Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractGanttChart
com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing Contains the Gantt chart components and various other user interface elements that can be used together with the Gantt chart. 
com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.action.gantt Actions that are specifically used in the context of a Gantt chart. 
com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer The right-hand side of any Gantt chart is a layer container, which is responsible for managing the various layer types. 
com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print Anything related to printing is contained in this package. 
com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.selector Contains the selector implementations. 
com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline Contains the timeline component, which itself consists of a dateline and an eventline. 
com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable A tree table implementation used solely for the purpose of drawing the left-hand side of a Gantt chart. 

Uses of AbstractGanttChart in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing

Classes in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing with type parameters of type AbstractGanttChart
 class GanttChartFrame<T extends AbstractGanttChart>
          A frame implementation specifically designed for use with a Gantt chart.
 class GanttChartInternalFrame<T extends AbstractGanttChart>
          An internal frame implementation specifically designed for use with a Gantt chart.
 class GanttChartStatusBar<T extends AbstractGanttChart>
          A status bar specifically designed for use in combination with a Gantt chart.
 class GanttChartToolBar<T extends AbstractGanttChart>
          A toolbar for use in combination with a Gantt chart.
 interface IMultiGanttChartContainer<T extends AbstractGanttChart>
          An interface for containers that are capable of storing multiple Gantt charts at the same time.
 class MultiGanttChartContainer<T extends AbstractGanttChart>
          A default multi Gantt chart implementation, which is capable of storing several Gantt charts at once.

Subclasses of AbstractGanttChart in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing
 class DualGanttChart
          A dual Gantt Chart is capable of displaying two charts at the same time while keeping the two left-hand sides and the two right-hand sides synchronized during horizontal scrolling operations.
 class GanttChart
          A basic Gantt chart implementation that is capable of visualizing the data provided by a single Gantt chart model.
 class SimpleGranularityDualGanttChart
          A dual Gantt chart implementation that is pre-configured to use the non-standard SimpleGranularity for its dateline model, the status bar, and the grid policy.
 class SimpleGranularityGanttChart
          A Gantt chart implementation that is pre-configured to use the non-standard SimpleGranularity for its dateline model, the status bar, and the grid policy.

Methods in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing that return AbstractGanttChart
 AbstractGanttChart MessageTable.getGanttChart()
          Returns the Gantt chart that servers as a data source for the table's data model.
 AbstractGanttChart GanttChartControl.getGanttChart()
          Returns the Gantt chart of which the control is a member.
 AbstractGanttChart MessageDialog.getGanttChart()
          Returns the Gantt chart that servers as a data source for the table's data model.
 AbstractGanttChart MultiGanttChartContainerEvent.getGanttChart()
          Returns the Gantt chart that was selected, added, inserted, or removed.
 AbstractGanttChart NavigationControl.getGanttChart()
          Returns the Gantt chart that will be controlled by the control.
 AbstractGanttChart PagingControl.getGanttChart()
          Returns the Gantt chart that will be controlled by the control.
 AbstractGanttChart SortingEvent.getGanttChart()
          Returns the Gantt chart where the sorting operation takes place.
 AbstractGanttChart GanttChartStatusBar.getGanttChart()
          Returns the Gantt chart to which the status bar belongs.
 AbstractGanttChart ColumnChooser.getGanttChart()
          Returns the Gantt chart that gets edited by the chooser.
 AbstractGanttChart UtilityControlPanel.getGanttChart()
          Returns the Gantt chart that gets controlled by the utility control panel.

Methods in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing with parameters of type AbstractGanttChart
 LayerContainer DefaultComponentFactory.createLayerContainer(AbstractGanttChart gc, TreeTable table, IGanttChartModel model)
 LayerContainer IComponentFactory.createLayerContainer(AbstractGanttChart gc, TreeTable table, IGanttChartModel model)
          Creates a LayerContainer for the given Gantt chart and tree table combination.
 Timeline DefaultComponentFactory.createTimeline(AbstractGanttChart gc)
 Timeline IComponentFactory.createTimeline(AbstractGanttChart gc)
          Creates a new Timeline for the given Gantt chart.
 TreeTable DefaultComponentFactory.createTreeTable(AbstractGanttChart gc, ITreeTableModel model)
 TreeTable IComponentFactory.createTreeTable(AbstractGanttChart gc, ITreeTableModel model)
          Creates a TreeTable for the given Gantt chart.
 TreeTableHeader DefaultComponentFactory.createTreeTableHeader(AbstractGanttChart gc)
 TreeTableHeader IComponentFactory.createTreeTableHeader(AbstractGanttChart gc)
          Creates a TreeTableHeader for the given Gantt chart.
 boolean ICommandInterceptor.intercept(AbstractGanttChart gc, ICommand cmd)
          Callback method that gets invoked after a command gets send to the Gantt chart for execution but before is gets passed to the command stack.

Constructors in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing with parameters of type AbstractGanttChart
ColumnChooser(AbstractGanttChart gc)
          Constructs a new chooser for the given Gantt chart.
GanttChartControl(AbstractGanttChart ganttChart)
          Constructs a new Gantt chart control.
GanttChartGlassPane(AbstractGanttChart gc)
          Constructs a buy panel.
GanttChartProgressMonitor(AbstractGanttChart gc)
          Constructs a new progress monitor for the given Gantt chart.
MessageDialog(java.awt.Dialog owner, AbstractGanttChart gc)
          Constructs a new message dialog.
MessageDialog(java.awt.Frame owner, AbstractGanttChart gc)
          Constructs a new message dialog.
MessageTable(AbstractGanttChart gc)
          Constructs a new message dialog.
MultiGanttChartContainerEvent(IMultiGanttChartContainer container, MultiGanttChartContainerEvent.ID id, AbstractGanttChart gc)
          Constructs a new container event.
PagingControlPanel(AbstractGanttChart gc)
          Constructs a new navigation control for the given Gantt chart.
SortingEvent(AbstractGanttChart gc, SortingEvent.ID id)
          Constructs a new sorting event object.
UtilityControlPanel(AbstractGanttChart gc)
          Constructs a new utility control panel.

Uses of AbstractGanttChart in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.action.gantt

Classes in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.action.gantt with type parameters of type AbstractGanttChart
 class AbstractGanttChartAction<T extends AbstractGanttChart>
          An abstract action implementation that is specialized on performing operations on a Gantt chart.
 class AbstractPrintAction<T extends AbstractGanttChart>
          Common superclass for all actions related to printing.
 class AddHighlightedTimelineObjectsAction<T extends AbstractGanttChart>
          An action that adds the currently selected timeline objects to the set of highlighted objects.
 class AlignEndTimesAction<T extends AbstractGanttChart>
          An action that will cause all currently seletected timeline objects to have the same end time.
 class AlignStartTimesAction<T extends AbstractGanttChart>
          An action that will cause all currently selected timeline objects to have the same start time.
 class AllObjectsAction<T extends AbstractGanttChart>
          An action that will cause the timeline to zoom out far enough so that all timeline objects can be seen.
 class ClearHighlightedTimelineObjectsAction<T extends AbstractGanttChart>
          An action which clears the set of highlighted objects.
 class ClearPinnedPopupsAction<T extends AbstractGanttChart>
          An action that will clear all pinned popups.
 class CollapseAllAction<T extends AbstractGanttChart>
          An action that will ensure that all tree nodes in the tree table will be closed.
 class CrosshairAction<T extends AbstractGanttChart>
          An action that toggles the visibility of the crosshair.
 class DeleteTimelineObjectAction<T extends AbstractGanttChart>
          An action that deletes all currently selected timeline objects.
 class EarliestObjectsAction<T extends AbstractGanttChart>
          An action that will scroll the timeline to the earliest used time point (the earliest bar / activity / task).
 class ExpandAllAction<T extends AbstractGanttChart>
          An action that will ensure that all tree nodes in all tree tables will be expanded / open.
 class GridAction<T extends AbstractGanttChart>
          An action that controls the vertical grid lines.
 class LatestObjectsAction<T extends AbstractGanttChart>
          An action that will scroll the timeline to the latest used time point (the latest bar / activity / task).
 class PopupAction<T extends AbstractGanttChart>
          An action that toggles the visibility of the popups.
 class PreviewGanttChartAction<T extends AbstractGanttChart>
          An action that will trigger the preview functionality of the Gantt chart causing a print preview dialog to show up.
 class PrintGanttChartAction<T extends AbstractGanttChart>
          An action that will trigger the print feature of the Gantt chart.
 class RedoAction<T extends AbstractGanttChart>
          An action that will redo the last command that was undone.
 class RedoActionLabeled<T extends AbstractGanttChart>
          An action that will redo the last command that was undone.
 class RelationshipsAction<T extends AbstractGanttChart>
          An action that toggles the visibility of the relationships.
 class RemoveHighlightedTimelineObjectsAction<T extends AbstractGanttChart>
          An action which removes the currently selected timeline objects from the set of highlighted objects.
 class RemoveSortingAction<T extends AbstractGanttChart>
          An action that will remove the current sorting settings.
 class TimeNowAction<T extends AbstractGanttChart>
          An action that scrolls the timeline in such a way that the current time (the time 'now') becomes visible.
 class UndoAction<T extends AbstractGanttChart>
          An action that will undo the last command that was executed.
 class UndoActionLabeled<T extends AbstractGanttChart>
          An action that will undo the last command that was executed.

Fields in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.action.gantt declared as AbstractGanttChart
protected  T AbstractGanttChartAction.ganttChart
          Stores a reference to the Gantt chart.

Uses of AbstractGanttChart in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer

Fields in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer declared as AbstractGanttChart
protected  AbstractGanttChart AbstractLayer.ganttChart
          The parent Gantt chart.

Methods in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer that return AbstractGanttChart
 AbstractGanttChart LayerContainerScrollPane.getGanttChart()
 AbstractGanttChart AbstractLayer.getGanttChart()
          Returns the Gantt chart to which the layer belongs.
 AbstractGanttChart LayerContainer.getGanttChart()
          Returns the parent Gantt chart.

Constructors in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer with parameters of type AbstractGanttChart
LayerContainer(AbstractGanttChart ganttChart, IGanttChartModel model, TreeTable treeTable, ILayerFactory layerFactory)
          Constructs a new layer container.

Uses of AbstractGanttChart in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print

Subclasses of AbstractGanttChart in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print
 class PrintGanttChart
          A Gantt chart specialized on being printed that takes another Gantt chart as its input and copies its configuration object.

Methods in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print that return AbstractGanttChart
 AbstractGanttChart PrintContext.getGanttChart()
          The Gantt chart that is being printed.

Methods in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print with parameters of type AbstractGanttChart
protected  void PrintGanttChart.copySettings(AbstractGanttChart from, AbstractGanttChart to)
          Copies the settings from one Gantt chart to another.
 void PrintContext.setGanttChart(AbstractGanttChart ganttChart)
          Sets the Gantt chart that is being printed.

Uses of AbstractGanttChart in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.selector

Constructors in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.selector with parameters of type AbstractGanttChart
ActionSelector(javax.swing.JComponent parentComponent, AbstractGanttChart gc)
          Constructs a new action selector.
ColumnChooserSelector(javax.swing.JComponent parentComponent, AbstractGanttChart gc)
          Constructs a new column chooser selector.
PagingSelector(javax.swing.JComponent comp, AbstractGanttChart gc)
          Constructs a new paging selector.
SimpleGranularityGotoSelector(javax.swing.JComponent parentComponent, AbstractGanttChart gc)
          Constructs a new selector.
TimeGranularityGotoSelector(javax.swing.JComponent parentComponent, AbstractGanttChart gc)
          Constructs a new selector.
TimeZoneSelector(javax.swing.JComponent parentComponent, AbstractGanttChart gc)
          Constructs a new time zone selector.

Uses of AbstractGanttChart in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline

Constructors in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline with parameters of type AbstractGanttChart
Timeline(AbstractGanttChart ganttChart)
          Constructs a new timeline.
TimeNowThread(AbstractGanttChart gc)
          Constructs a new thread.
TimeNowThread(AbstractGanttChart gc, long delay)
          Constructs a new thread.

Uses of AbstractGanttChart in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable

Subclasses of AbstractGanttChart in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable
 class TreeTableContainer
          A somewhat limited Gantt chart implementation that is only capable of displaying a tree table.

Methods in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable that return AbstractGanttChart
 AbstractGanttChart TreeTable.getGanttChart()
          Returns the parent Gantt chart of the table.
 AbstractGanttChart TreeTableScrollPane.getGanttChart()
          Returns the Gantt chart parent container to which the scrollpane belongs.

Constructors in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable with parameters of type AbstractGanttChart
TreeTable(AbstractGanttChart ganttChart, ITreeTableModel model)
          Constructs a new tree table.
TreeTableHeader(AbstractGanttChart gc)
          Constructs a new column header.