 Uncorrectable Sector Count: The total number of uncorrectable errors when reading/writing a sector.
 Ultra ATA CRC Error Count: Represents the number of CRC error found in the Ultra DMA high-speed transfer mode. (CRC stands for Cyclic Redundancy Check and is data verification algorithm which uses polynomial checksums).
 Write Error Count: Represents the rate of uncorrected write errors. Lower values indicate that there is a problem with either disk surface or read/write heads.
 Soft Read Error Rate: Number of off-track errors.
 Data Address Mark errors: Number of Data Address Mark errors.
#define ATTR_ECC_ERRORS   0xCB
 Run Out Cancel: Number of ECC errors.
 Soft ECC Correction: Number of errors corrected by software ECC.
 Thermal asperity rate (TAR ): Number of thermal asperity errors.
 Flying Height: Height of heads above the disk surface.
 Spin High Current: Amount of high current used to spin up the drive.
#define ATTR_SPIN_BUZZ   0xD0
 Spin Buzz: Number of buzz routines to spin up the drive.
 Offline Seek Performance: Drive’s seek performance during offline operations.
#define ATTR_DISK_SHIFT   0xDC
 Disk Shift: Distance the disk has shifted relative to the spindle (usually due to shock).
 GSense Error rate: The number of errors resulting from externally-induced shock & vibration.
 Loaded Hours: Time spent operating under data load (movement of magnetic head armature).
 Load/Unload retry count: Number of times head changes position.
 Load Friction: Resistance caused by friction in mechanical parts while operating.
 Load/Unload Cycle Count: Total number of load cycles.
#define ATTR_LOAD_IN_TIME   0xE2
 Load 'In'-time: Total time of loading on the magnetic heads actuator (time not spent in parking area).
 Torque Amplification Count: Number of attempts to compensate for platter speed variations.
 Power off retract cycle: The number of times the magnetic armature was retracted automatically as a result of cutting power.
 GMR Head Amplitude: Amplitude of "thrashing" (distance of repetitive forward/reverse head motion).
#define ATTR_TEMPERATURE_E7   0xE7
 Temperature: Drive Temperature, unknown units.
 Head Flying Hours: Time while head is positioning.
 Read Error Retry Rate: Number of errors while reading from a disk.

Define Documentation

#define ATTR_INVALID   0x0
#define ATTR_READ_ERROR_RATE   0x1

Raw Read Error Rate: Represents the rate of uncorrected read errors. Lower values indicate that there is a problem with either disk surface or read/write heads.


Throughput Performance: Represents the throughput performance of the drive, i.e. The speed at which the drive is reading and writing data.

#define ATTR_SPIN_UP_TIME   0x3

Spin Up Time: Represents the average amount of time required to spin up the drive spindle to operational speed from a stopped state.


Start/Stop Count: Represents the number of start/stop cycles for the drive. The raw value indicates the count of start/stop cycles for the drive. The drive being powered on/off or suspended/woken up are considered as start/stop cycles.


Reallocated Sector Count: Represents the amount of spare sector pool available. Spare sectors are used to replace sectors that became bad for some reason (for instance, if a read error occurs). Therefore the more sectors reallocated, the worse the condition of the drive. A high value represents few reallocated sectors, a low value represents a disk in poor physical condition.


Read Channel Margin: Margin of a channel while reading data. The function of this attribute is not specified.

#define ATTR_SEEK_ERROR_RATE   0x7

Seek Error Rate: Represents the number of seek errors. Each time the drive attempts a seek operation, but fails to position its head correctly, the seek error rate increases.

#define ATTR_SEEK_TIME_PERF   0x8

Seek Time Performance: Represents how efficiently the drive is performing seek operations. A low value indicates problems with the drive subsystem, for instance the servo responsible for positioning the head.

#define ATTR_POWER_ON_TIME   0x9

Power On Hours Count: This is an informative attribute, the raw value of which displays the number of hours the drive has been powered on for.


Spin Retry Count: Represents the number of times a drive fails to spin its spindle up to operation speed on the first attempt. The lower the value, the more retries have occurred.


Calibration Retry Count: Calibration is the act of repositioning the drive read/write head to cylinder 0. This value represents the number of times a calibration has failed on the first attempt.


Power Cycle Count: Informative attribute, the raw value of which represents the number of drive power on/drive power off cycles for the disk.


Soft Read Error Rate: Uncorrected read errors reported to the operating system.

#define ATTR_END_TO_END_ERROR   0xB8

Temperature Difference from 100: The exact specification of this attribute is not quite stable. This is what it is known as on Seagate drives whereas it is called Airflow Temperature on Western Digital hard disks. In either case this attribute usually has to do with subtracting the temperature from 100 to give a value that is worse when it is lower.


G-Sense Error Rate: Frequency of mistakes as a result of impact loads.


Power-off Retract Count: Number of times the heads are loaded off the media. Heads can be unloaded without actually powering off.


Load/Unload Cycle: Count of load/unload cycles into head landing zone position.

#define ATTR_TEMPERATURE_C2   0xC2

Temperature: Informative attribute, the raw value of which represents the current temperature in Celsius of the drive.


Hardware ECC Recovered: Time between ECC-corrected errors.


Reallocation Event Count: Represents the number of reallocation events, which have taken place. Sometimes multiple sectors are reallocated together – this corresponds to one reallocation event. (See also: Reallocated Sector Count and Current Pending Sector Count).


Current Pending Sector Count: Represents the number of sectors currently pending reallocation.


Uncorrectable Sector Count: The total number of uncorrectable errors when reading/writing a sector.


Ultra ATA CRC Error Count: Represents the number of CRC error found in the Ultra DMA high-speed transfer mode. (CRC stands for Cyclic Redundancy Check and is data verification algorithm which uses polynomial checksums).


Write Error Count: Represents the rate of uncorrected write errors. Lower values indicate that there is a problem with either disk surface or read/write heads.


Soft Read Error Rate: Number of off-track errors.


Data Address Mark errors: Number of Data Address Mark errors.

#define ATTR_ECC_ERRORS   0xCB

Run Out Cancel: Number of ECC errors.


Soft ECC Correction: Number of errors corrected by software ECC.


Thermal asperity rate (TAR ): Number of thermal asperity errors.


Flying Height: Height of heads above the disk surface.


Spin High Current: Amount of high current used to spin up the drive.

#define ATTR_SPIN_BUZZ   0xD0

Spin Buzz: Number of buzz routines to spin up the drive.


Offline Seek Performance: Drive’s seek performance during offline operations.

#define ATTR_DISK_SHIFT   0xDC

Disk Shift: Distance the disk has shifted relative to the spindle (usually due to shock).


GSense Error rate: The number of errors resulting from externally-induced shock & vibration.


Loaded Hours: Time spent operating under data load (movement of magnetic head armature).


Load/Unload retry count: Number of times head changes position.


Load Friction: Resistance caused by friction in mechanical parts while operating.


Load/Unload Cycle Count: Total number of load cycles.

#define ATTR_LOAD_IN_TIME   0xE2

Load 'In'-time: Total time of loading on the magnetic heads actuator (time not spent in parking area).


Torque Amplification Count: Number of attempts to compensate for platter speed variations.


Power off retract cycle: The number of times the magnetic armature was retracted automatically as a result of cutting power.


GMR Head Amplitude: Amplitude of "thrashing" (distance of repetitive forward/reverse head motion).

#define ATTR_TEMPERATURE_E7   0xE7

Temperature: Drive Temperature, unknown units.


Head Flying Hours: Time while head is positioning.


Read Error Retry Rate: Number of errors while reading from a disk.

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