
SMART Return Codes


 No error. Function completed and returned successfully.
#define SMART_ERR_DEVICE_ID_DNE   -1000
 The device ID passed in does not exist. Please use GetSmartDeviceIDFirst and GetSmartDeviceIDNext to get the device ID.
 Disk does not support S.M.A.R.T. Older disk that does not support S.M.A.R.T. will get this error.
#define SMART_ERR_DEVICE_OPEN   -1002
 Valid drive numbers are from 0 ("A:\") to 25 ("Z:\"). Any number not in this range will yield this error.
 Drive number does not exist. This means there is not physical device that has this drive number.
 Drive number is not a fixed drive. Floppies and CDROMs are not fixed drives and will get this error.
 Buffer provided points to NULL.
 Buffer provided is too small to hold all the data.
 Failed to allocate buffer in function.
 There is no S.M.A.R.T. device ID in the list.
 We have reached the end of list for the S.M.A.R.T. device ID(s).
 There is no S.M.A.R.T. attribute for the drive.
 We have reached the end of list for the S.M.A.R.T. attribute(s) for the drive.
 Smart attribute ID is invalid. Attribute ID cannot be zero.
 Smart attribute ID unrecognized by DLL. Possibly a new attribute implemented by certain hard disk manufacturer. The attribute value will still be valid. However, you will get "Unknown Attribute" if you try and get its description string. This is a warning rather than an error.
#define SMART_ERR_FOPEN_FAIL   -5001
 Fail to open file for reading and writing. This happens when the Windows API fopen() returned an error.
#define SMART_ERR_FWRITE_FAIL   -5002
 Fail to write to file. This happens when the number of characters written using the Windows API fwrite() is less than what we intended to write.
#define SMART_ERR_FREAD_FAIL   -5003
 Fail to read file. This happens when the Windows API fread() returned an error.
#define SMART_ERR_ACCESS_RW   -5101
 No read/write permission for file.
#define SMART_ERR_ACCESS_RO   -5102
 No read permission for file.
#define SMART_ERR_FSEEK_FAIL   -5201
 Fail to seek to a location in file. This happens when the Windows API fseek() returned an error.
 Fail to get device capacity.
 No access rights when trying to get info for drive.
 No access rights to gather drive information. In Windows Server and Vista, your application needs to "Run as administrator".
#define SMART_ERR_DLL_NOT_INIT   -10001
 Occur when you try and use SmartDisk DLL’s APIs without first calling SmartDisk Init.
 SmartDisk Init failed to allocate memory.
 This function is not supported in Windows 98/Me.
#define SMART_ERR_EMPTY_STRING   -10004
 Empty string returned from SmartDll GetXXX functions.
 There are no S.M.A.R.T. attributes to record for the chosen drive number.
 The TEC file does not have "SMDL" in the first 4 bytes of the file stream.
 The TEC file does not have ""LDMS" in the last 4 bytes of the file stream.
#define SMART_ERR_TEC_FILE_DNE   -20004
 The TEC file for the drive number does not exist.
 There are not enough TEC data to predict TEC. We need to have at least 3 sets of data.
#define SMART_WARN_TEC_ATTR_ID_NA   -20006
 For given attribute ID, threshold value is 0. It means we have no threshold value to work with to predict TEC.
 No changes in attribute values have been detected, making it impossible to predict TEC.
#define SMART_ERR_UNEXPECTED   -30001

Define Documentation


No error. Function completed and returned successfully.

#define SMART_ERR_DEVICE_ID_DNE   -1000

The device ID passed in does not exist. Please use GetSmartDeviceIDFirst and GetSmartDeviceIDNext to get the device ID.


Disk does not support S.M.A.R.T. Older disk that does not support S.M.A.R.T. will get this error.

#define SMART_ERR_DEVICE_OPEN   -1002

Valid drive numbers are from 0 ("A:\") to 25 ("Z:\"). Any number not in this range will yield this error.


Drive number does not exist. This means there is not physical device that has this drive number.


Drive number is not a fixed drive. Floppies and CDROMs are not fixed drives and will get this error.


Buffer provided points to NULL.


Buffer provided is too small to hold all the data.


Failed to allocate buffer in function.


There is no S.M.A.R.T. device ID in the list.


We have reached the end of list for the S.M.A.R.T. device ID(s).


There is no S.M.A.R.T. attribute for the drive.


We have reached the end of list for the S.M.A.R.T. attribute(s) for the drive.


Smart attribute ID is invalid. Attribute ID cannot be zero.


Smart attribute ID unrecognized by DLL. Possibly a new attribute implemented by certain hard disk manufacturer. The attribute value will still be valid. However, you will get "Unknown Attribute" if you try and get its description string. This is a warning rather than an error.

#define SMART_ERR_FOPEN_FAIL   -5001

Fail to open file for reading and writing. This happens when the Windows API fopen() returned an error.

#define SMART_ERR_FWRITE_FAIL   -5002

Fail to write to file. This happens when the number of characters written using the Windows API fwrite() is less than what we intended to write.

#define SMART_ERR_FREAD_FAIL   -5003

Fail to read file. This happens when the Windows API fread() returned an error.

#define SMART_ERR_ACCESS_RW   -5101

No read/write permission for file.

#define SMART_ERR_ACCESS_RO   -5102

No read permission for file.

#define SMART_ERR_FSEEK_FAIL   -5201

Fail to seek to a location in file. This happens when the Windows API fseek() returned an error.


Fail to get device capacity.


No access rights when trying to get info for drive.


No access rights to gather drive information. In Windows Server and Vista, your application needs to "Run as administrator".

#define SMART_ERR_DLL_NOT_INIT   -10001

Occur when you try and use SmartDisk DLL’s APIs without first calling SmartDisk Init.


SmartDisk Init failed to allocate memory.


This function is not supported in Windows 98/Me.

#define SMART_ERR_EMPTY_STRING   -10004

Empty string returned from SmartDll GetXXX functions.


There are no S.M.A.R.T. attributes to record for the chosen drive number.


The TEC file does not have "SMDL" in the first 4 bytes of the file stream.


The TEC file does not have ""LDMS" in the last 4 bytes of the file stream.

#define SMART_ERR_TEC_FILE_DNE   -20004

The TEC file for the drive number does not exist.


There are not enough TEC data to predict TEC. We need to have at least 3 sets of data.

#define SMART_WARN_TEC_ATTR_ID_NA   -20006

For given attribute ID, threshold value is 0. It means we have no threshold value to work with to predict TEC.


No changes in attribute values have been detected, making it impossible to predict TEC.

#define SMART_ERR_UNEXPECTED   -30001
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