Modules | Defines | Functions



 SMART Return Codes
 Attribute IDs
 Device attributes


#define SERIAL_NUM_LEN   20
#define FIRMWARE_REV_LEN   8
#define MODEL_NUM_LEN   40
#define WWN_LEN   8
#define ATTR_TYPE_STR_DESC   0x20
 A text description of the attribute. See below for a more detailed description of each attribute.
#define ATTR_TYPE_INT_STATUS   0x40
 Provided a status for the attribute. OK means the attribute value is well in the safe zone. FAIL means that a Threshold Exceeding Condition has been detected.
#define ATTR_TYPE_INT_VALUE   0x01
 The current normalized attribute value.
#define ATTR_TYPE_INT_WORST   0x04
 The worst (lowest) value recorded so far. This is an indicator of how close to failure the drive has ever been.
 The attribute threshold. This value will not change and represents the lowest possible safe attribute value.


SYSINFO_API int SysInfoDll_Smart_Init (bool debug, wchar_t *iDebugFile=NULL, bool iRecordTEC=true)
 Call this function to initialize usage of the SMART set of APIs.
SYSINFO_API void SysInfoDll_Smart_Cleanup (void)
 Call this function to clean up memory usage of the DLL after finishing all calls to SysInfo SMART APIs. It de-allocates all memory that was allocated and used by SmartDisk DLL. Calling subsequent SmartDll API calls after SmartDll_Cleanup is an error.
SYSINFO_API int SysInfoDll_Smart_Refresh (bool iRecordTEC=false)
 Call this function to refresh (and re-probe) all SMART devices. If iRecordTEC is true, it records S.M.A.R.T. values for all the available S.M.A.R.T. devices discovered.
SYSINFO_API int SysInfoDll_Smart_GetNumSmartDevices (void)
 Call this function to return the total number of SMART devices detected.
SYSINFO_API int SysInfoDll_Smart_GetNumDetectedDrives (void)
 Call this function to return the total number of volumes detected.
SYSINFO_API int SysInfoDll_Smart_IsValidSmartDevice (int iDeviceID)
 Checks if a particular device ID is a SMART device.
SYSINFO_API int SysInfoDll_Smart_GetDevicePartitionInfo (int *ioDriveNumSameDisk, int *ioNumPartition, int iDeviceID)
 Checks if a particular device ID belongs has multiple partitions.
SYSINFO_API int SysInfoDll_Smart_GetDriveLetterFromDriveNum (wchar_t *ioDriveLetter, int iDriveNum)
 Get the drive letter from the drive number.
SYSINFO_API int SysInfoDll_Smart_GetDeviceSerialNumber (wchar_t *ioBuf, int *ioLen, int iDeviceID)
 Get the serial number of the device.
SYSINFO_API int SysInfoDll_Smart_GetDeviceFirmWareRev (wchar_t *ioBuf, int *ioLen, int iDeviceID)
 Get the firmware revision number of the device.
SYSINFO_API int SysInfoDll_Smart_GetDeviceModelNumber (wchar_t *ioBuf, int *ioLen, int iDeviceID)
 Get the device model number of the device.
SYSINFO_API int SysInfoDll_Smart_GetDeviceCapacity (int *ioCapacity, int iDeviceID)
 Get the capacity of the device in MB .
SYSINFO_API int SysInfoDll_Smart_GetVolumeCapacity (int *ioCapacity, int iDriveNum)
 Get the capacity of a volume in MB .
SYSINFO_API int SysInfoDll_Smart_GetSmartDeviceIDFirst (void)
 Returns the device ID of the first SMART device detected.
SYSINFO_API int SysInfoDll_Smart_GetSmartDeviceIDNext (void)
 Returns the device ID of the next SMART device detected.
SYSINFO_API int SysInfoDll_Smart_GetNumSmartAttr (int iDeviceID)
 Returns the number of SMART attributes for a SMART device.
SYSINFO_API int SysInfoDll_Smart_GetSmartAttributeIDFirst (int iDeviceID)
 Returns the first discovered attribute ID of the SMART device.
SYSINFO_API int SysInfoDll_Smart_GetSmartAttributeIDNext (int iDeviceID)
 Returns the next discovered attribute ID of the SMART device.
SYSINFO_API int SysInfoDll_Smart_GetSmartAttributeByID (void *ioPtr, int *ioLen, int iAttrID, int inAttrType, int iDeviceID)
 Get the attribute value of a particular attribute ID for a SMART device.
SYSINFO_API int SysInfoDll_Smart_GetAttrDescByID (wchar_t *oBuf, int *ioLen, int iAttrID)
 Get the attribute description of a particular attribute ID.
SYSINFO_API int SysInfoDll_Smart_GetDeviceInfo (DEVICEINFO *oDeviceInfo, int iDeviceID)
 Get the device information (such as disk geometry, interface, supported/enabled features).
SYSINFO_API int SysInfoDll_Smart_ExportReport (wchar_t *filename, int iDeviceID, wchar_t *iHeaderText, int iHeaderTextLen, int iExportFlags=3, int iHistoryAttr=0)
 Exports an ASCII text report containing the device information, SMART attribute values and history.
SYSINFO_API int SysInfoDll_Smart_RecordTECData (int iDeviceID)
 Records the current set of normalized and raw attribute values to a binary file for use with TEC prediction.
SYSINFO_API int SysInfoDll_Smart_GetTECDataSetCount (int *ioCount, int iDeviceID)
 Get number of TEC prediction data sets recorded for a particular SMART device.
SYSINFO_API int SysInfoDll_Smart_ExportTECData (time_t *ioTimeArray, int *ioNormValArray, int *ioWorstValArray, int *ioArraySize, int iAttrID, int iDeviceID)
 Extract the TEC prediction data for a particular attribute of a SMART device.
SYSINFO_API int SysInfoDll_Smart_GetTECDataAtIndex (time_t *ioTime, int *ioNormVal, int *ioWorstVal, int inIndex, int iAttrID, int iDeviceID)
 Extract a particular TEC prediction data entry for a particular attribute of a SMART device.
SYSINFO_API int SysInfoDll_Smart_EstimateTECByAttributeID (time_t *ioEarliest, time_t *ioLatest, int iAttrID, int iDeviceID)
 Predicts TEC based on previously recorded TEC prediction data for a particular attribute of a SMART device.
SYSINFO_API int SysInfoDll_Smart_EstimateTEC (time_t *ioEarliest, time_t *ioLatest, int *oAttrID, int iDeviceID)
 Predicts TEC based on previously recorded TEC prediction data for all applicable attributes of a SMART device.

Define Documentation

#define SERIAL_NUM_LEN   20
#define FIRMWARE_REV_LEN   8
#define MODEL_NUM_LEN   40
#define WWN_LEN   8
#define ATTR_TYPE_STR_DESC   0x20

A text description of the attribute. See below for a more detailed description of each attribute.

#define ATTR_TYPE_INT_STATUS   0x40

Provided a status for the attribute. OK means the attribute value is well in the safe zone. FAIL means that a Threshold Exceeding Condition has been detected.

#define ATTR_TYPE_INT_VALUE   0x01

The current normalized attribute value.

#define ATTR_TYPE_INT_WORST   0x04

The worst (lowest) value recorded so far. This is an indicator of how close to failure the drive has ever been.


The attribute threshold. This value will not change and represents the lowest possible safe attribute value.

Function Documentation

SYSINFO_API int SysInfoDll_Smart_Init ( bool  debug,
wchar_t *  iDebugFile = NULL,
bool  iRecordTEC = true 

Call this function to initialize usage of the SMART set of APIs.

This function should only be called once. The call enumerates through all detected drives, initializes the proper structures and retrieves SMART values. If SysInfoDll_Smart_Init is not called first, subsequent SysInfo SMART API calls will fail.

SysInfoDll_Smart_Cleanup must be called afterwards to de-allocate memory.
[in] debug A flag specifying if debug messages should be logged
[in] iDebugFile The name of the debug file to write to. If NULL, "SmartDiskDebug.log" will be used.
[in] iRecordTEC A flag specifying if we want to record and write all SMART attributes to a binary file for the purpose of TEC prediction. This value defaults to true.
SMART_STATUS_SUCCESS (0) if no error or negative error code
SYSINFO_API void SysInfoDll_Smart_Cleanup ( void   ) 

Call this function to clean up memory usage of the DLL after finishing all calls to SysInfo SMART APIs. It de-allocates all memory that was allocated and used by SmartDisk DLL. Calling subsequent SmartDll API calls after SmartDll_Cleanup is an error.

It de-allocates all memory that was allocated by SysInfoDll_Smart_Init.
SysInfoDll_Smart_Cleanup should be called after SysInfoDll_Smart_Init.
SYSINFO_API int SysInfoDll_Smart_Refresh ( bool  iRecordTEC = false  ) 

Call this function to refresh (and re-probe) all SMART devices. If iRecordTEC is true, it records S.M.A.R.T. values for all the available S.M.A.R.T. devices discovered.

This function should not be called between:
[in] iRecordTEC A flag specifying if we want to record and write all SMART attributes to a binary file for the purpose of TEC prediction. This value defaults to false.
SMART_STATUS_SUCCESS (0) if no error or negative error code
SYSINFO_API int SysInfoDll_Smart_GetNumSmartDevices ( void   ) 

Call this function to return the total number of SMART devices detected.

Total number of SMART devices detected or negative error code
SYSINFO_API int SysInfoDll_Smart_GetNumDetectedDrives ( void   ) 

Call this function to return the total number of volumes detected.

Total number of drives detected. If there is an error, a negative error code will be returned.
SYSINFO_API int SysInfoDll_Smart_IsValidSmartDevice ( int  iDeviceID  ) 

Checks if a particular device ID is a SMART device.

[in] iDeviceID Device ID to check
SMART_STATUS_SUCCESS (0) if no error or negative error code
SYSINFO_API int SysInfoDll_Smart_GetDevicePartitionInfo ( int *  ioDriveNumSameDisk,
int *  ioNumPartition,
int  iDeviceID 

Checks if a particular device ID belongs has multiple partitions.

A physical drive can have multiple partitions. For example:

A: (floppy) - drive number 0
C: (1st partition on physcial drive 0) - drive number 2
D: (2nd partition on physcial drive 0) - drive number 3
E: (cdrom) - drive number 4

If we call this function and pass in device ID 0, we will get:

ioDriveNumSameDisk = [2,3],
ioNumPartition = 2

Use SysInfoDll_Smart_GetDriveLetterFromDriveNum to convert the drive number to their corresponding letters.

[out] ioDriveNumSameDisk array of integers that will store the drive numbers of all the volumes that shares the same physical disk
[in,out] ioNumPartition The size of the ioDriveNumSameDisk array. On return, contains the actual number of items in the array. If buffer is not big enough SMART_ERR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL will be returned.
[in] iDeviceID Device ID of the hard disk device
SMART_STATUS_SUCCESS (0) if no error or negative error code
SYSINFO_API int SysInfoDll_Smart_GetDriveLetterFromDriveNum ( wchar_t *  ioDriveLetter,
int  iDriveNum 

Get the drive letter from the drive number.

[out] ioDriveLetter pointer to a character to store the drive letter
[in] iDriveNum the drive number of the volume
SMART_STATUS_SUCCESS (0) if no error or negative error code
SYSINFO_API int SysInfoDll_Smart_GetDeviceSerialNumber ( wchar_t *  ioBuf,
int *  ioLen,
int  iDeviceID 

Get the serial number of the device.

Use a buffer of size SERIAL_NUM_LEN to store the serial number string.
[out] ioBuf pre-allocated character buffer to hold serial number string
[in,out] ioLen The size of ioBuf buffer. On return, contains the serial number string length.
[in] iDeviceID Device ID of the hard disk device
SMART_STATUS_SUCCESS (0) if no error or negative error code
SYSINFO_API int SysInfoDll_Smart_GetDeviceFirmWareRev ( wchar_t *  ioBuf,
int *  ioLen,
int  iDeviceID 

Get the firmware revision number of the device.

Use a buffer of size FIRMWARE_REV_LEN to store the firmware.
[out] ioBuf pre-allocated character buffer to hold firmware revision string
[in,out] ioLen The size of ioBuf buffer. On return, contains the firmware revision string length.
[in] iDeviceID Device ID of the hard disk device
SMART_STATUS_SUCCESS (0) if no error or negative error code
SYSINFO_API int SysInfoDll_Smart_GetDeviceModelNumber ( wchar_t *  ioBuf,
int *  ioLen,
int  iDeviceID 

Get the device model number of the device.

Use a buffer of size MODEL_NUM_LEN to store the firmware revision string.
[out] ioBuf pre-allocated character buffer to hold device model string.
[in,out] ioLen The size of ioBuf buffer. On return, contains the device model string length.
[in] iDeviceID Device ID of the hard disk device
SMART_STATUS_SUCCESS (0) if no error or negative error code
SYSINFO_API int SysInfoDll_Smart_GetDeviceCapacity ( int *  ioCapacity,
int  iDeviceID 

Get the capacity of the device in MB .

[out] ioCapacity Pointer to an integer to hold capacity in MB.
[in] iDeviceID Device ID of the hard disk device
SMART_STATUS_SUCCESS (0) if no error or negative error code
SYSINFO_API int SysInfoDll_Smart_GetVolumeCapacity ( int *  ioCapacity,
int  iDriveNum 

Get the capacity of a volume in MB .

[out] ioCapacity Pointer to an integer to hold capacity in MB.
[in] iDriveNum the drive number of the volume
SMART_STATUS_SUCCESS (0) if no error or negative error code
SYSINFO_API int SysInfoDll_Smart_GetSmartDeviceIDFirst ( void   ) 

Returns the device ID of the first SMART device detected.

Zero (0) is a valid and possible device ID. To check if a device ID is valid, check that it is not negative.
Device ID of the first discovered SMART device or negative error code.
SYSINFO_API int SysInfoDll_Smart_GetSmartDeviceIDNext ( void   ) 

Returns the device ID of the next SMART device detected.

Zero (0) is a valid and possible device ID. To check if the device ID is valid, check that it is not negative.
You must call SysInfoDll_Smart_GetSmartDeviceIDFirst before calling this function. If you call this function before calling SysInfoDll_Smart_GetSmartDeviceIDFirst, outcome is unpredictable.
Device ID of the next discovered SMART device or negative error code.
SYSINFO_API int SysInfoDll_Smart_GetNumSmartAttr ( int  iDeviceID  ) 

Returns the number of SMART attributes for a SMART device.

[in] iDeviceID Device ID of the SMART device
The number of SMART attribute of the device or negative error code.
SYSINFO_API int SysInfoDll_Smart_GetSmartAttributeIDFirst ( int  iDeviceID  ) 

Returns the first discovered attribute ID of the SMART device.

Zero(0) is an invalid attribute ID. To check if attribute is valid, check for value greater than zero.
[in] iDeviceID Device ID of the SMART device
First discovered Attribute IDs of the SMART device or negative error code. If list is empty, SMART_ERR_SMART_ATTR_ID_EMPTY is returned.
SYSINFO_API int SysInfoDll_Smart_GetSmartAttributeIDNext ( int  iDeviceID  ) 

Returns the next discovered attribute ID of the SMART device.

Zero(0) is an invalid attribute ID. To check if attribute is valid, check for value greater than zero.
You must call SysInfoDll_Smart_GetSmartAttributeIDFirst before calling this function. If you call this function before calling SysInfoDll_Smart_GetSmartAttributeIDFirst, outcome is unpredictable.
[in] iDeviceID Device ID of the SMART device
Next discovered Attribute IDs of the SMART device negative error code. If we have reached last attribute ID, SMART_ERR_SMART_ATTR_ID_EOL is returned.
SYSINFO_API int SysInfoDll_Smart_GetSmartAttributeByID ( void *  ioPtr,
int *  ioLen,
int  iAttrID,
int  inAttrType,
int  iDeviceID 

Get the attribute value of a particular attribute ID for a SMART device.

The values obtained from this function are based on SFF-8035i revision 2 SMART specifications, which has been obsoleted. However, many disk manufacturers still follow the same specifications.
[out] ioPtr Pointer to store the requested attribute value. The type of pointer depends on inAttrType:

  • ATTR_TYPE_INT_STATUS Pointer to integer (int*). Get the integer value of the attribute’s status (0 if ok, or 1 if threshold exceeded).
  • ATTR_TYPE_INT_VALUE Pointer to integer (int*). Get the integer value of the attribute’s normalized current value.
  • ATTR_TYPE_ULONGLONG_RAW Pointer to 64bit integer (unsigned long long*). Get the integer value of the attribute’s raw value.
  • ATTR_TYPE_INT_WORST Pointer to integer (int*). Get the integer value of the attribute’s normalized worst value.
  • ATTR_TYPE_INT_THRESHOLD Pointer to integer (int*). Get the integer value of the attribute’s normalized threshold value.
  • ATTR_TYPE_STR_DESC Pointer to wchar_t (wchar_t*). Get string of the attirbute’s description.
[in,out] ioLen (ATTR_TYPE_STR_DESC only) Size of the string buffer (in wchar). On return, contains the length of the description string.
[in] iAttrID Attribute IDs you want to get
[in] inAttrType Attribute type to retrieve(See ATTR_TYPE_* )
[in] iDeviceID Device ID of the SMART device
SMART_STATUS_SUCCESS (0) if no error or negative error code
SYSINFO_API int SysInfoDll_Smart_GetAttrDescByID ( wchar_t *  oBuf,
int *  ioLen,
int  iAttrID 

Get the attribute description of a particular attribute ID.

[out] oBuf A pre-allocated buffer to hold the description string.
[in,out] ioLen Size of the string buffer (in wchar). On return, contains the length of the desc string.
[in] iAttrID Attribute IDs to retrieve the description for
SMART_STATUS_SUCCESS (0) if no error or negative error code
SYSINFO_API int SysInfoDll_Smart_GetDeviceInfo ( DEVICEINFO oDeviceInfo,
int  iDeviceID 

Get the device information (such as disk geometry, interface, supported/enabled features).

[out] oDeviceInfo Pointer to a DEVICEINFO struct to hold the info.
[in] iDeviceID Device ID of hard disk device
SMART_STATUS_SUCCESS (0) if no error or negative error code
SYSINFO_API int SysInfoDll_Smart_ExportReport ( wchar_t *  filename,
int  iDeviceID,
wchar_t *  iHeaderText,
int  iHeaderTextLen,
int  iExportFlags = 3,
int  iHistoryAttr = 0 

Exports an ASCII text report containing the device information, SMART attribute values and history.

[in] filename string containing the file path to save the report to
[in] iDeviceID the device ID to generate report for
[in] iHeaderText string containing additional text to be written at the start of the report.
[in] iHeaderTextLen length of the string in iHeaderText. If set to zero, iHeaderText shall be ignored.
[in] iExportFlags flags to indicate which of the following to export:

  • Bit 0 - Device information
  • Bit 1 - SMART attributes
  • Bit 2 - SMART attributes history
[in] iHistoryAttr Attribute IDs to export the history for. Or set to 0 to export the history for all SMART attributes. (ignored if Bit 2 of iExportFlags is not set)
SMART_STATUS_SUCCESS (0) if no error or negative error code
SYSINFO_API int SysInfoDll_Smart_RecordTECData ( int  iDeviceID  ) 

Records the current set of normalized and raw attribute values to a binary file for use with TEC prediction.

The created binary file is named "<device serial number>.bin"
[in] iDeviceID the device ID to record TEC prediction data for
SMART_STATUS_SUCCESS (0) if no error or negative error code
SYSINFO_API int SysInfoDll_Smart_GetTECDataSetCount ( int *  ioCount,
int  iDeviceID 

Get number of TEC prediction data sets recorded for a particular SMART device.

This function checks for a file named "<device serial number>.bin" for TEC data
[out] ioCount number of TEC prediction data sets recorded
[in] iDeviceID the device ID of the SMART device
SMART_STATUS_SUCCESS (0) if no error or negative error code
SYSINFO_API int SysInfoDll_Smart_ExportTECData ( time_t *  ioTimeArray,
int *  ioNormValArray,
int *  ioWorstValArray,
int *  ioArraySize,
int  iAttrID,
int  iDeviceID 

Extract the TEC prediction data for a particular attribute of a SMART device.

This function checks for a file named "<device serial number>.bin" for TEC data
[out] ioTimeArray Array of time_t values to store the time of sampling
[out] ioNormValArray Array of integer values to store the normalized values
[out] ioWorstValArray Array of integer values to store the worst values
[in,out] ioArraySize Pointer to the size of the arrays. On successful return, contains actual number of sets of TEC values exported.
[in] iAttrID Attribute IDs to retrieve the history for
[in] iDeviceID the device ID of the SMART device
SMART_STATUS_SUCCESS (0) if no error or negative error code
SYSINFO_API int SysInfoDll_Smart_GetTECDataAtIndex ( time_t *  ioTime,
int *  ioNormVal,
int *  ioWorstVal,
int  inIndex,
int  iAttrID,
int  iDeviceID 

Extract a particular TEC prediction data entry for a particular attribute of a SMART device.

This function checks for a file named "<device serial number>.bin" for TEC data
[out] ioTime Pointer to a time_t to store the time of sampling
[out] ioNormVal Pointer to an integer to store the normalized value
[out] ioWorstVal Pointer to an integer to store the worst value
[in] inIndex Index of TEC prediction record to retrieve
[in] iAttrID Attribute IDs to retrieve the history for
[in] iDeviceID the device ID of the SMART device
SMART_STATUS_SUCCESS (0) if no error or negative error code
SYSINFO_API int SysInfoDll_Smart_EstimateTECByAttributeID ( time_t *  ioEarliest,
time_t *  ioLatest,
int  iAttrID,
int  iDeviceID 

Predicts TEC based on previously recorded TEC prediction data for a particular attribute of a SMART device.

This function checks for a file named "<device serial number>.bin" for TEC data
[out] ioEarliest Earliest predicted time for failure
[out] ioLatest Latest predicted time for failure
[in] iAttrID Attribute IDs to use to perform TEC prediction
[in] iDeviceID the device ID of the SMART device
SMART_STATUS_SUCCESS (0) if no error or negative error code.
If SMART_STATUS_SUCCESS is returned, it means ioEarliest is definitely a valid value. ioLatest is valid only if it is not zero.

However, note that the following is actually a warning rather than an error:

  • SMART_WARN_TEC_ATTR_ID_NA: This means that the threshold value corresponding to the attribute ID is zero(0), meaning we have no threshold value to work with to predict TEC.
Please read our disclaimer statement: Specific Disclaimer on Failure Predictions.
SYSINFO_API int SysInfoDll_Smart_EstimateTEC ( time_t *  ioEarliest,
time_t *  ioLatest,
int *  oAttrID,
int  iDeviceID 

Predicts TEC based on previously recorded TEC prediction data for all applicable attributes of a SMART device.

This function checks for a file named "<device serial number>.bin" for TEC data
[out] ioEarliest Earliest predicted time for failure
[out] ioLatest Latest predicted time for failure
[in] oAttrID Attribute IDs used to perform TEC prediction
[in] iDeviceID the device ID of the SMART device
SMART_STATUS_SUCCESS (0) if no error or negative error code.
If SMART_STATUS_SUCCESS is returned, it means ioEarliest is definitely a valid value. ioLatest is valid only if it isnot zero.

However, note that the following are actually warnings rather than errors:

Please read our disclaimer statement: Specific Disclaimer on Failure Predictions.
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