Uses of Interface

Packages that use IGanttChartModel
com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.layer Contains layer-specific commands. 
com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt A model definition and default implementation for a Gantt chart model, which is basically an extension of a tree table model, which itself is an extension of a tree model. 
com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.gantt Policies that will be used in the context of a Gantt chart. 
com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer Policies that will be used in the context of layers. 
com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing Contains the Gantt chart components and various other user interface elements that can be used together with the Gantt chart. 
com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer The right-hand side of any Gantt chart is a layer container, which is responsible for managing the various layer types. 
com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system Contains the system layers for drawing the background, grid lines, popups, relationships, controls, spreadsheets, overviews, global events and activities. 
com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline Classes that deal with timeline layers and the rendering and the selection of timeline objects. 
com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable A tree table implementation used solely for the purpose of drawing the left-hand side of a Gantt chart. 

Uses of IGanttChartModel in com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.layer

Methods in com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.layer that return IGanttChartModel
 IGanttChartModel DefaultAddLayerCommand.getModel()
          Returns the model to which the layer will be added
 IGanttChartModel DefaultRemoveLayerCommand.getModel()
          Returns the model from which the layer will be removed

Uses of IGanttChartModel in com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt

Classes in com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt that implement IGanttChartModel
 class DefaultGanttChartModel<T extends IGanttChartNode<S>,S extends ITimelineObject>
          The default implementation of a Gantt chart model.

Methods in com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt that return IGanttChartModel
 IGanttChartModel GanttChartModelEvent.getModel()
          Returns the source model of the event.

Constructors in com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt with parameters of type IGanttChartModel
GanttChartModelEvent(IGanttChartModel model, GanttChartModelEvent.ID id)
          Constructs a new model event.
GanttChartModelEvent(IGanttChartModel model, GanttChartModelEvent.ID id, ILayer layer)
          Constructs a new model event.
GanttChartModelEvent(IGanttChartModel model, GanttChartModelEvent.ID id, ITimeSpan timeSpan)
          Constructs a new model event.
GanttChartModelEvent(IGanttChartModel model, GanttChartModelEvent.ID id, java.lang.Object node, ILayer layer, TimelineObjectPath[] timelineObjects)
          Constructs a new model event.
GanttChartModelEvent(IGanttChartModel model, GanttChartModelEvent.ID id, java.lang.Object timelineObject, ITimeSpan timeSpan)
          Constructs a new model event.
GanttChartModelEvent(IGanttChartModel model, GanttChartModelEvent.ID id, TimelineObjectPath path)
          Constructs a new model event.

Uses of IGanttChartModel in com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.gantt

Methods in com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.gantt with parameters of type IGanttChartModel
 java.lang.Object DefaultOverviewPolicy.getOverviewStatus(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object timelineObject, IGanttChartModel model)
 java.lang.Object IOverviewPolicy.getOverviewStatus(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object timelineObject, IGanttChartModel model)
          Returns a status object that can be used by the OverviewPalette to determine which color to use when drawing the timeline object.

Uses of IGanttChartModel in com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer

Methods in com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer with parameters of type IGanttChartModel
 ICommand IEditLayerPolicy.getAddLayerCommand(ILayer layer, IGanttChartModel model)
          Returns the command used to add a layer to a model.
 ICommand DefaultEditLayerPolicy.getAddLayerCommand(ILayer layer, IGanttChartModel model)
 ICommand IEditCapacityObjectPolicy.getChangeCapacityCommand(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object capacityObject, IGanttChartModel model, double newCapacityUsed)
          Returns a command object that will perform the actual change of the capacity used value.
 ICommand DefaultEditCapacityObjectPolicy.getChangeCapacityCommand(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object timelineObject, IGanttChartModel model, double newPercentage)
 ICommand IEditActivityObjectPolicy.getChangePercentageCommand(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object activityObject, IGanttChartModel model, double percentage)
          Returns a command object that will perform the actual change of the percentage complete value.
 ICommand DefaultEditActivityObjectPolicy.getChangePercentageCommand(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object timelineObject, IGanttChartModel model, double percentage)
 ICommand IEditTimelineObjectPolicy.getChangeTimeSpanCommand(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object timelineObject, IGanttChartModel model, ILayer layer, ITimeSpan span, int dropAction)
          Returns a command object that will perform the actual change of the timeline object's time span.
 ICommand DefaultEditTimelineObjectPolicy.getChangeTimeSpanCommand(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object timelineObject, IGanttChartModel model, ILayer layer, ITimeSpan span, int dropAction)
 ICommand IEditTimelineObjectPolicy.getCreateCommand(java.lang.Object node, IGanttChartModel model, ILayer layer, ITimeSpan span, int lineIndex)
          Returns a command object that will perform the creation of a new timeline object.
 ICommand DefaultEditTimelineObjectPolicy.getCreateCommand(java.lang.Object node, IGanttChartModel model, ILayer layer, ITimeSpan span, int lineIndex)
 ICommand IRelationshipPolicy.getCreateRelationshipCommand(TimelineObjectPath sourcePath, TimelineObjectPath targetPath, IGanttChartModel model)
          Returns a command object that will perform the actual linking of the source and target timeline objects by making the appropriate changes in the model.
 ICommand DefaultRelationshipPolicy.getCreateRelationshipCommand(TimelineObjectPath sourcePath, TimelineObjectPath targetPath, IGanttChartModel model)
 ICommand IEditTimelineObjectPolicy.getDeleteCommand(java.lang.Object node, ILayer layer, java.lang.Object timelineObject, IGanttChartModel model)
          Returns a command object that will perform the deletion of the timeline object.
 ICommand DefaultEditTimelineObjectPolicy.getDeleteCommand(java.lang.Object node, ILayer layer, java.lang.Object timelineObject, IGanttChartModel model)
 int IDragAndDropPolicy.getDragActions(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object timelineObject, IGanttChartModel model)
          Determines how the given timeline object can be dragged (copy, move, copy or move, none).
 int DefaultDragAndDropPolicy.getDragActions(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object timelineObject, IGanttChartModel model)
 ICommand IDragAndDropPolicy.getDragAndDropCommand(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object droppedTimelineObject, IGanttChartModel model, java.lang.Object newNode, IGanttChartModel newModel, long newStartTime, java.lang.Object[] timelineObjects, ILayer layer, int dropAction)
          Returns a command object that will be used to make the necessary modifications to the models when the user dragged several timeline objects from one row to another at the same time.
 ICommand IDragAndDropPolicy.getDragAndDropCommand(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object droppedTimelineObject, IGanttChartModel model, java.lang.Object newNode, IGanttChartModel newModel, long newStartTime, java.lang.Object[] timelineObjects, ILayer layer, int dropAction)
          Returns a command object that will be used to make the necessary modifications to the models when the user dragged several timeline objects from one row to another at the same time.
 ICommand DefaultDragAndDropPolicy.getDragAndDropCommand(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object droppedTimelineObject, IGanttChartModel model, java.lang.Object newNode, IGanttChartModel newModel, long newStartTime, java.lang.Object[] timelineObjects, ILayer layer, int dropAction)
 ICommand DefaultDragAndDropPolicy.getDragAndDropCommand(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object droppedTimelineObject, IGanttChartModel model, java.lang.Object newNode, IGanttChartModel newModel, long newStartTime, java.lang.Object[] timelineObjects, ILayer layer, int dropAction)
 java.lang.Object IDragInfoPolicy.getDragInfo(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object timelineObject, IGanttChartModel model, int rowHeight, int y, double capacityUsed)
          Returns an object that can be used to show information while the user interactively changes the capacity used value.
 java.lang.Object DefaultDragInfoPolicy.getDragInfo(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object timelineObject, IGanttChartModel model, int rowHeight, int y, double capacityUsed)
 java.lang.Object IDragInfoPolicy.getDragInfo(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object timelineObject, IGanttChartModel model, long timePoint, double percentageComplete)
          Returns an object that can be used to show information while the user interactively changes the percentage complete value.
 java.lang.Object DefaultDragInfoPolicy.getDragInfo(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object timelineObject, IGanttChartModel model, long timePoint, double percentageComplete)
 java.lang.Object IDragInfoPolicy.getDragInfo(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object timelineObject, IGanttChartModel model, java.lang.Object dropNode, ITimeSpan dropSpan)
          Returns an object that can be used to show information during a drag operation (e.g. time span over which the dragged timeline object hovers).
 java.lang.Object DefaultDragInfoPolicy.getDragInfo(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object timelineObject, IGanttChartModel model, java.lang.Object dropNode, ITimeSpan dropSpan)
 java.lang.Object TimeGranularityDragInfoPolicy.getDragInfo(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object timelineObject, IGanttChartModel model, java.lang.Object dropNode, ITimeSpan dropSpan)
 int IDragAndDropPolicy.getDropActions(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object timelineObject, IGanttChartModel model, java.lang.Object newNode, IGanttChartModel newModel, long newStartTime)
          Determines whether the new location as specified by the new tree node, new model and new time span can be used as a drop location for the given timeline object.
 int IDragAndDropPolicy.getDropActions(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object timelineObject, IGanttChartModel model, java.lang.Object newNode, IGanttChartModel newModel, long newStartTime)
          Determines whether the new location as specified by the new tree node, new model and new time span can be used as a drop location for the given timeline object.
 int DefaultDragAndDropPolicy.getDropActions(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object timelineObject, IGanttChartModel model, java.lang.Object newNode, IGanttChartModel newModel, long newStartTime)
 int DefaultDragAndDropPolicy.getDropActions(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object timelineObject, IGanttChartModel model, java.lang.Object newNode, IGanttChartModel newModel, long newStartTime)
 java.lang.String DefaultLabelPolicy.getLabel(IRelationship relationship, IGanttChartModel model)
 java.lang.String ILabelPolicy.getLabel(IRelationship relationship, IGanttChartModel model)
          Returns a label for the given relationship object (usually a summary of the relationship meaning).
 java.lang.String DefaultLabelPolicy.getLabel(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object timelineObject, IGanttChartModel model, LabelType type)
 java.lang.String ILabelPolicy.getLabel(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object timelineObject, IGanttChartModel model, LabelType type)
          Returns various types of labels for a given timeline object.
 java.lang.String DefaultCrosshairPolicy.getLabel(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object timelineObject, IGanttChartModel model, long time, ICrosshairPolicy.LabelPosition position)
 java.lang.String ICrosshairPolicy.getLabel(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object timelineObject, IGanttChartModel model, long time, ICrosshairPolicy.LabelPosition position)
          Returns a label that will be shown to the left/right and top/bottom of the crosshair location.
 java.lang.Object IPopupPolicy.getPopupValue(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object timelineObject, IGanttChartModel model, boolean extended)
          Returns an object that can be utilized to provide some kind of popup for a timeline object.
 java.lang.Object DefaultPopupPolicy.getPopupValue(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object timelineObject, IGanttChartModel model, boolean extended)
 ICommand IEditLayerPolicy.getRemoveLayerCommand(ILayer layer, IGanttChartModel model)
          Returns the command used to remove a layer from a model.
 ICommand DefaultEditLayerPolicy.getRemoveLayerCommand(ILayer layer, IGanttChartModel model)
 boolean IEditCapacityObjectPolicy.isCapacityChangeable(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object capacityObject, IGanttChartModel model)
          Decides whether or not the capacity used value of the object can be changed.
 boolean DefaultEditCapacityObjectPolicy.isCapacityChangeable(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object timelineObject, IGanttChartModel model)
 boolean IEditTimelineObjectPolicy.isCreatable(java.lang.Object node, IGanttChartModel model, ITimeSpan span)
          Decides whether the timeline object may be deleted.
 boolean DefaultEditTimelineObjectPolicy.isCreatable(java.lang.Object node, IGanttChartModel model, ITimeSpan span)
 boolean IEditTimelineObjectPolicy.isDeletable(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object timelineObject, IGanttChartModel model)
          Decides whether the timeline object may be deleted.
 boolean DefaultEditTimelineObjectPolicy.isDeletable(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object timelineObject, IGanttChartModel model)
 boolean IEditTimelineObjectPolicy.isDurationChangeable(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object timelineObject, IGanttChartModel model)
          Decides whether the duration of a timeline object may be edited / changed.
 boolean DefaultEditTimelineObjectPolicy.isDurationChangeable(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object timelineObject, IGanttChartModel model)
 boolean IEditTimelineObjectPolicy.isInPlaceEditable(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object timelineObject, IGanttChartModel model)
          Decides whether a timeline object can be edited with an editor where the editor is usually an instance of ITimelineObjectEditor.
 boolean DefaultEditTimelineObjectPolicy.isInPlaceEditable(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object timelineObject, IGanttChartModel model)
 boolean DefaultLabelPolicy.isLabelTypeVisible(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object timelineObject, IGanttChartModel model, LabelType type)
 boolean ILabelPolicy.isLabelTypeVisible(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object timelineObject, IGanttChartModel model, LabelType type)
          Determines whether or not a certain type of label will be shown for the given timeline object or not.
 boolean IEditActivityObjectPolicy.isPercentageChangeable(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object activityObject, IGanttChartModel model)
          Decides whether or not the percentage complete value of the given activity object can be edited.
 boolean DefaultEditActivityObjectPolicy.isPercentageChangeable(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object timelineObject, IGanttChartModel model)
 boolean IRelationshipPolicy.isRelationshipSource(TimelineObjectPath path, IGanttChartModel model)
          Determines whether the given timeline object can be used for creating a relationship to another object.
 boolean DefaultRelationshipPolicy.isRelationshipSource(TimelineObjectPath path, IGanttChartModel model)
 boolean IRelationshipPolicy.isRelationshipTarget(TimelineObjectPath sourcePath, TimelineObjectPath targetPath, IGanttChartModel model)
          Determines whether the given source timeline object can be linked to the given target timeline object.
 boolean DefaultRelationshipPolicy.isRelationshipTarget(TimelineObjectPath sourcePath, TimelineObjectPath targetPath, IGanttChartModel model)
 boolean ISelectionPolicy.isSelectable(java.lang.Object node, ITimeSpan span, IGanttChartModel model)
          Returns TRUE if the given time span on the given node can be selected by the user (or programmatically) or not.
 boolean DefaultSelectionPolicy.isSelectable(java.lang.Object node, ITimeSpan span, IGanttChartModel model)
 boolean ISelectionPolicy.isSelectable(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object timelineObject, IGanttChartModel model)
          Returns TRUE if the given timeline object on the given node can be selected by the user (or programmatically) or not.
 boolean DefaultSelectionPolicy.isSelectable(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object timelineObject, IGanttChartModel model)
 boolean IEditTimelineObjectPolicy.isStartTimeChangeable(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object timelineObject, IGanttChartModel model)
          Decides whether the start time of a timeline object may be edited / changed.
 boolean DefaultEditTimelineObjectPolicy.isStartTimeChangeable(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object timelineObject, IGanttChartModel model)

Uses of IGanttChartModel in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing

Methods in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing that return IGanttChartModel
 IGanttChartModel ObjectBounds.getModel()
          Returns the model from which the timeline object originated.
 IGanttChartModel AbstractGanttChart.getModel()
          Returns the Gantt chart's data model.
 IGanttChartModel DualGanttChart.getSecondaryModel()
          Returns the secondary Gantt chart model.

Methods in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing with parameters of type IGanttChartModel
 LayerContainer DefaultComponentFactory.createLayerContainer(AbstractGanttChart gc, TreeTable table, IGanttChartModel model)
 LayerContainer IComponentFactory.createLayerContainer(AbstractGanttChart gc, TreeTable table, IGanttChartModel model)
          Creates a LayerContainer for the given Gantt chart and tree table combination.
protected  TreeTableScrollPane DualGanttChart.createTreeTableScrollPane(boolean primary, IGanttChartModel model, TreeTable table)
          Creates the left-hand side of a Gantt chart, a scrollpane that wraps a tree table, a column header and a row header.
 void AbstractGanttChart.setModel(IGanttChartModel model)
          Specifies a model to be used by the Gantt chart as a data source.
 void DualGanttChart.setSecondaryModel(IGanttChartModel model)
          Specifies a new secondary Gantt chart model.

Constructors in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing with parameters of type IGanttChartModel
AbstractGanttChart(IGanttChartModel model)
          Constructs a new Gantt chart with the two 'singleton' elements: a timeline (includes dateline and eventline) and a colum header.
AbstractGanttChart(IGanttChartModel model, IColumnModel columnModel)
          Constructs a new Gantt chart with the two 'singleton' elements: a timeline (includes dateline and eventline) and a colum header.
AbstractGanttChart(IGanttChartModel model, IColumnModel columnModel, IComponentFactory compFactory)
          Constructs a new Gantt chart with the two 'singleton' elements: a timeline (includes dateline and eventline) and a colum header.
AbstractGanttChart(IGanttChartModel model, IComponentFactory compFactory)
          Constructs a new Gantt chart with the two 'singleton' elements: a timeline (includes dateline and eventline) and a colum header.
DualGanttChart(IGanttChartModel model)
          Constructs a new Gantt chart that is capable of displaying two models at the same time (a primary and a secondary model).
DualGanttChart(IGanttChartModel primaryModel, IGanttChartModel secondaryModel)
          Constructs a new Gantt chart that is capable of displaying two models at the same time (a primary and a secondary model).
DualGanttChart(IGanttChartModel primaryModel, IGanttChartModel secondaryModel)
          Constructs a new Gantt chart that is capable of displaying two models at the same time (a primary and a secondary model).
DualGanttChart(IGanttChartModel primaryModel, IGanttChartModel secondaryModel, IColumnModel columnModel)
          Constructs a new Gantt chart that is capable of displaying two models at the same time (a primary and a secondary model).
DualGanttChart(IGanttChartModel primaryModel, IGanttChartModel secondaryModel, IColumnModel columnModel)
          Constructs a new Gantt chart that is capable of displaying two models at the same time (a primary and a secondary model).
DualGanttChart(IGanttChartModel primaryModel, IGanttChartModel secondaryModel, IColumnModel columnModel, IComponentFactory compFactory)
          Constructs a new Gantt chart that is capable of displaying two models at the same time (a primary and a secondary model).
DualGanttChart(IGanttChartModel primaryModel, IGanttChartModel secondaryModel, IColumnModel columnModel, IComponentFactory compFactory)
          Constructs a new Gantt chart that is capable of displaying two models at the same time (a primary and a secondary model).
DualGanttChart(IGanttChartModel primaryModel, IGanttChartModel secondaryModel, IComponentFactory compFactory)
          Constructs a new Gantt chart that is capable of displaying two models at the same time (a primary and a secondary model).
DualGanttChart(IGanttChartModel primaryModel, IGanttChartModel secondaryModel, IComponentFactory compFactory)
          Constructs a new Gantt chart that is capable of displaying two models at the same time (a primary and a secondary model).
GanttChart(IGanttChartModel model)
          Constructs a new standard Gantt chart.
GanttChart(IGanttChartModel model, IColumnModel columnModel)
          Constructs a new standard Gantt chart.
GanttChart(IGanttChartModel model, IColumnModel columnModel, IComponentFactory compFactory)
          Constructs a new standard Gantt chart.
GanttChart(IGanttChartModel model, IColumnModel columnModel, java.util.TimeZone zone, IComponentFactory compFactory)
          Constructs a new standard Gantt chart.
GanttChart(IGanttChartModel model, IComponentFactory compFactory)
          Constructs a new standard Gantt chart.
ObjectBounds(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object obj, IGanttChartModel model, int x, int y, int width, int height, TreeTableNode treeTableNode, TimelineObjectLayer layer)
          Constructs a new bounds object.
SimpleGranularityDualGanttChart(IGanttChartModel model)
          Constructs a new dual Gantt chart that uses a simple dateline.
SimpleGranularityDualGanttChart(IGanttChartModel primaryModel, IGanttChartModel secondaryModel)
          Constructs a new dual Gantt chart that uses a simple dateline.
SimpleGranularityDualGanttChart(IGanttChartModel primaryModel, IGanttChartModel secondaryModel)
          Constructs a new dual Gantt chart that uses a simple dateline.
SimpleGranularityDualGanttChart(IGanttChartModel primaryModel, IGanttChartModel secondaryModel, IColumnModel columnModel)
          Constructs a new dual Gantt chart that uses a simple dateline.
SimpleGranularityDualGanttChart(IGanttChartModel primaryModel, IGanttChartModel secondaryModel, IColumnModel columnModel)
          Constructs a new dual Gantt chart that uses a simple dateline.
SimpleGranularityDualGanttChart(IGanttChartModel primaryModel, IGanttChartModel secondaryModel, IColumnModel columnModel, SimpleComponentFactory compFactory)
          Constructs a new dual Gantt chart that uses a simple dateline.
SimpleGranularityDualGanttChart(IGanttChartModel primaryModel, IGanttChartModel secondaryModel, IColumnModel columnModel, SimpleComponentFactory compFactory)
          Constructs a new dual Gantt chart that uses a simple dateline.
SimpleGranularityDualGanttChart(IGanttChartModel primaryModel, IGanttChartModel secondaryModel, SimpleComponentFactory compFactory)
          Constructs a new dual Gantt chart that uses a simple dateline.
SimpleGranularityDualGanttChart(IGanttChartModel primaryModel, IGanttChartModel secondaryModel, SimpleComponentFactory compFactory)
          Constructs a new dual Gantt chart that uses a simple dateline.
SimpleGranularityGanttChart(IGanttChartModel model)
          Constructs a new Gantt chart that is using a simple dateline.
SimpleGranularityGanttChart(IGanttChartModel model, IColumnModel columnModel)
          Constructs a new Gantt chart that is using a simple dateline.
SimpleGranularityGanttChart(IGanttChartModel model, IColumnModel columnModel, SimpleComponentFactory compFactory)
          Constructs a new Gantt chart that is using a simple dateline.
SimpleGranularityGanttChart(IGanttChartModel model, IColumnModel columnModel, java.util.TimeZone zone, SimpleComponentFactory compFactory)
          Constructs a new Gantt chart that is using a simple dateline.
SimpleGranularityGanttChart(IGanttChartModel model, SimpleComponentFactory compFactory)
          Constructs a new Gantt chart that is using a simple dateline.

Uses of IGanttChartModel in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer

Methods in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer that return IGanttChartModel
 IGanttChartModel AbstractLayer.getModel()
          Returns the Gantt chart model.
 IGanttChartModel LayerContainer.getModel()
          Returns the Gantt chart model.

Constructors in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer with parameters of type IGanttChartModel
LayerContainer(AbstractGanttChart ganttChart, IGanttChartModel model, TreeTable treeTable, ILayerFactory layerFactory)
          Constructs a new layer container.

Uses of IGanttChartModel in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system

Fields in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system declared as IGanttChartModel
protected  IGanttChartModel DefaultRowRenderer.model
          The model that returned the node for which the row renderer gets invoked.

Methods in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system that return IGanttChartModel
protected  IGanttChartModel DefaultRowRenderer.getModel()
          Returns the Gantt chart model of which the node in need of rendering is a member.

Methods in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system with parameters of type IGanttChartModel
protected  java.awt.Paint DefaultRelationshipRenderer.getLinePaint(IRelationship rel, IGanttChartModel model)
          Returns the paint that will be used for drawing the given relationship.
protected  java.awt.Stroke DefaultRelationshipRenderer.getLineStroke(IRelationship rel, IGanttChartModel model)
          Returns the stroke that will be used for drawing the given relationship.
 java.awt.Component IPopupRenderer.getPopupRendererComponent(PopupLayer pl, java.lang.Object popupValue, java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object timelineObject, IGanttChartModel model, boolean pinned)
          Returns the component that will be used as a popup that provides additional information about a timeline object.
 javax.swing.JComponent DefaultPopupRenderer.getPopupRendererComponent(PopupLayer pl, java.lang.Object popupValue, java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object timelineObject, IGanttChartModel model, boolean pinned)
protected  javax.swing.Icon DefaultPopupRenderer.getTitleIcon(java.lang.Object popupValue, java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object timelineObject, IGanttChartModel model)
          Returns an icon that will be shown in the header / title of the popup.
protected  void RelationshipLayer.paintRelationship(java.awt.Graphics g, int w, int h, IRelationship relationship, IGanttChartModel model)
          Paints the given relationship object.

Uses of IGanttChartModel in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline

Methods in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline that return IGanttChartModel
protected  IGanttChartModel DefaultTimelineObjectRenderer.getModel()
          Returns the model that provided the currently rendered timeline object.

Uses of IGanttChartModel in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable

Constructors in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable with parameters of type IGanttChartModel
TreeTableContainer(IGanttChartModel model)
          Constructs a new tree table container that will use a DefaultColumnModel for the tree table / column header and a DefaultComponentFactory for creating the controls it needs.
TreeTableContainer(IGanttChartModel model, IColumnModel columnModel)
          Constructs a new tree table container that will use a DefaultComponentFactory to create the controls it needs.
TreeTableContainer(IGanttChartModel model, IColumnModel columnModel, IComponentFactory compFactory)
          Constructs a new tree table container.
TreeTableContainer(IGanttChartModel model, IComponentFactory compFactory)
          Constructs a new tree table container that will use a DefaultColumnModel for the tree table / column header.