ganttChart - Variable in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.action.gantt.AbstractGanttChartAction
Stores a reference to the Gantt chart.
GanttChart - Class in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing
A basic Gantt chart implementation that is capable of visualizing the data provided by a single Gantt chart model.
GanttChart(IGanttChartModel, IColumnModel, TimeZone, IComponentFactory) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChart
Constructs a new standard Gantt chart.
GanttChart(IGanttChartModel, IColumnModel, IComponentFactory) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChart
Constructs a new standard Gantt chart.
GanttChart(IGanttChartModel, IColumnModel) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChart
Constructs a new standard Gantt chart.
GanttChart(IGanttChartModel, IComponentFactory) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChart
Constructs a new standard Gantt chart.
GanttChart(IGanttChartModel) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChart
Constructs a new standard Gantt chart.
GanttChart(IColumnModel) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChart
Constructs a new standard Gantt chart.
GanttChart(IComponentFactory) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChart
Constructs a new standard Gantt chart.
GanttChart() - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChart
Constructs a new standard Gantt chart.
ganttChart - Variable in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.AbstractLayer
The parent Gantt chart.
ganttChartChanged(GanttChartModelEvent) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.IGanttChartModelListener
Callback method that gets invoked whenever change occures in the Gantt chart model that is being observed by the listener.
ganttChartChanged(GanttChartModelEvent) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
GanttChartControl - Class in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing
Gantt chart controls are those user interface components that surround the main controls on the left-hand and the right-hand side of the Gantt chart.
GanttChartControl(AbstractGanttChart) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartControl
Constructs a new Gantt chart control.
GanttChartFrame<T extends AbstractGanttChart> - Class in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing
A frame implementation specifically designed for use with a Gantt chart.
GanttChartFrame(String, T, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartFrame
Constructs a new frame and adds the given Gantt chart, a toolbar, a status bar and a glass pane.
GanttChartFrame(String, T) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartFrame
Constructs a new frame and adds the given Gantt chart, a toolbar, a status bar and a glass pane.
GanttChartGlassPane - Class in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing
A panel designed to be used as a glass pane inside a window (frame or dialog).
GanttChartGlassPane(AbstractGanttChart) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartGlassPane
Constructs a buy panel.
GanttChartInternalFrame<T extends AbstractGanttChart> - Class in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing
An internal frame implementation specifically designed for use with a Gantt chart.
GanttChartInternalFrame(T) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartInternalFrame
Constructs a new internal frame and adds the given Gantt chart, a toolbar, a status bar and a glass pane.
GanttChartInternalFrame(String, T) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartInternalFrame
Constructs a new internal frame and adds the given Gantt chart, a toolbar, a status bar and a glass pane.
GanttChartInternalFrame(String, T, boolean) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartInternalFrame
Constructs a new internal frame and adds the given Gantt chart, a toolbar, a status bar and a glass pane.
GanttChartInternalFrame(String, T, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartInternalFrame
Constructs a new internal frame and adds the given Gantt chart, a toolbar, a status bar and a glass pane.
GanttChartInternalFrame(String, T, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartInternalFrame
Constructs a new internal frame and adds the given Gantt chart, a toolbar, a status bar and a glass pane.
GanttChartInternalFrame(String, T, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartInternalFrame
Constructs a new internal frame and adds the given Gantt chart, a toolbar, a status bar and a glass pane.
GanttChartModelEvent - Class in com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt
An event object class used for informing IGanttChartModelListener instances about changes in the model that they are observing.
GanttChartModelEvent(IGanttChartModel, GanttChartModelEvent.ID, ILayer) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.GanttChartModelEvent
Constructs a new model event.
GanttChartModelEvent(IGanttChartModel, GanttChartModelEvent.ID, ITimeSpan) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.GanttChartModelEvent
Constructs a new model event.
GanttChartModelEvent(IGanttChartModel, GanttChartModelEvent.ID, Object, ITimeSpan) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.GanttChartModelEvent
Constructs a new model event.
GanttChartModelEvent(IGanttChartModel, GanttChartModelEvent.ID, TimelineObjectPath) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.GanttChartModelEvent
Constructs a new model event.
GanttChartModelEvent(IGanttChartModel, GanttChartModelEvent.ID, Object, ILayer, TimelineObjectPath[]) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.GanttChartModelEvent
Constructs a new model event.
GanttChartModelEvent(IGanttChartModel, GanttChartModelEvent.ID) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.GanttChartModelEvent
Constructs a new model event.
GanttChartModelEvent.ID - Enum in com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt
An event identifier used to indicate what kind of event has taken place.
GanttChartProgressMonitor - Class in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing
A progress monitor implementation for the Gantt chart.
GanttChartProgressMonitor(AbstractGanttChart) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartProgressMonitor
Constructs a new progress monitor for the given Gantt chart.
GanttChartStatusBar<T extends AbstractGanttChart> - Class in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing
A status bar specifically designed for use in combination with a Gantt chart.
GanttChartStatusBar(T) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartStatusBar
Constructs a new status bar for the given Gantt chart.
GanttChartStatusBar(IMultiGanttChartContainer<T>) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartStatusBar
Constructs a new status bar for the given multi Gantt chart container.
GanttChartToolBar<T extends AbstractGanttChart> - Class in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing
A toolbar for use in combination with a Gantt chart.
GanttChartToolBar(String, int, T, Collection<GanttChartToolBar.Control>) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartToolBar
Creates a new toolbar for use with a Gantt chart.
GanttChartToolBar(String, int, T) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartToolBar
Creates a new toolbar for use with a Gantt chart.
GanttChartToolBar(String, T) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartToolBar
Creates a new toolbar for use with a Gantt chart.
GanttChartToolBar(int, T) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartToolBar
Creates a new toolbar for use with a Gantt chart.
GanttChartToolBar(T) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartToolBar
Creates a new toolbar for use with a Gantt chart.
GanttChartToolBar(String, int, IMultiGanttChartContainer<T>, Collection<GanttChartToolBar.Control>) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartToolBar
Creates a new toolbar for use with a Gantt chart container.
GanttChartToolBar(String, int, IMultiGanttChartContainer<T>) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartToolBar
Creates a new toolbar for use with a Gantt chart.
GanttChartToolBar(String, IMultiGanttChartContainer<T>) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartToolBar
Creates a new toolbar for use with a Gantt chart.
GanttChartToolBar(int, IMultiGanttChartContainer<T>) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartToolBar
Creates a new toolbar for use with a Gantt chart.
GanttChartToolBar(IMultiGanttChartContainer<T>) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartToolBar
Creates a new toolbar for use with a Gantt chart container.
GanttChartToolBar.Control - Enum in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing
An enumerator that can be used in combination with the toolbar constructor to determine which buttons are displayed.
GanttChartToolBar.Mode - Enum in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing
Different display modes supported by the toolbar.
get() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.util.AbstractSwingWorker
Return the value created by the construct method.
getActionClass() - Method in enum com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartToolBar.Control
Returns the action class that is assoicated with the control.
getActionSelector() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartStatusBar
Returns the action selector used by the status bar to display the actions (key strokes) defined on the Gantt chart.
getActionSelectorLabel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartStatusBar
Returns the label used to display the actions (key strokes) defined on the Gantt chart.
getActivityFillColor1() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultTimelineObjectRenderer
Returns the first color that will be used for filling the background of the timeline object with a gradient paint.
getActivityFillColor1() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.DefaultEventlineObjectRenderer
Returns the first color that will be used for filling the background of the timeline object with a gradient paint.
getActivityFillColor2() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultTimelineObjectRenderer
Returns the second color that will be used for filling the background of the timeline object with a gradient paint.
getActivityFillColor2() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.DefaultEventlineObjectRenderer
Returns the second color that will be used for filling the background of the timeline object with a gradient paint.
getActivityLineColor() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultTimelineObjectRenderer
Returns the line color that will be used for drawing the border of a timeline object if it is an activity (different start and end times).
getActivityLineColor() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.DefaultEventlineObjectRenderer
Returns the line color that will be used for drawing the border of a timeline object if it is an activity (different start and end times).
getActivityObject() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.layer.DefaultChangePercentageCommand
Returns the activity object that was / will be modified.
getActivityObject() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultActivityObjectRenderer
Returns the activity object that is currently being rendered.
getAddButton() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.ColumnChooser
Returns the button that is being used to add a column to the list of used columns.
getAddLayerCommand(ILayer, IGanttChartModel) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.DefaultEditLayerPolicy
getAddLayerCommand(ILayer, IGanttChartModel) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.IEditLayerPolicy
Returns the command used to add a layer to a model.
getAllObjectBoundsAt(int, int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
Searches for and returns all object bounds for the given coordinates.
getAllObjectBoundsAt(int, int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.TimelineObjectLayer
Returns the object bounds for all timeline objects found at the given coordinate.
getAlpha() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.AbstractLayer
Returns the alpha channel value used by the layer for rendering operations.
getAlpha() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns the alpha channel value (default is 1).
getAlternatingBackground() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
Returns the color used as an alternating background color for odd row numbers.
getAlternatingBackground() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns the alternating background color.
getAlternatingForeground() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns the alternating foreground color.
getApplyButton() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.AbstractTimelineControlPanel
Returns the button used for applying the settings to the timeline.
getArea() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultPopupRenderer
Returns the text area used for displaying the popup text.
getArrowSize() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultRelationshipRenderer
getAutoscrollInsets() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
getAutoscrollInsets() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
getAutoscrollInsets() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.util.AutoscrollSupport
getAvailableColumns() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.AbstractGanttChart
Returns the list of available columns.
getAvailableList() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.ColumnChooser
Returns the UI list that displays the available columns.
getBackground(int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
Returns the background color for the given row.
getBackground(int, boolean) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns the background color for the given row.
getBackground(int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns the background color for the given row.
getBackgroundColor1() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultDragInfoRenderer
Returns the first background color used for the gradient paint that fills the background.
getBackgroundColor1() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultPopupRenderer
Returns the first background color used for the gradient paint that fills the background.
getBackgroundColor1() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.util.GradientBorder
Returns the background color with which the gradient starts painting itself.
getBackgroundColor2() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultDragInfoRenderer
Returns the second background color used for the gradient paint that fills the background.
getBackgroundColor2() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultPopupRenderer
Returns the second background color used for the gradient paint that fills the background.
getBackgroundColor2() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.util.GradientBorder
Returns the background color with which the gradient stops painting itself.
getBarHeight() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultTimelineObjectRenderer
Returns the height that will be used for the bar that will represent an activity timeline object.
getBookmark() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.bookmarks.BookmarkEvent
Returns the bookmark that was added or removed.
getBookmark(int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.bookmarks.DefaultBookmarkModel
getBookmark(int) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.bookmarks.IBookmarkModel
Returns the bookmark for the given index.
getBookmarkCount() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.bookmarks.DefaultBookmarkModel
getBookmarkCount() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.bookmarks.IBookmarkModel
Returns the total number of bookmarks added to the model.
getBookmarkModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
Returns the (optional) bookmark model.
getBorderInsets(Component) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultDragInfoRenderer
getBorderInsets(Component) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultPopupRenderer
getBorderInsets(Component) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.AbstractTimelineObjectEditor
getBorderInsets(Component) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.util.CustomizableLineBorder
getBorderInsets(Component) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.util.GradientBorder
getBorderInsets(Component) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.util.Simple3DBorder
Returns insets;
getButton(GanttChartToolBar.Control) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartToolBar
Returns the button that was created for the given toolbar control.
getButtonPanel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.selector.ColumnChooserSelector
Returns the button panel that contains the close button.
getCalendarBackground(ICalendarModel, IDatelineModel, long) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.AbstractDatelineRenderer
Returns a background color for the given time point, calendar model and dateline model.
getCalendarEntries(IDatelineModel, ITimeSpan) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.calendar.ICalendarModel
Returns an iterator for iterating over all calendar entries within the given time span.
getCalendarEntries(IDatelineModel, T, ITimeSpan) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.calendar.ICalendarModel
Returns an iterator for iterating over all calendar entries of the given node within the given time span.
getCalendarEntries(IDatelineModel, ITimeSpan) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.calendar.TimeGranularityCalendarModel
getCalendarEntries(IDatelineModel, T, ITimeSpan) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.calendar.TimeGranularityCalendarModel
getCalendarEntryBackground(Class) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.AbstractDatelineRenderer
Returns the background color that will be used for drawing time spans that intersect with calendar entries of the given type.
getCalendarEntryForeground(Class) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.AbstractDatelineRenderer
Returns the foreground color that will be used for drawing time spans that intersect with calendar entries of the given type.
getCalendarEntryRenderer(Class) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.CalendarLayer
Returns a popup renderer for a given popup value type.
getCalendarEntryRendererComponent(CalendarLayer, Object) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultCalendarEntryRenderer
getCalendarEntryRendererComponent(CalendarLayer, Object) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.ICalendarEntryRenderer
Returns a component that will be used to render (visualize) the given calendar entry object.
getCalendarEntryRendererMap() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.CalendarLayer
Returns the map storring the mappings between calendar entry types and calendar entry renderers.
getCalendarEntryTimeSpan(S) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.calendar.AbstractEntryCalendarModel
getCalendarEntryTimeSpan(S) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.calendar.ICalendarModel
Returns the time span allocated to a calendar entry.
getCalendarForeground(ICalendarModel, IDatelineModel, long) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.AbstractDatelineRenderer
Returns a foreground color for the given time point, calendar model and dateline model.
getCalendarModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.calendar.CalendarModelEvent
Returns the source of the event.
getCalendarModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.AbstractGanttChart
Returns the calendar model associated with the Gantt chart.
getCancelButton() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.selector.TimeZoneSelector
Returns the cancel button.
getCancelButton() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.TimeZoneDialog
Returns the cancel button.
getCapacity() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.CapacityLine
Returns the capacity represented by the line.
getCapacityAt(int, int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.DefaultResourceNode
getCapacityAt(int, int) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.IResourceNode
Returns the capacity value for the given y coordinate.
getCapacityFormatter() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.DefaultDragInfoPolicy
Returns the formatter that is being used to format the capacity used value into a nice text.
getCapacityLines(int, boolean) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.DefaultResourceNode
getCapacityLines(int, boolean) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.IResourceNode
Returns a list of capacity lines that can be picked up by row renderers to draw a nice scale in the background of the resource row.
getCapacityLocation(int, double) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.DefaultResourceNode
getCapacityLocation(int, double) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.IResourceNode
Returns the location / y-coordinate of a given capacity for a given row height.
getCapacityObject() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.layer.DefaultChangeCapacityCommand
Returns the capacity object that was / will be modified by the command.
getCapacityObject() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultCapacityObjectRenderer
Returns the currently rendered capacity object.
getCapacityUsed() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.DefaultCapacityObject
getCapacityUsed() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.ICapacityObject
Returns the used capacity of the object.
getCellEditor(int, int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns a cell editor for the given row and column.
getCellEditor() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns the currently used cell editor.
getCellEditor(Class) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns a cell editor for the given object type.
getCellEditorValue() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable.CalendarEditor
getCellEditorValue() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable.ColorEditor
getCellEditorValue() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable.ColorRenderer
getCellEditorValue() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable.DateEditor
getCellFocusManager() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns the cell focus manager, a specialized class that only deals with managing the table's focus.
getCellRect(int, int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns the cell rectangle for the cell at the given row and column.
getCellRenderer(Class) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns a cell renderer for the given object type.
getChangeCapacityCommand(Object, Object, IGanttChartModel, double) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.DefaultEditCapacityObjectPolicy
getChangeCapacityCommand(Object, Object, IGanttChartModel, double) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.IEditCapacityObjectPolicy
Returns a command object that will perform the actual change of the capacity used value.
getChangeKeyCommand(Object, ITreeTableModel, Object) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.treetable.DefaultNodeEditPolicy
getChangeKeyCommand(Object, ITreeTableModel, Object) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.treetable.INodeEditPolicy
Returns a command object that will perform the modification of the key value of the given node.
getChangePercentageCommand(Object, Object, IGanttChartModel, double) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.DefaultEditActivityObjectPolicy
getChangePercentageCommand(Object, Object, IGanttChartModel, double) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.IEditActivityObjectPolicy
Returns a command object that will perform the actual change of the percentage complete value.
getChangeSupport() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.util.NamedObject
Returns the property change support object so that subclasses can use it to fire property change events.
getChangeTimeSpanCommand(Object, IEventlineModel, ITimeSpan) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.eventline.DefaultEditEventlineObjectPolicy
getChangeTimeSpanCommand(Object, IEventlineModel, ITimeSpan) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.eventline.IEditEventlineObjectPolicy
Returns a command object that will perform the actual change of the eventline object's time span.
getChangeTimeSpanCommand(Object, Object, IGanttChartModel, ILayer, ITimeSpan, int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.DefaultEditTimelineObjectPolicy
getChangeTimeSpanCommand(Object, Object, IGanttChartModel, ILayer, ITimeSpan, int) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.IEditTimelineObjectPolicy
Returns a command object that will perform the actual change of the timeline object's time span.
getChangeValueCommand(Object, ITreeTableModel, Object, int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.treetable.DefaultNodeEditPolicy
getChangeValueCommand(Object, ITreeTableModel, Object, int) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.treetable.INodeEditPolicy
Returns a command object that will perform the modification of the key value of the given node.
getChildAt(int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableNode
Returns the child for the given child index.
getChildCount() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableNode
Returns the total number of child nodes attached to the node.
getChildIndex() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.treetable.DefaultNodeDeleteCommand
Returns the index of the deleted child node within the list of children of the parent node.
getChildNode() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.treetable.DefaultNodeCreateCommand
Returns the newly created child node.
getChildNode() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.treetable.DefaultNodeDeleteCommand
Returns the deleted child node.
getChildNode(Object) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableNode
Returns the wrapping tree table node for the given model node.
getChildren() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.DefaultTimelineObject
getChildren() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.ITimelineObject
Returns an iterator over all children timeline objects of this timeline object.
getChildren() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableNode
Returns the array of child nodes.
getChildrenTimelineObjects(S) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.DefaultGanttChartModel
getChildrenTimelineObjects(S) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.IGanttChartModel
Returns an iterator over the children of the given parent timeline object.
getCircleRadius() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.CrosshairLayer
Returns the radius / size used for drawing the crosshair circle.
getClipNodes() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
Returns a list of tree table nodes where each node is contained within the current drawing clip.
getClippingExtra() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
Returns the number of pixels that will be added to the clipping rectangle during repaint operations of the layer container.
getCloseButton() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.selector.ColumnChooserSelector
Returns the button for closing the selector.
getCloseSelectorLabel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.selector.Selector
Returns the label used for closing the selector.
getCollapsedIcon() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.DefaultTreeTableCellRenderer
Returns the icon used for displaying that the node is in a collapsed state.
getCollapsedIcon() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.DefaultTreeTableRowHeaderRenderer
Returns the icon shown by the row header renderer to express that the tree node is collapsed.
getColor() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.util.ColorField
Returns the color that is currently displayed by the field.
getColumn() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.ColumnModelEvent
Returns the column that was added/removed/inserted.
getColumn(int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.DefaultColumnModel
getColumn(int) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.IColumnModel
Returns the tree table column at the given index.
getColumn(int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.AbstractGanttChart
Returns the column at the given index.
getColumn(int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns the column for the given index.
getColumn(int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableHeader
Returns the tree table column for the given index.
getColumnAt(int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableHeader
Returns the column located at the given location.
getColumnBounds(TreeTableColumn) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableHeader
Returns the bounds of the given column.
getColumnBounds(int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableHeader
Returns the bounds of the column at the given index.
getColumnChooser() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.selector.ColumnChooserSelector
Returns the column chooser.
getColumnClass() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.TreeTableColumn
Returns the object type of the data shown in the column.
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns the object type of the values shown in the column at the given index.
getColumnCount() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.DefaultColumnModel
getColumnCount() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.IColumnModel
Returns the total number of columns added to the model.
getColumnCount() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.AbstractGanttChart
Returns the number of columns in the column model.
getColumnCount() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns the number of columns in the column model.
getColumnHeaderRenderer(Class) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableHeader
Returns a column header renderer for an object type.
getColumnHeaderRendererComponent(TreeTableHeader, TreeTableColumn, boolean, boolean, SortDirection, int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.DefaultColumnHeaderRenderer
getColumnHeaderRendererComponent(TreeTableHeader, TreeTableColumn, boolean, boolean, SortDirection, int) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.IColumnHeaderRenderer
Returns a component that gets used to render the header of a column in the tree table header component.
getColumnIndex(TreeTableColumn) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.DefaultColumnModel
getColumnIndex(TreeTableColumn) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.IColumnModel
Returns the index of the given column if it is a member of the model ( Integer.MAX_VALUE otherwise).
getColumnIndex(TreeTableColumn) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns the index of the given column.
getColumnIndexAt(int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns the column at the given x-coordinate.
getColumnIndexAt(int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableHeader
Returns the index of the column at the given x-coordinate.
getColumnLocation(TreeTableColumn) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableHeader
Returns the x-coordinate of the given column.
getColumnModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.AbstractGanttChart
Returns the Gantt chart's column model.
getColumnModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns the tree table's column model.
getColumnValue(int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.DefaultMutableTreeTableNode
getColumnValue(T, int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.DefaultTreeTableModel
getColumnValue(T, int) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.ITreeTableModel
Returns an object for the given node that will be displayed in a tree table column where the column's model index matches the given index.
getColumnValue(int) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.ITreeTableNode
Returns the value for the given model index.
getCommand() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.CommandStackEvent
Returns the command that was executed, undone or redone.
getCommand(int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.CompoundCommand
Returns the nested command for the given index.
getCommandCount() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.CompoundCommand
Returns the number of commands added to the compound command.
getCommandInterceptor(Class) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.AbstractGanttChart
Returns a command interceptor implementation for the given command type.
getCommandStack() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.CommandStackEvent
Returns the command stack that was the source of the event.
getCommandStack() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.AbstractGanttChart
Returns the command stack that is being used by the Gantt chart to execute commands.
getCommandStackListeners() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.DefaultCommandStack
Returns all command stack listeners.
getComparator(int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.DefaultMutableTreeTableNode
Returns a comparator for comparing values stored under the given model index.
getComponentFactory() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.AbstractGanttChart
Returns the component factory used by the Gantt chart to create components such as Timeline, TreeTableHeader, TreeTable, LayerContainer, TreeTableRowHeader.
getContainer() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.MultiGanttChartContainerEvent
The container where the event occured.
getContent() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.AbstractTimelineObjectEditor
Returns the wrapped content / editor
getContentComponent() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.selector.Selector
Returns the component that is shown as the selector 'content'.
getContentPanel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.selector.ColumnChooserSelector
Returns the panel that contains the chooser and the footer.
getControlsBackground() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.AbstractGanttChart
Returns the color used to paint the background of those controls that 'surround' the actual Gantt chart content (column header, row header, dateline).
getControlsForeground() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.AbstractGanttChart
Returns the color used to paint the foreground of those controls that 'surround' the actual Gantt chart content (column header, row header, dateline).
getCornerSize() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultRelationshipRenderer
getCreateCommand(IEventlineModel, ITimeSpan) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.eventline.DefaultEditEventlineObjectPolicy
getCreateCommand(IEventlineModel, ITimeSpan) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.eventline.IEditEventlineObjectPolicy
Returns a command object that will perform the actual creating of a new eventline object.
getCreateCommand(Object, IGanttChartModel, ILayer, ITimeSpan, int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.DefaultEditTimelineObjectPolicy
getCreateCommand(Object, IGanttChartModel, ILayer, ITimeSpan, int) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.IEditTimelineObjectPolicy
Returns a command object that will perform the creation of a new timeline object.
getCreateIcon() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.DefaultTreeTableRowHeaderRenderer
Returns the icon used to mark the row where new entries can be created.
getCreateNodeCommand(Object, ITreeTableModel, Object, Object[]) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.treetable.DefaultNodeEditPolicy
getCreateNodeCommand(Object, ITreeTableModel, Object, Object[]) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.treetable.INodeEditPolicy
Returns a command object that will perform the creation of a new tree / hierarchy node in the given tree table model.
getCreateRelationshipCommand(TimelineObjectPath, TimelineObjectPath, IGanttChartModel) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.DefaultRelationshipPolicy
getCreateRelationshipCommand(TimelineObjectPath, TimelineObjectPath, IGanttChartModel) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.IRelationshipPolicy
Returns a command object that will perform the actual linking of the source and target timeline objects by making the appropriate changes in the model.
getCrosshairLabel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartStatusBar
Returns the label used to display the crosshair icon when popups are currently enabled.
getCursorGranularity() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.Timeline
Returns the granularity used by the time cursor shown in the eventline.
getCursorGridPolicy() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.Timeline
Returns the grid policy used by the time cursor shown in the eventline.
getCursorLocation() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainerRowHeader
Returns the current cursor location.
getCursorLocation() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.Timeline
Returns the x location of the dateline cursor.
getCustomLayer(ILayer) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
Returns the customer layer for the given model layer.
getDateFormat() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.TimeGranularityDragInfoPolicy
Returns the date formatting object used by the policy to create nicely formatted date strings for the date info.
getDateFormatter() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.DefaultLabelPolicy
Returns the date formatter object that gets used by the policy to convert time points (millis) to strings.
getDateline() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.AbstractGanttChart
Returns the dateline component, which is responsible for rendering the time (days, minutes, seconds, ...).
getDateline() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.action.dateline.AbstractDatelineAction
Returns the dateline on which the action will be performed.
getDateline() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.AbstractLayer
Returns the timeline's dateline
getDateline() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
Returns the dateline.
getDateline() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.AbstractDatelineRenderer
Returns the dateline for which rendering currently takes place.
getDateline() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.Eventline
Returns the Dateline sibling component.
getDateline() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.Timeline
Returns the dateline shown by the timeline.
getDatelineModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.AbstractGanttChart
Returns the dateline model.
getDatelineRenderer(Class<T>) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.Dateline
Returns a dateline renderer for the given model type.
getDatelineRenderer() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.Dateline
Returns the currently used dateline renderer.
getDatelineRendererComponent(Dateline, T, ITimeSpan, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.AbstractDatelineRenderer
Returns the renderer component that will be used by the dateline to render a time span that can be located on the major or the minor part of the dateline.
getDatelineRendererComponent(Dateline, T, ITimeSpan, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.IDatelineRenderer
Returns the renderer component that will be used by the dateline to render a time span that can be located on the major or the minor part of the dateline.
getDatelineRendererComponent(Dateline, T, ITimeSpan, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.SimpleGranularityDatelineRenderer
getDatelineRendererComponent(Dateline, T, ITimeSpan, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.TimeGranularityDatelineRenderer
getDatelineWidth() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.dateline.AbstractDatelineModel
getDatelineWidth() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.dateline.IDatelineModel
Returns the width of the dateline that is required based on the current settings of the dateline model.
getDefaultAlpha() - Static method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.util.ColorUtil
Returns the default alpha value used for making colors transparent.
getDefaultRowHeight() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns the default row height that will be applied for such rows where the IRowPolicy is not used to determine the height.
getDelay() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.TimeNowThread
Returns the number of milliseconds to pause between two successive calls to the eventline.
getDeleteCommand(Object, IEventlineModel) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.eventline.DefaultEditEventlineObjectPolicy
getDeleteCommand(Object, IEventlineModel) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.eventline.IEditEventlineObjectPolicy
Returns a command object that will perform the actual deletion of the eventline object.
getDeleteCommand(Object, ILayer, Object, IGanttChartModel) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.DefaultEditTimelineObjectPolicy
getDeleteCommand(Object, ILayer, Object, IGanttChartModel) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.IEditTimelineObjectPolicy
Returns a command object that will perform the deletion of the timeline object.
getDeleteNodeCommand(Object, ITreeTableModel) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.treetable.DefaultNodeEditPolicy
getDeleteNodeCommand(Object, ITreeTableModel) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.treetable.INodeEditPolicy
Returns a command object that will perform the actual deletion of the given node.
getDelta(ITimeSpan) - Method in enum com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.SimpleGranularity
Calculates how often the number of milliseconds represented by the time granularity fits into the difference between the given start and end times: (endTime - startTime) / millis.
getDelta(ITimeSpan, TimeZone) - Method in enum com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.TimeGranularity
Returns the number of hours or minutes or days between the start and the end time of the given time span.
getDelta(Calendar, Calendar) - Method in enum com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.TimeGranularity
Returns the number of hours or minutes or days between the given start and end time.
getDepth() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.DefaultLayerContainerRowHeaderRenderer
Returns the depth of the node where the rendering takes place.
getDepth() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableNode
Returns the depth of the node within the hierarchy.
getDiamondSize() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultTimelineObjectRenderer
Returns the size of the event diamons.
getDownButton() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.ColumnChooser
Returns the button that is being used to move a column down in the list of used columns.
getDragActions() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.DefaultTimelineObject
getDragActions() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.ITimelineObject
Returns the drag actions that can be performed on the timeline object.
getDragActions() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.DefaultMutableTreeTableNode
getDragActions() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.ITreeTableNode
Returns the drag actions that can be performed on the tree table node.
getDragActions(Object, Object, IGanttChartModel) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.DefaultDragAndDropPolicy
getDragActions(Object, Object, IGanttChartModel) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.IDragAndDropPolicy
Determines how the given timeline object can be dragged (copy, move, copy or move, none).
getDragActions(Object, ITreeTableModel) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.treetable.DefaultNodeDragAndDropPolicy
getDragActions(Object, ITreeTableModel) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.treetable.INodeDragAndDropPolicy
Determines how the given node can be dragged (copy, move, copy or move, none).
getDragAndDropCommand(Object, Object, IGanttChartModel, Object, IGanttChartModel, long, Object[], ILayer, int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.DefaultDragAndDropPolicy
getDragAndDropCommand(Object, Object, IGanttChartModel, Object, IGanttChartModel, long, Object[], ILayer, int) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.IDragAndDropPolicy
Returns a command object that will be used to make the necessary modifications to the models when the user dragged several timeline objects from one row to another at the same time.
getDragAndDropCommand(Object, Object, ITreeTableModel, int, Object, ITreeTableModel, int, int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.treetable.DefaultNodeDragAndDropPolicy
getDragAndDropCommand(Object, Object, ITreeTableModel, int, Object, ITreeTableModel, int, int) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.treetable.INodeDragAndDropPolicy
Returns the command object that will perform the actual changes required in order to detach the node from its current parent and attach it to its new parent.
getDragAndDropManager() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns the drag and drop manager used by the tree table to control its drag and drop capabilities.
getDragBackgroundColor() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.DefaultTreeTableCellRenderer
Returns the color used for the background when the renderer is used as part of a drag and drop operation.
getDraggedColumn() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableHeader
Returns the tree table column on which drag operations are currently performed (resize or move).
getDraggedNode() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.treetable.DefaultNodeDragAndDropCommand
Returns the dragged node.
getDraggedNode() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableDragAndDropManager
Returns the dragged tree table node.
getDraggedObject() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DragLayerEvent
Returns the object that is being dragged around (or resized) by the user.
getDraggedTimelineObject() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultDragRowRenderer
Returns the dragged timeline object.
getDragInfo(Object, Object, IGanttChartModel, Object, ITimeSpan) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.DefaultDragInfoPolicy
getDragInfo(Object, Object, IGanttChartModel, long, double) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.DefaultDragInfoPolicy
getDragInfo(Object, Object, IGanttChartModel, int, int, double) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.DefaultDragInfoPolicy
getDragInfo(Object, Object, IGanttChartModel, Object, ITimeSpan) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.IDragInfoPolicy
Returns an object that can be used to show information during a drag operation (e.g. time span over which the dragged timeline object hovers).
getDragInfo(Object, Object, IGanttChartModel, long, double) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.IDragInfoPolicy
Returns an object that can be used to show information while the user interactively changes the percentage complete value.
getDragInfo(Object, Object, IGanttChartModel, int, int, double) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.IDragInfoPolicy
Returns an object that can be used to show information while the user interactively changes the capacity used value.
getDragInfo(Object, Object, IGanttChartModel, Object, ITimeSpan) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.TimeGranularityDragInfoPolicy
getDragInfoRenderer(Class) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DragLayer
Returns a drag info renderer for a given timeline object type.
getDragInfoRendererComponent(DragLayer, Object, Object, Object, ITimeSpan, int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultDragInfoRenderer
getDragInfoRendererComponent(DragLayer, Object, Object, Object, ITimeSpan, int) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.IDragInfoRenderer
Returns a component that will be used to render the drag information.
getDragLayer() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultDragRowRenderer
The drag layer for which the renderer gets invoked.
getDragLayer() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DragLayerEvent
Returns the drag layer where the drag operation takes place.
getDragLocation() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableDragAndDropManager
Returns the current drag location.
getDragNode() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultDragRowRenderer
Returns the node on which the drag operation started.
getDragRowRenderer(Class) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DragLayer
Returns a drag row renderer for a given tree / hierarchy node.
getDragRowRendererComponent(DragLayer, Object, Object, Object, ITimeSpan, int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultDragRowRenderer
getDragRowRendererComponent(DragLayer, Object, Object, Object, ITimeSpan, int) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.IDragRowRenderer
Returns a component that will be used to render the row specific drag and drop information.
getDropAction() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.layer.AbstractDragAndDropCommand
Returns the user drop action that was used when the command was triggered.
getDropAction() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.layer.DefaultChangeTimelineObjectTimeSpanCommand
Returns the type of drop that was used by the user to change the time span.
getDropAction() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.treetable.DefaultNodeDragAndDropCommand
Returns the user drop action that was used when the command was triggered.
getDropAction() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DragLayerEvent
Returns the drop action as requested by the user (copy, move).
getDropActions(S, long) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.DefaultGanttChartNode
getDropActions(T, long) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.IGanttChartNode
Returns the drop actions that can be performed on the node related to timeline objects.
getDropActions(ITreeTableNode) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.DefaultMutableTreeTableNode
getDropActions(ITreeTableNode) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.ITreeTableNode
Returns the drop actions that can be performed on the node related to another node.
getDropActions(Object, Object, IGanttChartModel, Object, IGanttChartModel, long) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.DefaultDragAndDropPolicy
getDropActions(Object, Object, IGanttChartModel, Object, IGanttChartModel, long) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.IDragAndDropPolicy
Determines whether the new location as specified by the new tree node, new model and new time span can be used as a drop location for the given timeline object.
getDropActions(Object, Object, ITreeTableModel, Object, ITreeTableModel) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.treetable.DefaultNodeDragAndDropPolicy
getDropActions(Object, Object, ITreeTableModel, Object, ITreeTableModel) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.treetable.INodeDragAndDropPolicy
Determines how the given dragged node can be dropped onto the given new parent node (copy, move, copy or move, none).
getDropColorInvalid() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns the color that will be used to show where an invalid drop can occure.
getDropColorValid() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns the color that will be used to show where a valid drop can occure.
getDropRow() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableDragAndDropManager
Returns the row where the drop will occure when the user finishes the drop.
getDropTarget() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DragLayer
Returns the drop target object associated with the drag layer / the layer container.
getDuration() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.ITimeSpan
Calculates the total duration of this time span.
getDuration() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.TimeSpan
getEditingColumn() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns the column in which editing currently takes place.
getEditingRow() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns the row in which editing currently takes place.
getEditMode(DragLayer, ObjectBounds, MouseEvent) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.ActivityObjectEditModeController
getEditMode(DragLayer, ObjectBounds, MouseEvent) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.CapacityObjectEditModeController
getEditMode(DragLayer, ObjectBounds, MouseEvent) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultEditModeController
getEditMode() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DragLayer
Returns the active edit mode.
getEditMode(DragLayer, ObjectBounds, MouseEvent) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.IEditModeController
Returns an edit mode based on the given bounds and mouse event.
getEditMode(Object, MouseEvent) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.Eventline
Returns an eventline edit mode for the given eventline object and mouse event.
getEditMode() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.Eventline
Returns the currently active edit mode.
getEditModeController(Class) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DragLayer
Returns an edit mode controller for a given timeline object type.
getEditorComponent() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.EditingLayer
Returns the user interface component that is currently being used to edit a timeline object.
getEditorComponent(Object) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable.CalendarEditor
Returns an editor for editing the given value object.
getEditorComponent(Object) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable.DateEditor
Returns the UI editor component for the given value object.
getEditorComponent() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns the user interface component that is currently being used to edit a cell value.
getEmptyIcon() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.DefaultTreeTableRowHeaderRenderer
Returns the placeholder icon used for a row header renderer if a row can not be expanded or collapsed.
getEndCalendar() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.TimeSpan
Returns a new calendar object based on the current end time.
getEndDate() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.TimeSpan
Returns a new date object based on the current end time.
getEndTime() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.ITimeSpan
Returns the time span's end time.
getEndTime() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.TimeSpan
getEndTimeModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.AbstractTimelineControlPanel
Returns the spinner model used for the end time.
getEndTimeSpinner() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.AbstractTimelineControlPanel
Returns the spinner used for editing the end time.
getEndTimeSpinner() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.EventlineObjectPanel
Returns the spinner used to edit the end time of the eventline object.
getEventFillColor1() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultTimelineObjectRenderer
Returns the first color that will be used for filling the background of the timeline object with a gradient paint in situations where the object is an event (same start and end time).
getEventFillColor1() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.DefaultEventlineObjectRenderer
Returns the first color that will be used for filling the background of the timeline object with a gradient paint in situations where the object is an event (same start and end time).
getEventFillColor2() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultTimelineObjectRenderer
Returns the second color that will be used for filling the background of the timeline object with a gradient paint in situations where the object is an event (same start and end time).
getEventFillColor2() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.DefaultEventlineObjectRenderer
Returns the second color that will be used for filling the background of the timeline object with a gradient paint in situations where the object is an event (same start and end time).
getEventline() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.AbstractGanttChart
Returns the Eventline component, which is responsible for rendering events and activities that have a global character.
getEventline() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.action.eventline.AbstractEventlineAction
Returns the eventline on which the action will be performed.
getEventline() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.AbstractLayer
Returns the timeline's eventline.
getEventline() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
Returns the eventline.
getEventline() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.DefaultEventlineObjectRenderer
Returns the eventline where the renderer gets used.
getEventline() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.Timeline
Returns the eventline shown by the timeline.
getEventLineColor() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultTimelineObjectRenderer
Returns the line color that will be used for drawing the border of a timeline object in situations where the object is an event (same start and end time).
getEventLineColor() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.DefaultEventlineObjectRenderer
Returns the line color that will be used for drawing the border of a timeline object in situations where the object is an event (same start and end time).
getEventlineObject() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.eventline.DefaultChangeEventlineObjectTimeSpanCommand
Returns the eventline object that received a new time span.
getEventlineObject() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.eventline.DefaultCreateEventlineObjectCommand
Returns the eventline object that was created.
getEventlineObject() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.eventline.DefaultDeleteEventlineObjectCommand
Returns the eventline object that was / will be deleted
getEventlineObject() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.DefaultEventlineObjectRenderer
Returns the eventline object that is currently being painted by the renderer.
getEventlineObjectRenderer(Class) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.Eventline
Returns an eventline object renderer for an object.
getEventlineObjects() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.eventline.DefaultEventlineModel
Returns the internal data structure used to store the eventline objects.
getEventlineObjects() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.eventline.EventlineModelEvent
Returns the eventline objects that have been modified.
getEventlineObjects() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.eventline.EventlineSelectionModelEvent
Returns the eventline objects that were added to or removed from the selection model.
getEventlineObjectsAt(int, int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.Eventline
Returns the eventline objects displayed at the given location.
getEventlineObjectsIterator(ITimeSpan) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.eventline.DefaultEventlineModel
getEventlineObjectsIterator(ITimeSpan) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.eventline.IEventlineModel
Returns an iterator for those eventline objects that are placed on the eventline during the given span.
getEventlineRendererComponent(Eventline, Object, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.DefaultEventlineObjectRenderer
getEventlineRendererComponent(Eventline, Object, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.IEventlineObjectRenderer
Returns a renderer component for the given eventline model object.
getEventlineRendererInsets() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.DefaultEventlineObjectRenderer
getEventlineRendererInsets() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.IEventlineObjectRenderer
Returns the insets for the renderer.
getExecutedCommands() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.DefaultCommandStack
Returns a copy of the list of executed commands.
getExpandedIcon() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.DefaultTreeTableCellRenderer
Returns the icon used for displaying that the node is in an expanded state.
getExpandedIcon() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.DefaultTreeTableRowHeaderRenderer
Returns the icon shown by the row header renderer to express that the tree node is expanded.
getFillColor() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.CrosshairLayer
Returns the color that will be used to fill out the crosshair circle.
getFillColor() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultCapacityObjectRenderer
Returns the color that will be used for filling the background of the renderer component.
getFillerColumn() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableHeader
Returns the filler column that gets placed at the end of the column header and that causes a column to be rendered when the left-hand side of the Gantt chart gets resized so much that it is larger than the table that it contains.
getFirstVisibleRow() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns the index of the first visible row based on the internal tree table node array used to store the state of the tree table.
getFixedHorizonalSplitterLocation(int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.DualGanttChart
Returns a location for the horizontal splitter that obeys the following constraints: location is larger than the minimum height of the primary tree table scrollpane (equivalent to the height of the column header) location is smaller than the minimum height of the secondary layer container scrollpane (equivalent to height of horizontal scrollbar) Obeying these constraints ensures that the column header, the timeline and the horizontal scrollbars will always remain visible after the user performed a drag operation via the horizontal splitter.
getFixedVerticalSplitterLocation(int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.DualGanttChart
Returns a location for the vertical splitter that obeys the following constraints: location is larger than the minimum width of the primary tree table scrollpane (equivalent to the width of the row header) location is smaller than the minimum width of the primary layer container scrollpane (equivalent to width of vertical scrollbar) Obeying these constraints ensures that the row header and the vertical scrollbars will always remain visible after the user performed a drag operation via the vertical splitter.
getFocusBackground() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultRowRenderer
Returns the color used for the background when the row is the focus owner.
getFocusBackground() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.AbstractDatelineRenderer
Returns the background color that will be used for drawing a time span when the time span has the focus (the mouse cursor hovers on top of the time span).
getFocusBackground() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.DefaultColumnHeaderRenderer
Returns the color used for the background of the column header when the header is the focus owner.
getFocusColor() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultCapacityObjectRenderer
Returns the color that will be used for filling the background of the renderer component when the capacity object has the focus.
getFocusColor() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.DefaultTreeTableCellRenderer
Returns the color used for the border of a focused cell.
getFocusColor() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns the color used for drawing the focus rectangle.
getFocusedColumn() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.CellFocusManager
Returns the tree table column that contains the focused cell.
getFocusedColumn() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns the column of the focused cell.
getFocusedColumnIndex() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.CellFocusManager
Returns the column of the currently focused cell.
getFocusedPath() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.CellFocusManager
Returns the tree path of the focused cell.
getFocusedRow() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.CellFocusManager
Returns the row of the currently focused cell.
getFocusedRow() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns the row of the focused cell.
getFocusedTimeSpan() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.Dateline
Returns the currently focused time span.
getFocusedTimeSpanFillPaint() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DatelineLayer
Returns the paint object used for filling the focused time span rectangle.
getFocusedTimeSpanLinePaint() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DatelineLayer
Returns the paint object used for drawing the lines of the focused time span rectangle.
getFocusFillColor1() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultTimelineObjectRenderer
Returns the first color that will be used for filling the background of the timeline object with a gradient paint in situations where the object has the focus.
getFocusFillColor1() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.DefaultEventlineObjectRenderer
Returns the first color that will be used for filling the background of the timeline object with a gradient paint in situations where the object has the focus.
getFocusFillColor2() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultTimelineObjectRenderer
Returns the second color that will be used for filling the background of the timeline object with a gradient paint in situations where the object has the focus.
getFocusFillColor2() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.DefaultEventlineObjectRenderer
Returns the second color that will be used for filling the background of the timeline object with a gradient paint in situations where the object has the focus.
getFocusForeground() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultRowRenderer
Returns the color used for the foreground when the row is the focus owner.
getFocusForeground() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.AbstractDatelineRenderer
Returns the foreground color that will be used for drawing a time span when the time span has the focus (the mouse cursor hovers on top of the time span).
getFocusForeground() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.DefaultColumnHeaderRenderer
Returns the color used for the foreground of the column header when the header is the focus owner.
getFocusLineColor() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultTimelineObjectRenderer
Returns the line color that will be used for drawing the border of a timeline object in situations where the object has the focus.
getFocusLineColor() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.DefaultEventlineObjectRenderer
Returns the line color that will be used for drawing the border of a timeline object in situations where the object has the focus.
getFooterPanel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.selector.Selector
Returns the panel used as a footer in the bottom of the selector.
getForeground(int, boolean) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns the foreground color for the given row.
getForeground(int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns the foreground color for the given row.
getFormat() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.gantt.TimeGranularityStatusBarPolicy
Returns the date formatting object used by the policy methods to format the given time points and time spans.
getFromLabel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.AbstractTimelineControlPanel
Returns the label used for labelling the from spiner.
getGanttChart() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.action.gantt.AbstractGanttChartAction
Returns the Gantt chart associated with the action.
getGanttChart() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.ColumnChooser
Returns the Gantt chart that gets edited by the chooser.
getGanttChart() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartControl
Returns the Gantt chart of which the control is a member.
getGanttChart() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartFrame
Returns the Gantt chart that is displayed inside the frame.
getGanttChart() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartInternalFrame
Returns the Gantt chart that is displayed inside the frame.
getGanttChart() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartStatusBar
Returns the Gantt chart to which the status bar belongs.
getGanttChart() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartToolBar
Returns the Gantt chart instance that gets controlled by the toolbar.
getGanttChart(int) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.IMultiGanttChartContainer
Returns the Gantt chart for the given index.
getGanttChart() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.AbstractLayer
Returns the Gantt chart to which the layer belongs.
getGanttChart() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
Returns the parent Gantt chart.
getGanttChart() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainerScrollPane
getGanttChart() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.MessageDialog
Returns the Gantt chart that servers as a data source for the table's data model.
getGanttChart() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.MessageTable
Returns the Gantt chart that servers as a data source for the table's data model.
getGanttChart(int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.MultiGanttChartContainer
getGanttChart() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.MultiGanttChartContainerEvent
Returns the Gantt chart that was selected, added, inserted, or removed.
getGanttChart() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.NavigationControl
Returns the Gantt chart that will be controlled by the control.
getGanttChart() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.PagingControl
Returns the Gantt chart that will be controlled by the control.
getGanttChart() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print.PrintContext
The Gantt chart that is being printed.
getGanttChart() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.SortingEvent
Returns the Gantt chart where the sorting operation takes place.
getGanttChart() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns the parent Gantt chart of the table.
getGanttChart() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableScrollPane
Returns the Gantt chart parent container to which the scrollpane belongs.
getGanttChart() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.UtilityControlPanel
Returns the Gantt chart that gets controlled by the utility control panel.
getGanttChartCount() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.IMultiGanttChartContainer
Returns the total number of Gantt charts managed by the container.
getGanttChartCount() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.MultiGanttChartContainer
getGanttChartIndex(T) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.IMultiGanttChartContainer
Returns the index of the given Gantt chart.
getGanttChartIndex(T) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.MultiGanttChartContainer
getGap() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultRelationshipRenderer
getGap() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print.PreviewDialog
Returns the number of pixels that will be placed between paper panels.
getGap() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.SimpleGranularityDatelineModel
The gap (in pixel) that will be added twice to each granularity width so that there will be some space between the text and the grid lines.
getGap() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.TimeGranularityDatelineModel
The gap (in pixel) that will be added twice to each granularity width so that there will be some space between the text and the grid lines.
getGlobalAnimationDuration() - Static method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.selector.Selector
Returns the duration used for the show / hide animation.
getGranularity() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.bookmarks.Bookmark
Returns the time granularity that was shown in the dateline when the bookmark was created.
getGranularity() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.dateline.AbstractDatelineModel
Returns the currently shown granularity.
getGranularity() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.dateline.IDatelineModel
Returns the time granularity that the dateline model is using for calculating its minor grid.
getGranularity(int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.dateline.AbstractZoomPolicy
getGranularity(int) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.dateline.IZoomPolicy
Returns the granularity with the given index.
getGranularity() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.AbstractTimelineControlPanel
Returns the granularity shown in the combo box (not the one used by the timeline).
getGranularity() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.Dateline
Returns the time granularity that the dateline model should use for calculating its minor grid.
getGranularityBox() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.AbstractTimelineControlPanel
Returns the combo box used for selecting the granularity.
getGranularityCount() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.dateline.AbstractZoomPolicy
getGranularityCount() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.dateline.IZoomPolicy
Returns the number of supported granularities.
getGranularityIndex(T) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.dateline.AbstractZoomPolicy
getGranularityIndex(T) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.dateline.IZoomPolicy
Returns the index of the given granularity.
getGranularityLabel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.AbstractTimelineControlPanel
Returns the label used for labelling the granularity combo box.
getGranularityModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.AbstractTimelineControlPanel
Returns the combo box model used by the granularity combo box.
getGrid(int, int, boolean) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.dateline.IDatelineModel
Returns a list of grid line coordinates for the given coordinate interval.
getGrid(int, int, boolean) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.SimpleGranularityDatelineModel
getGrid(int, int, boolean) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.TimeGranularityDatelineModel
getGridAdjustedEndTime(T, long, IDatelineModel<T>, boolean) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.IGridPolicy
Returns a grid adjusted time point for the given unadjusted end time.
getGridAdjustedEndTime(SimpleGranularity, long, IDatelineModel<SimpleGranularity>, boolean) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.SimpleGranularityGridPolicy
getGridAdjustedEndTime(TimeGranularity, long, IDatelineModel<TimeGranularity>, boolean) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.TimeGranularityGridPolicy
getGridAdjustedStartTime(T, long, IDatelineModel<T>, boolean) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.IGridPolicy
Returns a grid adjusted time point for the given unadjusted start time.
getGridAdjustedStartTime(SimpleGranularity, long, IDatelineModel<SimpleGranularity>, boolean) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.SimpleGranularityGridPolicy
getGridAdjustedStartTime(TimeGranularity, long, IDatelineModel<TimeGranularity>, boolean) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.TimeGranularityGridPolicy
getGridAdjustedTimeSpan(T, ITimeSpan, IDatelineModel<T>, boolean) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.IGridPolicy
Returns a grid adjusted time span for the given unadjusted time span.
getGridAdjustedTimeSpan(SimpleGranularity, ITimeSpan, IDatelineModel<SimpleGranularity>, boolean) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.SimpleGranularityGridPolicy
getGridAdjustedTimeSpan(TimeGranularity, ITimeSpan, IDatelineModel<TimeGranularity>, boolean) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.TimeGranularityGridPolicy
getGridColor() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.AbstractRowHeader
Returns the color used by the row header to draw its grid lines.
getGridColor() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.Dateline
Returns the color used by the dateline to draw its grid lines.
getGridColor() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.Eventline
Returns the color used by the dateline to draw its grid lines.
getGridColor() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns the color used for drawing the vertical and horizontal lines of the grid.
getGridColor() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableHeader
Returns the color used by the table header to draw its grid lines.
getGridComponentName() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.IGridComponent
Returns the name of the grid component.
getGridComponentName() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
getGridComponentName() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.Eventline
getGridComponents() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.AbstractGanttChart
Returns all grid components managed by the Gantt chart container.
getGridComponents() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.DualGanttChart
getGridComponents() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChart
getGridComponents() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print.PrintGanttChart
getGridComponents() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableContainer
getGridControl(IGridComponent) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GridControlPanel
Returns the grid control that was created by the panel for the given grid component.
getGridControl() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainerScrollPane
Returns the grid control panel that gets displayed at the bottom of the layer container to the left of the horizontal scrollbar (if the scrollbar is visible).
getGridControlPanel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.UtilityControlPanel
Returns the grid control panel.
getGridGranularities() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.AbstractGridPolicy
getGridGranularities() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.IGridPolicy
Returns the granularities that will be available for the grid.
getGridGranularity() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.IGridComponent
Returns the granularity used by the grid component.
getGridGranularity() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
Returns the granularity used for a virtual grid that gets used during drag & drop operations to make timeline objects snap to specific time points rather than just the current drop location.
getGridGranularity() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.Eventline
Returns the granularity used for a virtual grid that gets used during drag & drop operations to make eventline objects snap to specific time points rather than just the current drop location.
getGridLabel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartStatusBar
Returns the label used to display the grid icon when the grid (vertical lines) are currently visible.
getGridLineMode() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.AbstractGanttChart
Returns the grid mode used by the Gantt chart.
getGridPolicy() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.IGridComponent
Returns the grid policy used by the grid component.
getGridPolicy() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
getGridPolicy() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.Eventline
getHalfYearFormat() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.TimeGranularityDatelineModel
Returns the format used for displaying the halfs of a year.
getHeaderHeight() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableHeader
Returns the header height.
getHeaderPanel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.selector.Selector
Returns the panel that contains the title label and the close icon.
getHeaderValue() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.TreeTableColumn
Returns the object that represents the value used for the header renderer.
getHeight() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableNode
Returns the row height of the node.
getHighlightFillColor() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultCapacityObjectRenderer
Returns the color that will be used for filling the background of the renderer component when the capacity object is highlighted.
getHighlightFillColor1() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultTimelineObjectRenderer
Returns the first color that will be used for filling the background of the timeline object with a gradient paint in situations where the object is highlighted.
getHighlightFillColor2() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultTimelineObjectRenderer
Returns the second color that will be used for filling the background of the timeline object with a gradient paint in situations where the object is highlighted.
getHighlightingDelay() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
Returns the delay in milliseconds used by the highlighting thread which makes the highlighted objects blink (default behaviour).
getHighlightLineColor() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultTimelineObjectRenderer
Returns the line color that will be used for drawing the border of a timeline object in situations where the object is highlighted.
getHolidays(boolean) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.calendar.TimeGranularityCalendarModel
Returns the holidays that are defined in the model.
getHorizonalLineColor() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.GridLayer
Returns the color used for drawing the horizontal grid lines.
getHorizontalAlignment() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.DefaultTreeTableRowHeaderRenderer
Returns the horizontal text alignment that will be used by the renderer.
getHorizontalPages() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print.PreviewDialog
Returns the total number of pages to use horizontally for printing.
getHorizontalSplitter() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.DualGanttChart
Returns the component used to realize the horizontal splitter.
getHorizontalSplitterLocation() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.DualGanttChart
Returns the location of the horizontal splitter, which separates the primary / upper Gantt chart from the secondary / lower Gantt chart.
getIcon(IconId) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.icons.AbstractIconMap
Returns the icon specified by the given ID.
getIcon(IconId) - Static method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.icons.IconRegistry
Returns the icon specified by the given ID.
getIcon(IconId) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.icons.IIconMap
Returns an icon for the given ID.
getIcon() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultEventObjectRenderer
Returns the icon that will be used to visualize the event (subclasses can override to dynamically return different icons based on event properties).
getIcon() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.AbstractDatelineRenderer
Returns the icon used by the renderer.
getIcon(Object, Object, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.DefaultTreeTableCellRenderer
Returns an icon for the given value.
getIcon() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.DefaultTreeTableRowHeaderRenderer
Returns the icon that will be shown by the renderer.
getIcon(Object, Object, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable.IconRenderer
getIconHeight() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.icons.BlankIcon
getIconHeight() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.util.WindowsCornerIcon
getIconMap() - Static method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.icons.IconRegistry
Returns the icon map that is currently being used by the registry to lookup and store icons.
getIconWidth() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.icons.BlankIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.util.WindowsCornerIcon
getId() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.CommandStackEvent
Returns an id, which specifies the type of event (command executed, undone, redone).
getId() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.bookmarks.BookmarkEvent
Returns the ID of the event that can be used to distinguish different types of events that can take place inside a bookmark model.
getId() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.dateline.DatelineModelEvent
Returns the event type identifier that allows the application to distinguish between different types of events that can occure on the model.
getId() - Method in exception com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.dateline.DatelineModelException
Returns the type of the exception.
getId() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.eventline.EventlineModelEvent
An identifier used to distinguish between different types of eventline model events (objects were added or removed).
getId() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.eventline.EventlineSelectionModelEvent
Returns the event ID that can be used to distinguish between different types of selection model events.
getId() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.GanttChartModelEvent
Returns the event's identifier that can be used by model observers to find out what has changed in the model.
getId() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.paging.PagingEvent
Returns the ID of the event that can be used to distinguish different types of events that can take place inside a paging model.
getId() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.ColumnModelEvent
Returns the event identifier.
getId() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.PolicyProviderEvent
Returns the event identifier that can be used to distinguish between different types of events.
getId() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainerEvent
Returns the event identifier that can be used to distinguish different types of events.
getId() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DragLayerEvent
Returns the event ID.
getId() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.TimelineObjectSelectionEvent
Returns the type of event that took place.
getId() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.MultiGanttChartContainerEvent
The event type ID.
getId() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.SortingEvent
Returns the event identifier that can be used to differentiate between different types of events.
getImage(IconId) - Static method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.icons.IconRegistry
Returns the image specified by the given ID.
getInitialTime() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.selector.TimeGranularityGotoSelector
Returns the initial time that will be shown by the spinner.
getInset() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns the number of pixels used to inset sub-nodes.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.DefaultComponentFactory
Returns the singleton instance of the component factory.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.DefaultLayerFactory
Returns a factory.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.SimpleComponentFactory
Returns the singleton instance of the component factory.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.util.License
Returns the singleton instance of the license.
getItemPanel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.StatusBar
Returns the panel used to display the status bar items.
getKey() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.treetable.DefaultNodeCreateCommand
Returns the initial key value that will be assigned to the new child node.
getKey() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.DefaultMutableTreeTableNode
getKey(T) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.DefaultTreeTableModel
getKey(T) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.ITreeTableModel
Returns an object for the given node that will be displayed in the tree table's key column.
getKey() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.ITreeTableNode
Returns the node's key object.
getKey() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableNode
Returns the key value of the wrapped model node.
getKeyColumn() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.DefaultColumnModel
getKeyColumn() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.IColumnModel
Returns the special key column.
getKeyColumn() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.AbstractGanttChart
Returns the key column used by the Gantt chart.
getKeyColumn() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns the column model's key column.
getKeyColumnPosition() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.AbstractGanttChart
Returns the key column position, which specifies how many regular columns will be placed to the left of the key column.
getKeyColumnPosition() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns the position of the key column in the table.
getKeyComparator() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.DefaultMutableTreeTableNode
Returns the comparator that will be used for comparing key values of tree table nodes.
getLabel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.CapacityLine
Returns the label of the capacity line.
getLabel(LabelType) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.DefaultTimelineObject
getLabel(LabelType) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.ITimelineObject
Returns labels for various purposes depending on the given label type identifier.
getLabel(Object, IEventlineModel, LabelType) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.eventline.DefaultEventlineLabelPolicy
getLabel(Object, IEventlineModel, LabelType) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.eventline.IEventlineLabelPolicy
Returns labels for various purposes based on the given label type ID.
getLabel(Object, Object, IGanttChartModel, long, ICrosshairPolicy.LabelPosition) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.DefaultCrosshairPolicy
getLabel(Object, Object, IGanttChartModel, LabelType) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.DefaultLabelPolicy
getLabel(IRelationship, IGanttChartModel) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.DefaultLabelPolicy
getLabel(Object, Object, IGanttChartModel, long, ICrosshairPolicy.LabelPosition) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.ICrosshairPolicy
Returns a label that will be shown to the left/right and top/bottom of the crosshair location.
getLabel(Object, Object, IGanttChartModel, LabelType) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.ILabelPolicy
Returns various types of labels for a given timeline object.
getLabel(IRelationship, IGanttChartModel) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.ILabelPolicy
Returns a label for the given relationship object (usually a summary of the relationship meaning).
getLabel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultEventObjectRenderer
Returns the label that is being used to show the icons.
getLabelField() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.EventlineObjectPanel
Returns the text field used for editing the label of the eventline object.
getLabelGap() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.LabelLayer
Returns the number of pixels that will be placed between the timeline object and its label.
getLassoMode() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.LassoLayer
Returns the lasso mode used by the lasso layer (selecting timeline objects or selecting time spans).
getLastVisibleRow() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns the index of the last visible row based on the internal tree table node array used to store the state of the tree table.
getLayer() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.layer.AbstractDragAndDropCommand
Returns the layer on which the timeline object gets displayed.
getLayer() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.layer.DefaultAddLayerCommand
Returns the layer that will be added to the model.
getLayer() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.layer.DefaultChangeTimelineObjectTimeSpanCommand
Returns the layer where the timeline object is located.
getLayer() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.layer.DefaultCreateTimelineObjectCommand
Returns the layer on which the timeline object will be displayed.
getLayer() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.layer.DefaultDeleteTimelineObjectCommand
Returns the layer on which the timeline object gets displayed.
getLayer() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.layer.DefaultRemoveLayerCommand
Returns the layer that will be removed from the model.
getLayer() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.GanttChartModelEvent
Returns the layer where the event occured.
getLayer() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.TimelineObjectPath
Returns the layer on which the timeline object gets displayed.
getLayer() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultCapacityObjectRenderer
Returns the timeline object layer on which the capacity object is located.
getLayer() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultTimelineObjectLayerSelectionModel
Returns the layer to which the selection model belongs.
getLayer() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.TimelineObjectLayer
Returns the model layer visualized by the timeline object layer.
getLayer() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.ObjectBounds
Returns the layer for which the timeline object was returned from the data model.
getLayerContainer() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.action.layer.AbstractLayerContainerAction
Returns the layer container on which the action will be performed.
getLayerContainer() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChart
Returns the Gantt chart's layer container that is responsible for managing system, timeline and custom layers.
getLayerContainer() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.AbstractLayer
Returns the parent container, the layer container.
getLayerContainer() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainerEvent
Returns the layer container where the event occured (the source of the event).
getLayerContainer() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainerRowHeader
Returns the parent layer container.
getLayerContainer() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainerScrollPane
Returns the layer container wrapped by the scrollpane.
getLayerContainer() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.OverviewPalette
Returns the layer container for which an overview gets rendered by the palette.
getLayerContainer() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.NavigationControlPanel
getLayerContainer() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print.PrintContext
Returns the layer container to print.
getLayerContainer() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print.PrintGanttChart
Returns the layer container used for printing.
getLayerContainer() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns the layer container mapped to this table.
getLayerContainerRowHeader() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChart
Returns the row header that gets used in combination with the layer container.
getLayerContainerRowHeader() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainerScrollPane
getLayerContainers() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.AbstractGanttChart
Returns all layer containers managed by the Gantt chart container.
getLayerContainers() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.DualGanttChart
getLayerContainers() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChart
getLayerContainers() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print.PrintGanttChart
getLayerContainers() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableContainer
getLayerContainerScrollPane() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChart
Returns the scrollpane that wraps the Gantt chart's layer container.
getLayerContainerScrollPanes() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.AbstractGanttChart
Returns all layer container scrollpanes managed by the Gantt chart container.
getLayerContainerScrollPanes() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.DualGanttChart
getLayerContainerScrollPanes() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChart
getLayerContainerScrollPanes() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print.PrintGanttChart
getLayerContainerScrollPanes() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableContainer
getLayerFactory() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
Returns the factory that was used to create the various layer UIs.
getLayerIcon(ILayer) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
Returns an icon representation for the given layer.
getLayerIndex(AbstractLayer) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
Returns the index of the given layer within the list of layers that are currently managed by the layer container.
getLayerIndex(ILayer) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
Returns the index of the given layer within the layer stack.
getLayerLabel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.UtilityControlPanel
Returns the label used as a parent component for the layer selector.
getLayerPolicyProvider() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.AbstractLayer
Returns the policy provider of the layer container.
getLayers() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.DefaultGanttChartModel
getLayers() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.IGanttChartModel
Returns an iterator over the layers used by the model.
getLayers() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
Returns the layer stack.
getLayerUI() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.ObjectBounds
Returns the layer user interface component on which the timeline object was rendered.
getLeafIcon() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.DefaultTreeTableCellRenderer
Returns the icon used for displaying that the node is a leaf node.
getLicensee() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.util.License
Returns the licensee's name.
getLicenseKey() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.util.License
Returns the license key.
getLineColor(CapacityLine) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.DefaultResourceNodeRowHeaderRenderer
Returns the color used for drawing the given capacity line.
getLineColor() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.CrosshairLayer
Returns the color used to draw the horizontal and vertical crosshair lines.
getLineColor() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultDragInfoRenderer
Returns the color used for drawing the border line around the info object.
getLineColor() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultPopupRenderer
Returns the color used for drawing the border line around the info object.
getLineColor(int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultRowRenderer
Returns the line color for the given line index.
getLineColor() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultRowRenderer
Returns the color used for drawing inner lines.
getLineColor() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.util.GradientBorder
Returns the color used for drawing the border line.
getLineCount() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.DefaultGanttChartNode
getLineCount() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.IGanttChartNode
Returns how many lines will be shown within the row that is occuupied by the Gantt chart node.
getLineCount(Object, ITreeTableModel) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.DefaultLinePolicy
getLineCount(Object, ITreeTableModel) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.ILinePolicy
Returns the number of (inner) lines shown in the row of a hierarchy node.
getLineHeight(int, int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.DefaultGanttChartNode
getLineHeight(int, int) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.IGanttChartNode
Returns the height of the line with the given index based on the given row height.
getLineHeight(Object, ITreeTableModel, int, int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.DefaultLinePolicy
getLineHeight(Object, ITreeTableModel, int, int) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.ILinePolicy
Returns the height of a specific (inner) line.
getLineIndex() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.layer.DefaultCreateTimelineObjectCommand
Returns the line index used for placing the timeline object on an inner line.
getLineIndex() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.DefaultTimelineObject
Returns the object's line index.
getLineIndex() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.ITimelineObject
Returns the index of the line on which the timeline object is placed.
getLineIndex(Object, ITreeTableModel, Object) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.DefaultLinePolicy
getLineIndex(Object, ITreeTableModel, Object) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.ILinePolicy
Returns the index of the line on which the given timeline object shall be placed (the indices start with 0).
getLineLocation(int, int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.DefaultGanttChartNode
getLineLocation(int, int) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.IGanttChartNode
Returns the location of the line with the given index based on the given row height.
getLineLocation(Object, ITreeTableModel, int, int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.DefaultLinePolicy
getLineLocation(Object, ITreeTableModel, int, int) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.ILinePolicy
Returns the y-coordinate of a specific (inner) line.
getLinePaint() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultRelationshipRenderer
Returns the default line paint that will be used to draw the lines of a relationship.
getLinePaint(IRelationship, IGanttChartModel) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultRelationshipRenderer
Returns the paint that will be used for drawing the given relationship.
getLineStroke() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultRelationshipRenderer
Returns the default line stroke that will be used to draw the lines of a relationship.
getLineStroke(IRelationship, IGanttChartModel) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultRelationshipRenderer
Returns the stroke that will be used for drawing the given relationship.
getLinkingLineColor() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.LassoLayer
Returns the color used for the line drawn while linking two timeline objects / creating a relationship.
getList() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.TimeZonePanel
Returns the list that displays the time zones.
getListCellRendererComponent(JList, Object, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.SimpleGranularityListCellRenderer
getListCellRendererComponent(JList, Object, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.TimeGranularityListCellRenderer
getLoadTime() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.util.License
Returns the time point when the license was loaded.
getLocation() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.dateline.GridLine
Returns the location of the grid line (the x-coordinate).
getMajorBackground(Dateline, long) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.AbstractDatelineRenderer
Returns the background color for the given time point that is placed on the upper (the major) part of the dateline.
getMajorCapacityLineColor() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultResourceRowRenderer
Returns the color used for drawing the major capacity line.
getMajorDateFormat(TimeGranularity) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.TimeGranularityDatelineModel
Returns the date formatter used for the given time granularity, when formatting time in the major part of the dateline (the upper part).
getMajorDateString(SimpleGranularity, long) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.SimpleGranularityDatelineModel
Returns a text representation for the given major time point and granularity.
getMajorDateString(TimeGranularity, long) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.TimeGranularityDatelineModel
Returns a string representation of a time point based on the given time granularity.
getMajorForeground(Dateline, long) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.AbstractDatelineRenderer
Returns the foreground color for the given time point that is placed on the upper (the major) part of the dateline.
getMajorGridColor() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.GridLayer
Returns the color used to draw a vertical line across all rows in all layer containers in order to indicate the end of a major time unit (for example: the end of a year, the end of a month).
getMajorSimpleGranularity() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.SimpleGranularityDatelineModel
Returns the currently shown major granularity, which gets determined by invoking SimpleGranularity.next() on the current granularity.
getMajorTimeGranularity() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.TimeGranularityDatelineModel
Returns the major time granularity, which is based on the currently used (minor) time granularity.
getManualZoomColor() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.Dateline
Returns the color used to draw the manual zoom rectangle.
getMarkerFillColor1() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.Eventline
Returns the first fill color used for creating the gradient background of the time markers.
getMarkerFillColor2() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.Eventline
Returns the second fill color used for creating the gradient background of the time markers.
getMaximumCapacity() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.DefaultResourceNode
Returns the maximum capacity of the resource node.
getMaximumCapacity() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.IResourceNode
Returns the maximum capacity of the resource.
getMaximumSize() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableScrollPane
getMaximumWidth() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.TreeTableColumn
Returns the column's maximum width.
getMemoryLabel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartStatusBar
Returns the label used to display the current memory allocation.
getMenuProvider() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.AbstractRowHeader
Returns the menu provider used by the row header to lookup a popup menu based on the location and context of the popup trigger event.
getMenuProvider() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
Returns a menu provider that can be used by the layer container to lookup a popup menu for a specific context where the context is defined by the tree path, timeline object paths, etc...
getMenuProvider() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.Dateline
Returns the menu provider for the dateline.
getMenuProvider() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.Eventline
Returns a menu manager that can be used by the eventline to lookup a popup menu for a specific context where the context is defined by the mouse location, the eventline objects, and the time at the location.
getMenuProvider() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns the menu provider used by the tree table to lookup a popup menu based on the location and context of the popup trigger event.
getMenuProvider() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableHeader
Returns the menu provider used by the tree table header to lookup a popup menu based on the location and context of the popup trigger event.
getMessageDetails() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.IMessage
Returns an object that contains some more details about the message.
getMessageDetails() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.Message
getMessages() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.AbstractGanttChart
Returns a list of all messages that are currently attached to the Gantt chart.
getMessagesLabel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartStatusBar
Returns the label used to display the 'incoming messages' icon.
getMessageText() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.IMessage
Returns the text that will be displayed to the user.
getMessageText() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.Message
getMessageTime() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.IMessage
Returns the time stamp when the message occured.
getMessageTime() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.Message
getMessageTypeId() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.IMessage
Returns the type of the message (information, warning, error).
getMessageTypeId() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.Message
getMillis() - Method in enum com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.SimpleGranularity
Returns the number of milliseconds represented by the granularity.
getMilliseconds() - Method in enum com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.TimeGranularity
Returns the number of milliseconds represented by the time granularity.
getMinimumCapacity() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.DefaultResourceNode
Returns the minimum capacity of the resource node.
getMinimumCapacity() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.IResourceNode
Returns the minimum capacity of the resource.
getMinimumSize() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
getMinimumSize() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainerScrollPane
The scrollpane's minimum size depends on the row header, the column header or the horizontal scrollpane.
getMinimumSize() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableScrollPane
getMinimumWidth() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.TreeTableColumn
Returns the minimum width of the column.
getMinorBackground(Dateline, long) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.AbstractDatelineRenderer
Returns the background color for the given time point that is placed on the lower (the minor) part of the dateline.
getMinorCapacityLineColor() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultResourceRowRenderer
Returns the color used for drawing the minor capacity lines.
getMinorDateFormat(TimeGranularity) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.TimeGranularityDatelineModel
Returns the date formatter used for the given time granularity, when formatting time in the minor part of the dateline (the lower part).
getMinorDateString(SimpleGranularity, long) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.SimpleGranularityDatelineModel
Returns a text representation for the given minor time point and granularity.
getMinorDateString(TimeGranularity, long) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.TimeGranularityDatelineModel
Returns a string representation of a time point based on the given time granularity.
getMinorForeground(Dateline, long) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.AbstractDatelineRenderer
Returns the foreground color for the given time point that is placed on the lower (the minor) part of the dateline.
getMinorGridColor() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.GridLayer
Returns the color used to draw a vertical line across all rows in all layer containers in order to indicate the end of a minor time unit (for example: the end of a day, the end of an hour).
getMode() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.action.layer.LassoModeAction
Returns the selection mode that will be set by the action.
getMode() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartToolBar
Returns the toolbar's display mode.
getModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.eventline.DefaultChangeEventlineObjectTimeSpanCommand
Returns the eventline model to which the eventline object belongs.
getModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.eventline.DefaultCreateEventlineObjectCommand
Returns the model of which the eventline object is a member.
getModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.eventline.DefaultDeleteEventlineObjectCommand
Returns the model of which the eventline object is a member.
getModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.layer.DefaultAddLayerCommand
Returns the model to which the layer will be added
getModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.layer.DefaultChangeCapacityCommand
Returns the model to which the capacity object belongs.
getModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.layer.DefaultChangePercentageCommand
Returns the model to which the activity object belongs.
getModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.layer.DefaultChangeTimelineObjectTimeSpanCommand
Returns the model to which the timeline object belongs.
getModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.layer.DefaultCreateRelationshipCommand
Returns the model for which the command creates / created a new relationship object.
getModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.layer.DefaultCreateTimelineObjectCommand
Returns the model that will be modified by the command.
getModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.layer.DefaultDeleteTimelineObjectCommand
Returns the model in which the tree node and the deleted timeline object are stored.
getModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.layer.DefaultRemoveLayerCommand
Returns the model from which the layer will be removed
getModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.treetable.DefaultChangeKeyCommand
Returns the tree table model to which the node belongs.
getModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.treetable.DefaultChangeValueCommand
Returns the tree table model to which the node belongs.
getModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.treetable.DefaultNodeCreateCommand
The model to which the parent node and the new child node belong.
getModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.treetable.DefaultNodeDeleteCommand
Returns the model to which the parent and the child node belong.
getModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.bookmarks.BookmarkEvent
Returns the bookmark model that was the source of the change being described by the event.
getModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.dateline.DatelineModelEvent
Returns the dateline model that was the source of the event.
getModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.eventline.EventlineModelEvent
Returns the eventline model from which the event originated.
getModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.eventline.EventlineSelectionModelEvent
Returns the selection model that was the source of the event.
getModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.GanttChartModelEvent
Returns the source model of the event.
getModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.paging.PagingEvent
Returns the paging model that was the source of the change being described by the event.
getModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.TreeTableModelEvent
Returns the tree table model from which the event originated.
getModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.AbstractGanttChart
Returns the Gantt chart's data model.
getModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.AbstractLayer
Returns the Gantt chart model.
getModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
Returns the Gantt chart model.
getModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultRowRenderer
Returns the Gantt chart model of which the node in need of rendering is a member.
getModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultTimelineObjectRenderer
Returns the model that provided the currently rendered timeline object.
getModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.ObjectBounds
Returns the model from which the timeline object originated.
getModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.AbstractDatelineRenderer
Returns the dateline model that returned the time span that is currently being rendered.
getModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.Dateline
Sets the model used by the dateline to convert time points to coordinates and coordinates to time points.
getModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.DefaultEventlineObjectRenderer
Returns the eventline model that returned the eventline object currently being painted.
getModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.Eventline
Returns the model used by the eventline.
getModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns the model that is being used as a data source for the tree table.
getModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableHeader
Returns the column model that gets visualized by the column header.
getModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableNode
Returns the model to which the node (or the wrapped model node) belongs.
getModelIndex() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.KeyColumn
Overriden and made final in order to ensure that the model index returned by this method is always KeyColumn.MODEL_INDEX (identifying the column as the key column).
getModelIndex() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.TreeTableColumn
Returns the column's model index which is independent of the column's current position within the tree table.
getModelIndex() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.TreeTableModelEvent
Returns the model index of the tree table column where the value of a cell was edited.
getModelNode() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableNode
Returns the model node object that is wrapped by the tree table node.
getName() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.AbstractCommand
Returns the (display) name of the command.
getName() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.ICommand
The name of the command.
getName() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.dateline.IGranularity
Returns the name of the granularity.
getName() - Method in enum com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.SimpleGranularity
getName() - Method in enum com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.TimeGranularity
Returns a translated and displayable name for the time granularity enumeration value.
getName() - Method in enum com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.SortDirection
Returns the displayable name of the sort direction.
getName() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.AbstractLayer
Returns the name of the layer.
getName() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.util.INamedObject
Returns the value of the object's name attribute (the object's name).
getName() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.util.NamedObject
getNavigationControl(NavigationControlType) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.NavigationControlPanel
Returns the control used to perform the given type of navigation.
getNavigationControlPanel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.NavigationControl
Returns the panel to which the control belongs.
getNavigationControlPanel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.PagingControl
Returns the panel to which the control belongs.
getNewCapacity() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.layer.DefaultChangeCapacityCommand
Returns the new capacity that will be / was assigned to the capacity object.
getNewChildIndex() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.treetable.DefaultNodeDragAndDropCommand
Returns the index of the dragged node within the list of children of the new parent node.
getNewKey() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.treetable.DefaultChangeKeyCommand
Returns the new key value.
getNewModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.layer.AbstractDragAndDropCommand
Returns the new Gantt chart model in which the timeline object will be stored.
getNewModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.treetable.DefaultNodeDragAndDropCommand
Returns the model to which the dragged node belongs after the command gets executed.
getNewOwner() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.layer.AbstractDragAndDropCommand
Returns the new owner / tree node of the timeline object.
getNewParent() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.treetable.DefaultNodeDragAndDropCommand
Returns the parent node to which the dragged node was / will be assigned by the command.
getNewPercentage() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.layer.DefaultChangePercentageCommand
Returns the new value that will be used for the percentage complete value.
getNewRowHeight() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.treetable.DefaultRowResizeCommand
Returns the new height of the tree table node.
getNewTimelineObject() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.layer.DefaultCreateTimelineObjectCommand
Returns the newly created timeline object.
getNewTimeSpan() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.eventline.DefaultChangeEventlineObjectTimeSpanCommand
Returns the new time span that was assigned to the eventline object through the command.
getNewTimeSpan() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.layer.DefaultChangeTimelineObjectTimeSpanCommand
Returns the time span that will be / was assigned to the timeline object by the command.
getNewTimeSpan() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.layer.DefaultDragAndDropCommand
Returns the new time span that gets assigned to the timeline object via the command.
getNewValue() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.treetable.DefaultChangeValueCommand
Returns the new column value.
getNewValue() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.TreeTableModelEvent
Returns the new value for the edited tree table cell.
getNode() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.layer.DefaultChangeTimelineObjectTimeSpanCommand
Returns the tree node to which the timeline object belongs.
getNode() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.layer.DefaultCreateTimelineObjectCommand
Returns the node for which the timeline object gets created.
getNode() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.layer.DefaultDeleteTimelineObjectCommand
Returns the tree node that owns the timeline object (the object gets shown in the row of that node).
getNode() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.treetable.DefaultChangeKeyCommand
Returns the node that was modified.
getNode() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.treetable.DefaultChangeValueCommand
Returns the node that was modified.
getNode() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.treetable.DefaultRowResizeCommand
Returns the node that received a new row height.
getNode() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.GanttChartModelEvent
Returns the tree table node that was affected by the change.
getNode() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.DefaultLayerContainerRowHeaderRenderer
Returns the node that was passed to the renderer.
getNode() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultDragRowRenderer
Returns the node for which the renderer is currently being called.
getNode() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultRowRenderer
Returns the tree node shown in the row that gets currently drawn.
getNode() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultTimelineObjectRenderer
Returns the hierarchy (tree) node of the row in which the currently rendered timeline object is located.
getNode() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.TimeSpanSelectionEvent
Returns the tree table node that was the target of changed time span selection.
getNode() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.ObjectBounds
Returns the tree table node to which the timeline object belongs.
getObject() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.ObjectBounds
Returns the timeline object.
getObjectBounds(TimelineObjectPath) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
Returns the object bounds for the given timeline object path.
getObjectBounds(TimelineObjectPath) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.TimelineObjectLayer
Returns the object bounds for the given timeline object (path).
getObjectBoundsAt(int, int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
Searches for and returns object bounds for the given coordinates.
getObjectBoundsAt(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.TimelineObjectLayer
Returns the object bounds for the timeline object found at the location of the given mouse event.
getObjectBoundsAt(Point) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.TimelineObjectLayer
Returns the object bounds for the timeline object found at the given location.
getObjectBoundsAt(int, int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.TimelineObjectLayer
Returns the object bounds for the timeline object found at the given coordinate.
getOffset() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultRelationshipRenderer
getOffset() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.PopupLayer
Returns the offset used to move the popup away from or closer to (if negative) the timeline object that was the source of the popup input.
getOkButton() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.selector.TimeZoneSelector
Returns the OK button.
getOkButton() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.TimeZoneDialog
Returns the OK button.
getOldCapacity() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.layer.DefaultChangeCapacityCommand
Returns the old capacity that was assigned to the capacity object.
getOldChildIndex() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.treetable.DefaultNodeDragAndDropCommand
Returns the index of the dragged node within the list of children of the old parent node.
getOldKey() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.treetable.DefaultChangeKeyCommand
Returns the old key value.
getOldModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.layer.AbstractDragAndDropCommand
Returns the old Gantt chart model in which the timeline object was stored.
getOldModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.treetable.DefaultNodeDragAndDropCommand
Returns the model to which the dragged node belongs before the command gets executed.
getOldOwner() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.layer.AbstractDragAndDropCommand
Returns the old owner / tree node of the timeline object.
getOldParent() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.treetable.DefaultNodeDragAndDropCommand
Returns the old parent node to which the dragged node belonged before the command was executed.
getOldPercentage() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.layer.DefaultChangePercentageCommand
Returns the old percentage complete value.
getOldRowHeight() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.treetable.DefaultRowResizeCommand
Returns the old height of the tree table node.
getOldTimeSpan() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.eventline.DefaultChangeEventlineObjectTimeSpanCommand
Returns the old time span that was assigned to the eventline object before the command was executed.
getOldTimeSpan() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.layer.DefaultChangeTimelineObjectTimeSpanCommand
Returns the time span that was assigned to the timeline object before the command was executed.
getOldTimeSpan() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.layer.DefaultDragAndDropCommand
Returns the old time span that was assigned to the timeline object via the command.
getOldValue() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.treetable.DefaultChangeValueCommand
Returns the old column value.
getOldValue() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.TreeTableModelEvent
Returns the old value of the edited tree table cell.
getOverallocationFillColor() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultCapacityObjectRenderer
getOverviewLabel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.UtilityControlPanel
Returns the label used as a parent component for the overview selector.
getOverviewStatus(Object, Object, IGanttChartModel) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.gantt.DefaultOverviewPolicy
getOverviewStatus(Object, Object, IGanttChartModel) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.gantt.IOverviewPolicy
Returns a status object that can be used by the OverviewPalette to determine which color to use when drawing the timeline object.
getPage() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.paging.DefaultPagingModel
getPage(int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.paging.DefaultPagingModel
getPage(int) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.paging.IPagingModel
Returns the page for the given index.
getPage() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.paging.IPagingModel
Returns the currently used page.
getPage() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.paging.PagingEvent
Returns the page that was added, removed or changed.
getPageCount() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.paging.DefaultPagingModel
getPageCount() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.paging.IPagingModel
Returns the total number of pages added to the model.
getPageFormat() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print.AbstractPrintManager
getPageFormat() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print.IPrintManager
Returns the currently used page format settings.
getPagingControl(PagingControlType) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.PagingControlPanel
Returns the button used to perform the given type of navigation.
getPagingControlPanel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.UtilityControlPanel
Returns the paging control panel.
getPagingEvent() - Method in exception com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.paging.PagingVetoException
Returns the paging event that was vetoed.
getPagingModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.AbstractGanttChart
Returns the (optional) paging model.
getPaint(Class) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.EventlineLayer
Returns the paint object that will be used for drawing eventline objects of the given type.
getParentComponent() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.selector.Selector
Returns the parent component, which is the component to which the selector window gets hooked.
getParentFillColor1() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultTimelineObjectRenderer
Returns the first background color used for those timeline objects that are parent timeline objects (own children timeline objects).
getParentFillColor2() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultTimelineObjectRenderer
Returns the second background color used for those timeline objects that are parent timeline objects (own children timeline objects).
getParentLineColor() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultTimelineObjectRenderer
Returns the line color used for those timeline objects that are parent timeline objects (own children timeline objects).
getParentNode() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.treetable.DefaultNodeCreateCommand
Returns the parent node that received a new child node.
getParentNode() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.treetable.DefaultNodeDeleteCommand
Returns the parent node of the node that will be / was deleted.
getParentNode() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableNode
Returns the parent node of the node.
getPastFillColor() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultCapacityObjectRenderer
Returns the color that will be used for filling the background of the renderer component when the capacity object is located in the past.
getPastFillColor1() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultTimelineObjectRenderer
Returns the first color used for filling the background of an activity when the activity is located in the past (earlier than time now).
getPastFillColor1() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.DefaultEventlineObjectRenderer
Returns the first color used for filling the background of an activity when the activity is located in the past (earlier than time now).
getPastFillColor2() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultTimelineObjectRenderer
Returns the second color used for filling the background of an activity when the activity is located in the past (earlier than time now).
getPastFillColor2() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.DefaultEventlineObjectRenderer
Returns the second color used for filling the background of an activity when the activity is located in the past (earlier than time now).
getPath() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.ObjectBounds
Returns a timeline object path based on the tree path, model layer, and object stored inside the object bounds.
getPath() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableNode
Returns a tree path for the node.
getPathsBetweenRows(int, int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns an array of tree paths that matches rows within the given interval.
getPercentageComplete() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.DefaultActivityObject
getPercentageComplete() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.IActivityObject
Returns the percentage complete value of the activity.
getPercentageFillColor1() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultActivityObjectRenderer
Returns the first fill color used for drawing a gradient in the background of the activity object.
getPercentageFillColor2() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultActivityObjectRenderer
Returns the second fill color used for drawing a gradient in the background of the activity object.
getPercentageFormatter() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.DefaultDragInfoPolicy
Returns the formatter that is being used to format the percentage complete value into a nice text.
getPinnedOffset() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.PopupLayer
Returns the offset used to move the pinned popup away from or closer to (if negative) the timeline object that was the source of the popup input.
getPinnedPopups() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.PopupLayer
Returns a list with all currently pinned popups.
getPolicy(Class<T>) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.IPolicyProvider
Returns a policy implementation for the given policy type (policy interface).
getPolicy(Class<T>) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.PolicyProvider
getPolicyImpl() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.PolicyProviderEvent
Returns the new policy implementation.
getPolicyProvider() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.PolicyProviderEvent
Returns the source of the event (the modified policy provider).
getPolicyProvider() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.AbstractGanttChart
Returns the policy provider used by the Gantt chart to lookup policy implementations.
getPolicyProvider() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
Returns the layer container's policy provider.
getPolicyProvider() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.Dateline
Returns the dateline's policy provider.
getPolicyProvider() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.Eventline
Returns the policy provider of the eventline.
getPolicyProvider() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns the policy provider used by the table to lookup policy implementations.
getPolicyType() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.PolicyProviderEvent
Returns the type of the changed policy.
getPopup() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
Returns the currently or last used popup menu.
getPopupLabel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartStatusBar
Returns the label used to display the popup icon when popups are currently enabled.
getPopupMenu(T, MouseEvent, TreePath) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.DefaultRowHeaderMenuProvider
getPopupMenu(LayerContainer, MouseEvent, long, TreePath, TimelineObjectPath[]) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.DefaultLayerContainerMenuProvider
getPopupMenu(LayerContainer, MouseEvent, long, TreePath, TimelineObjectPath[]) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.ILayerContainerMenuProvider
Returns a popup menu for the given layer container.
getPopupMenu(Dateline, MouseEvent, boolean, long, ITimeSpan) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.DefaultDatelineMenuProvider
getPopupMenu(Eventline, MouseEvent, long, Object[]) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.DefaultEventlineMenuProvider
getPopupMenu(Dateline, MouseEvent, boolean, long, ITimeSpan) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.IDatelineMenuProvider
Returns a popup menu for the given eventline.
getPopupMenu(Eventline, MouseEvent, long, Object[]) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.IEventlineMenuProvider
Returns a popup menu for the given eventline.
getPopupMenu(TreeTableHeader, MouseEvent, TreeTableColumn) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.DefaultTreeTableHeaderMenuProvider
getPopupMenu(TreeTable, MouseEvent, TreePath, TreeTableColumn) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.DefaultTreeTableMenuProvider
getPopupMenu(T, MouseEvent, TreePath) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.IRowHeaderMenuProvider
Returns a popup menu for the given tree table.
getPopupMenu(TreeTableHeader, MouseEvent, TreeTableColumn) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.ITreeTableHeaderMenuProvider
Returns a popup menu for the given tree table header.
getPopupMenu(TreeTable, MouseEvent, TreePath, TreeTableColumn) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.ITreeTableMenuProvider
Returns a popup menu for the given tree table.
getPopupObject(boolean) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.DefaultTimelineObject
getPopupObject(boolean) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.ITimelineObject
Returns the object for the popup window.
getPopupRenderer(Class) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.PopupLayer
Returns a popup renderer for a given popup value type.
getPopupRendererComponent(PopupLayer, Object, Object, Object, IGanttChartModel, boolean) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultPopupRenderer
getPopupRendererComponent(PopupLayer, Object, Object, Object, IGanttChartModel, boolean) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.IPopupRenderer
Returns the component that will be used as a popup that provides additional information about a timeline object.
getPopupText(Object) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultPopupRenderer
Converts the given popup value to a String.
getPopupValue(Object, Object, IGanttChartModel, boolean) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.DefaultPopupPolicy
getPopupValue(Object, Object, IGanttChartModel, boolean) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.IPopupPolicy
Returns an object that can be utilized to provide some kind of popup for a timeline object.
getPreferredSize() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.AbstractRowHeader
getPreferredSize() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
getPreferredSize() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print.PreviewPaperPanel
getPreferredSize(double) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print.PreviewPaperPanel
Returns the preferred size of the panel based on the given scaling factor and page format object provided by the print manager.
getPreferredSize() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.Dateline
getPreferredSize() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.Eventline
Returns the preferred size of the eventline.
getPreferredSize() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.DefaultColumnHeaderRenderer
getPreferredSize() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns the preferred size.
getPreferredSize() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableHeader
getPreviewDialog() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print.PrintGanttChart
Returns a preview dialog that can (optionally) be set if the user requested a preview before actually printing the Gantt chart.
getPrimaryLayerContainer() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.DualGanttChart
Returns the primary layer container.
getPrimaryLayerContainerRowHeader() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.DualGanttChart
Returns the row header that gets used in combination with the primary layer container.
getPrimaryLayerContainerScrollPane() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.DualGanttChart
Returns the scrollpane for the primary layer container.
getPrimaryPrintManager() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.DualGanttChart
Returns the print manager used for printing the primary Gantt chart (the upper part).
getPrimaryTreeTable() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.DualGanttChart
Returns the primary tree table.
getPrimaryTreeTableRowHeader() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.DualGanttChart
Returns the primary row header.
getPrimaryTreeTableScrollPane() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.DualGanttChart
Returns the scrollpane used for the primary tree table.
getPrintContext() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print.AbstractPrintManager
getPrintContext() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print.IPrintManager
Returns the print context that was passed to the print manager from the printing Gantt chart.
getPrintContexts() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.AbstractGanttChart
Returns all print context supported by the Gantt chart.
getPrintContexts() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.DualGanttChart
getPrintContexts() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChart
getPrintContexts() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print.PrintGanttChart
getPrintContexts() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableContainer
getPrinterJob() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print.AbstractPrintManager
getPrinterJob() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print.IPrintManager
Returns the current printer job.
getPrintGanttChart() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print.AbstractPrintManager
getPrintGanttChart() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print.IPrintManager
Returns the printable Gantt chart, which will copy its settings from the Gantt chart requested to be printed.
getPrintGanttChart() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print.PreviewDialog
Returns the preview Gantt chart which is (in part) a clone of the actual Gantt chart.
getPrintManager() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChart
Returns the print manager to be used when the application invokes printing.
getPrintManager() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print.PreviewDialog
getProgressMonitorFactory() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.AbstractGanttChart
Returns the progress monitor factory used by the Gantt chart to create new instances of IProgressMonitor.
getProperty(String) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.AbstractPropertiesOwner
getProperty(String) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.IPropertiesOwner
Returns the value for the given property.
getQuarterYearFormat() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.TimeGranularityDatelineModel
Returns the format used for displaying the quarters of a year.
getRange(TimeGranularity, TimeGranularity) - Static method in enum com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.TimeGranularity
Returns an array of time granularities.
getRedoableCommand() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.DefaultCommandStack
Returns the command, which would be redone if the application called the redo operation on the stack.
getRedoableCommand() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.ICommandStack
Returns the command, which will be redone if the redo method gets called.
getRelationship() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.layer.DefaultCreateRelationshipCommand
The relationship that was created by the command.
getRelationshipRenderer(Class) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.RelationshipLayer
Returns a renderer for drawing a relationship.
getRelationships() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.DefaultGanttChartModel
getRelationships(S) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.DefaultGanttChartModel
getRelationships() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.IGanttChartModel
Returns all relationships so that they can be visualized by the RelationshipLayer.
getRelationships(S) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.IGanttChartModel
Returns those relationships that have the given timeline object either as a source or as a target object.
getRemoveButton() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.ColumnChooser
Returns the button that is being used to remove a column from the list of used columns.
getRemoveLayerCommand(ILayer, IGanttChartModel) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.DefaultEditLayerPolicy
getRemoveLayerCommand(ILayer, IGanttChartModel) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.IEditLayerPolicy
Returns the command used to remove a layer from a model.
getRendererMap() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.AbstractRowHeader
Returns the map, which is storing the mappings between row header value types and row header renderers.
getRendererMap() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
Returns the map that is containing the mapping of timeline object classes to renderers.
getRendererMap() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.Dateline
Returns the map used to store the mappings between dateline model classes and dateline renderers.
getRendererMap() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.Eventline
Returns the map used to store the mappings between eventline object classes and eventline object renderers.
getRendererMap() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns the map, which is storing the mappings between cell value types and tree table cell renderers.
getRendererMap() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableHeader
Returns the map that stores the mappings between column header values and column header renderers.
getRendererPane() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
Returns the shared renderer pane that can be used by the layer UIs to draw objects via renderers.
getRendererPane() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns the renderer pane used by the tree table to render the tree table cell renderers.
getRenderingDirection() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
Returns a hint whether the timeline objects will be rendered right to left or left to right (default).
getRequestedVisibleTimeSpan() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.dateline.DatelineModelEvent
Returns the time span that was requested from the dateline model to be visible.
getResizeHandleColor() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultTimelineObjectRenderer
Returns the color used for the resize handles.
getResizeHandleColor() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.DefaultEventlineObjectRenderer
Returns the color used for the resize handles.
getResizeHandleSize() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.Eventline
Returns the size of the resize handle located on the left and right edge of the eventline objects.
getResizeIconLabel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.selector.ColumnChooserSelector
Returns the label that is used for resizing the selector.
getResizeIconLabel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.StatusBar
Returns the label used to display the resize icon.
getResourceNode() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultResourceRowRenderer
Returns the resource node for which the renderer is currently being invoked.
getRoot() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.DefaultTreeTableModel
getRootNode() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
The root node.
getRow() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.DefaultLayerContainerRowHeaderRenderer
Returns the row number where the row header gets rendered.
getRow() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultRowRenderer
Returns the row number of the currently drawn row.
getRow() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultCapacityObjectRenderer
Returns the number of the row on which the capacity object is located.
getRow() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableNode
Returns the row of the entry inside the table.
getRowAt(int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
Returns the row index at the given vertical location.
getRowAt(int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns the row for the given y-coordinate.
getRowCount() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns the total number of rows, which is equal to the length of the tree table nodes array.
getRowForPath(TreePath) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns the row for the given path.
getRowHeader() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.DefaultLayerContainerRowHeaderRenderer
Returns the row header component where the rendering takes place.
getRowHeader() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print.PrintContext
Returns the row header to print.
getRowHeader() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print.PrintGanttChart
Returns the row header used for printing.
getRowHeader() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns the row header that was created by the component factory and that will be used to control the tree table (expanding / collapsing nodes, row height, selection, ...).
getRowHeader() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableContainer
The row header of the tree table.
getRowHeaderRenderer(Class) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.AbstractRowHeader
Returns a row header renderer for an object type.
getRowHeaderRendererComponent(LayerContainerRowHeader, Object, Object, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.DefaultLayerContainerRowHeaderRenderer
getRowHeaderRendererComponent(LayerContainerRowHeader, Object, Object, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.DefaultResourceNodeRowHeaderRenderer
getRowHeaderRendererComponent(TreeTableRowHeader, Object, Object, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.DefaultTreeTableRowHeaderRenderer
getRowHeaderRendererComponent(T, Object, Object, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.IRowHeaderRenderer
Returns a component suitable for rendering a row header.
getRowHeaderToggleBounds(TreeTableRowHeader, int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.DefaultTreeTableRowHeaderRenderer
getRowHeaderToggleBounds(TreeTableRowHeader, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.ITreeTableRowHeaderRenderer
Returns the bounds of the toggle used for expanding and collapsing the hierarchy / tree table node.
getRowHeaderValue() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.DefaultMutableTreeTableNode
getRowHeaderValue(T) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.DefaultTreeTableModel
getRowHeaderValue(T) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.ITreeTableModel
Returns an object that will be visualized in the row header section of the Gantt chart.
getRowHeaderValue() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.ITreeTableNode
Returns a value that can be used by the row header and the row header renderer to control the rendering of the row header.
getRowHeaderValue() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.DefaultLayerContainerRowHeaderRenderer
Returns the row header value that was retrieved from the tree table model.
getRowHeaderWidth() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.AbstractGanttChart
Returns the width used to calculate the preferred size of all row headers currently in use by the Gantt chart.
getRowHeight() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.DefaultMutableTreeTableNode
getRowHeight() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.ITreeTableNode
Returns the current row height of the node.
getRowHeight(Object, ITreeTableModel) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.treetable.DefaultRowPolicy
getRowHeight(Object, ITreeTableModel) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.treetable.IRowPolicy
Returns the current height of the row in which the given tree node gets displayed.
getRowHeight(int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns the height of the given row.
getRowHeightMaximum() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.DefaultMutableTreeTableNode
getRowHeightMaximum() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.ITreeTableNode
Returns the node's maximum row height.
getRowHeightMaximum(Object, ITreeTableModel) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.treetable.DefaultRowPolicy
getRowHeightMaximum(Object, ITreeTableModel) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.treetable.IRowPolicy
Returns the maximum height of the row in which the given tree node gets displayed.
getRowHeightMinimum() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.DefaultMutableTreeTableNode
getRowHeightMinimum() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.ITreeTableNode
Returns the node's minimum row height.
getRowHeightMinimum(Object, ITreeTableModel) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.treetable.DefaultRowPolicy
getRowHeightMinimum(Object, ITreeTableModel) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.treetable.IRowPolicy
Returns the minimum height of the row in which the given tree node gets displayed.
getRowLayer() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultRowRenderer
Returns the row layer in which the drawing takes place.
getRowRenderer(Class) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.RowLayer
Returns a row renderer for an object (tree node).
getRowRendererComponent(RowLayer, Object, boolean, int, ITimeSpan, boolean) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultResourceRowRenderer
getRowRendererComponent(RowLayer, Object, boolean, int, ITimeSpan, boolean) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultRowRenderer
getRowRendererComponent(RowLayer, Object, boolean, int, ITimeSpan, boolean) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.IRowRenderer
Returns a component that will be used for renderering additional information about a row (for example resource capacity lines).
getRowRendererMap() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.RowLayer
Returns the map, which is storing the mapping between node types and renderer implementations.
getRowResizeCommand(Object, ITreeTableModel, int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.treetable.DefaultRowPolicy
getRowResizeCommand(Object, ITreeTableModel, int) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.treetable.IRowPolicy
Returns a command object that will peform the actual resizing of the row / node.
getRowResizePosition() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.AbstractGanttChart
Gets the position where the row resizing takes place.
getRowsForPaths(TreePath[]) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
getRowToolTip(Object, ITreeTableModel, TreeTableColumn) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.treetable.DefaultRowPolicy
getRowToolTip(Object, ITreeTableModel, TreeTableColumn) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.treetable.IRowPolicy
Returns a tooltip text for the given node and column.
getScale() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print.PreviewDialog
Returns the current scale factor.
getScrollPane() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print.PreviewDialog
Returns the scrollpane that contains the page panels.
getSecondaryLayerContainer() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.DualGanttChart
Returns the secondary layer container.
getSecondaryLayerContainerRowHeader() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.DualGanttChart
Returns the row header that gets used in combination with the secondary layer container.
getSecondaryLayerContainerScrollPane() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.DualGanttChart
Returns the secondary layer container scrollpane.
getSecondaryModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.DualGanttChart
Returns the secondary Gantt chart model.
getSecondaryPrintManager() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.DualGanttChart
Returns the print manager used for printing the secondary Gantt chart (the lower part).
getSecondaryTreeTable() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.DualGanttChart
Returns the secondary tree table.
getSecondaryTreeTableRowHeader() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.DualGanttChart
Returns the secondary row header.
getSecondaryTreeTableScrollPane() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.DualGanttChart
Returns the secondary tree table scrollpane.
getSecondaryWeight() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.DualGanttChart
Returns the weight that will be used to calculate the initial height of the secondary Gantt chart when it first becomes visible.
getSelectedGanttChart() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.IMultiGanttChartContainer
Returns the currently selected Gantt chart.
getSelectedGanttChart() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.MultiGanttChartContainer
getSelectedIcon() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultEventObjectRenderer
Returns the icon that will be used to visualize the event when it is currently selected (subclasses can override to dynamically return different icons based on event properties).
getSelectedTimelineObjects() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
Returns all timeline objects that are currently selected on the visible timeline layers.
getSelectedTimelineObjects(ILayer) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
Returns all timeline objects that are currently selected on the given timeline layer (independent of whether or not the layer is visible).
getSelectedTimeSpan() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.dateline.AbstractDatelineModel
getSelectedTimeSpan() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.dateline.IDatelineModel
Returns the currently selected time span.
getSelectedTimeSpan() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.Dateline
Returns the selected time span.
getSelectedTimeSpans(Object, ITimeSpan) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.DefaultLayerContainerSelectionModel
getSelectedTimeSpans(Object, ITimeSpan) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.ILayerContainerSelectionModel
Returns an iterator for iterating over the list of selected time spans of the given node within the given time span.
getSelectedTimeZone() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.TimeZoneDialog
Returns the time zone that is currently selected.
getSelectedTimeZone() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.TimeZonePanel
Returns the currently selected time zone.
getSelection() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.eventline.DefaultEventlineSelectionModel
getSelection() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.eventline.IEventlineSelectionModel
Returns all currently selected eventline objects.
getSelection(TreePath, ITimeSpan) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultTimelineObjectLayerSelectionModel
getSelection(TreePath) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultTimelineObjectLayerSelectionModel
getSelection() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultTimelineObjectLayerSelectionModel
getSelection(TreePath, ITimeSpan) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.ITimelineObjectLayerSelectionModel
Returns all timeline objects for the given node and time span that are currently selected.
getSelection(TreePath) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.ITimelineObjectLayerSelectionModel
Returns all timeline objects for the given node that are currently selected.
getSelection() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.ITimelineObjectLayerSelectionModel
Returns all timeline objects that are currently selected.
getSelection() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.Eventline
Returns the currently selected eventline objects.
getSelectionBackground() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.Dateline
Returns the selection background color.
getSelectionBackground() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns the color used for filling the background of currently selected rows.
getSelectionColor() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.LassoLayer
Returns the color used for filling the selection color.
getSelectionColor() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.Eventline
Returns the color used for selecting a time span in the eventline.
getSelectionCount() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns the number of currently selected rows / tree nodes.
getSelectionFillColor() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultCapacityObjectRenderer
Returns the color that will be used for filling the background of the renderer component when the capacity object is selected.
getSelectionFillColor1() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultTimelineObjectRenderer
Returns the first color that will be used for filling the background of the timeline object with a gradient paint in situations where the object is selected.
getSelectionFillColor1() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.DefaultEventlineObjectRenderer
Returns the first color that will be used for filling the background of the timeline object with a gradient paint in situations where the object is selected.
getSelectionFillColor2() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultTimelineObjectRenderer
Returns the second color that will be used for filling the background of the timeline object with a gradient paint in situations where the object is selected.
getSelectionFillColor2() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.DefaultEventlineObjectRenderer
Returns the second color that will be used for filling the background of the timeline object with a gradient paint in situations where the object is selected.
getSelectionForegroundColor() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.Dateline
Returns the selection foreground color.
getSelectionForegroundColor() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns the color used for drawing the foreground (text) of currently selected rows.
getSelectionLineColor() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultTimelineObjectRenderer
Sets the line color that will be used for drawing the border of a timeline object in situations where the object is selected.
getSelectionLineColor() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.DefaultEventlineObjectRenderer
Sets the line color that will be used for drawing the border of a timeline object in situations where the object is selected.
getSelectionMode() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.eventline.DefaultEventlineSelectionModel
getSelectionMode() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.eventline.IEventlineSelectionModel
Returns the selection mode.
getSelectionMode() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
getSelectionModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
Returns the selection model associated with the layer container.
getSelectionModel(ILayer) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
Returns the selection model for the given layer.
getSelectionModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.Eventline
Returns the selection model used by the eventline.
getSelectionModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns the table's selection model.
getSelectionPaint() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.SelectionLayer
Returns the selection color used for filling selected time spans.
getSelectionPath() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns the current selection path.
getSelectionPaths() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultTimelineObjectLayerSelectionModel
getSelectionPaths() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.ITimelineObjectLayerSelectionModel
Returns all tree paths that reference hierarchy objects on which a selection exists / on which timeline objects are selected.
getSelectionPaths() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns the current selection paths.
getSelectorLocation() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.selector.Selector
Returns the location where the selector will appear (above, below, to the left, or to the right of the parent component).
getShadowColor() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultTimelineObjectRenderer
Returns the color that will be used for drawing a shadow below and behind the timeline object.
getShadowOffsetX() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultTimelineObjectRenderer
Returns the x offset that will be applied to the shadow of the timeline object.
getShadowOffsetY() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultTimelineObjectRenderer
Returns the y offset that will be applied to the shadow of the timeline object.
getShadowOpacity() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultTimelineObjectRenderer
Returns the opacity of the shadow that will be rendered below and behind the timeline object.
getSize() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.DefaultCommandStack
Returns the stack size as defined via the constructor or default stack size value.
getSortCount() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableHeader
The tree table supports multi-column sorting and this method returns the number of columns used for sorting.
getSortPosition(int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableHeader
The tree table and the tree table header support multi column sorting.
getSourcePath() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.layer.DefaultCreateRelationshipCommand
The path to the timeline object that will be used as the source of the relationship.
getSourcePath() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.DefaultRelationship
getSourcePath() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.IRelationship
Returns the tree path information that can be used to locate the row on which the source timeline object is displayed.
getSplitPane() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChart
The split pane used to layout and resize the left-hand side and the right-hand side of the Gantt chart.
getSplitterSize() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.DualGanttChart
Returns the width of the vertical splitter and the height of the horizontal splitter.
getStartCalendar() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.TimeSpan
Returns a new calendar object based on the current start time.
getStartDate() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.TimeSpan
Returns a new date object based on the current start time.
getStartRow() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.AbstractLayer
Returns the start row of the tree table.
getStartRow() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
Returns the first visible row in the currently visible rectangle.
getStartTime() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.ITimeSpan
Returns the time span's start time.
getStartTime() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.TimeSpan
getStartTimeModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.AbstractTimelineControlPanel
Returns the spinner model used for the start time.
getStartTimeSpinner() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.AbstractTimelineControlPanel
Returns the spinner used for editing the start time.
getStartTimeSpinner() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.EventlineObjectPanel
Returns the spinner used to edit the start time of the eventline object.
getStatus() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.DefaultTimelineObject
Returns an object that represents some kind of status that the timeline object is in.
getStatus() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.ITimelineObject
Returns a status object that can be used by the OverviewPalette to color the timeline objects in different colors based on some application specific information.
getStatus() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.StatusBar
Returns the current status text.
getStatusBar() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartFrame
Returns the statusbar used for showing Gantt chart specific properties and status information.
getStatusBar() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartInternalFrame
Returns the statusbar used for showing Gantt chart specific properties and status information.
getStatusLabel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.StatusBar
Returns the label used for displaying the status message.
getString(String) - Static method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.util.Messages
Helper method, which returns a value (a translation) for the given key.
getStroke() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.CrosshairLayer
Returns the stroke used to draw the crosshair lines.
getStroke(Class) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.EventlineLayer
Returns the paint object that will be used for drawing eventline objects of the given type.
getSupportedLassoModes() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.LassoLayer
Returns the supported lasso modes.
getSupportedSortDirections() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.TreeTableColumn
Returns the sort directions that are supported by the tree table header.
getSystemLayer(Class<T>) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
Returns the UI component for the given system layer.
getTable() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.MessageDialog
Returns the table used by the dialog to list all messages associated with the Gantt chart.
getTargetPath() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.layer.DefaultCreateRelationshipCommand
The path to the timeline object that will be used as the target of the relationship.
getTargetPath() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.DefaultRelationship
getTargetPath() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.IRelationship
Returns the tree path information that can be used to locate the row on which the target timeline object is displayed.
getText() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.AbstractDatelineRenderer
Returns the text that will be shown by the renderer in the currently drawn time span cell.
getText(Object, Object) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.DefaultTreeTableCellRenderer
Returns a text for the given cell value.
getText() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.DefaultTreeTableRowHeaderRenderer
Returns the text that will be shown by the renderer.
getText(Object) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.DefaultTreeTableRowHeaderRenderer
Returns a text representation of the given row header value that was previously retrieved from the tree table model.
getText(Object, Object) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable.CalendarRenderer
getText(Object, Object) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable.DateRenderer
getText(Object, Object) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable.DoubleRenderer
getText(Object, Object) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable.EnumRenderer
getText(Object, Object) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable.IconRenderer
getText() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.util.InfiniteProgressPanel
Returns the current displayed message.
getTextArea() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultDragInfoRenderer
Returns the text area that displays the drag information.
getTextArea() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultPopupRenderer
Returns the text area that is used inside the renderer to display the popup text.
getTextColor() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.CrosshairLayer
Returns the color used to draw the text in the four corners of the crosshair.
getTextColor() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultDragInfoRenderer
Returns the color used for the text shown by the info renderer.
getTextColor() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultPopupRenderer
Returns the color used for the text shown by the info renderer.
getTextField() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.selector.TimeZoneSelector
Returns the filter text field.
getTextField() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.TimeZoneDialog
Returns the filter text field.
getTexture() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.BackgroundLayer
Returns an image that will be used as a texture to fill the background of the layer container.
getTexture() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns the image that is being used to fill the background of the table with a texture.
getTime() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.dateline.GridLine
Returns the time represented the grid line location
getTimeAt(int) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.dateline.IDatelineModel
Returns the time for the given x-coordinate.
getTimeAt(int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.AbstractLayer
Returns the time at the given location.
getTimeAt(int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.Dateline
Returns the time in millis at the given x-coordinate (location).
getTimeAt(int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.SimpleGranularityDatelineModel
getTimeAt(int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.TimeGranularityDatelineModel
Returns the time unit specified by the given pixel location.
getTimeDuration(int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.TimeGranularityDatelineModel
Returns the duration in milliseconds represented by the given width.
getTimeGranularity(String) - Static method in enum com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.TimeGranularity
A name-based lookup of time granularities.
getTimeGranularity(ITimeSpan, int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.TimeGranularityDatelineModel
Returns a suitable time granularity that can be used to display the given time span in the given width.
getTimeLabel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartStatusBar
Returns the label used to display a time point.
getTimeline() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.AbstractGanttChart
Returns the Timeline component, which consists of the Dateline and the Eventline.
getTimeline() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.action.timeline.AbstractTimelineAction
Returns the timeline on which the action will be performed.
getTimeline() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.AbstractLayer
Returns the Gantt chart's timeline.
getTimeline() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
Returns the timeline.
getTimeline() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainerScrollPane
Returns the timeline that is displayed as the column header view if the scrollpane is the primary one.
getTimeline() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print.PrintContext
Returns the timeline to print.
getTimeline() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.AbstractTimelineControlPanel
Returns the timeline that is being controlled by the panel.
getTimeline() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.Dateline
Returns the parent timeline container of which the dateline is a member.
getTimeline() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.Eventline
Returns the parent timeline container.
getTimelineDateFormat() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.DefaultCrosshairPolicy
Returns the date formatting object used for formatting the date at the current crosshair cursor location.
getTimelineObject() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.layer.DefaultChangeTimelineObjectTimeSpanCommand
Returns the timeline object that was modified by the command.
getTimelineObject() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.layer.DefaultDeleteTimelineObjectCommand
Returns the timeline object that will / was deleted.
getTimelineObject() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.layer.DefaultDragAndDropCommand
Returns the timeline object that gets dragged & dropped.
getTimelineObject() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.GanttChartModelEvent
Returns the timeline object that was affected by a change in the model.
getTimelineObject() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.TimelineObjectPath
Returns the timeline object to which the path points.
getTimelineObject() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.AbstractTimelineObjectEditor
Returns the currently edited timeline object.
getTimelineObject() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultTimelineObjectRenderer
Returns the timeline object that is currently being rendered.
getTimelineObjectDateFormat() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.DefaultCrosshairPolicy
Returns the date formatting object used for formatting the date information provided by the timeline object over which the crosshair cursor is hovering
getTimelineObjectEditor(Class) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
Returns a timeline object editor for an object.
getTimelineObjectEditor() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.EditingLayer
Returns the currently used timeline object editor.
getTimelineObjectEditorComponent(EditingLayer, Object, Object) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.AbstractTimelineObjectEditor
getTimelineObjectEditorComponent(EditingLayer, Object, Object) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultActivityObjectEditor
getTimelineObjectEditorComponent(EditingLayer, Object, Object) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultTimelineObjectEditor
getTimelineObjectEditorComponent(EditingLayer, Object, Object) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.ITimelineObjectEditor
Returns the actual editor component for the given tree node and timeline object.
getTimelineObjectLayer(ILayer) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
Returns the timeline object layer for the given model layer.
getTimelineObjectLayer() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultTimelineObjectRenderer
Returns the timeline object layer where the current rendering operation takes place.
getTimelineObjectLayers() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
Returns a collection of all timeline object layers.
getTimelineObjectPath(T, S, ILayer) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.DefaultGanttChartModel
Returns a timeline object path for the given node and object.
getTimelineObjectPath() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.ITimelineObjectPathMessage
A path to the timeline object.
getTimelineObjectPath() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.TimelineObjectPathMessage
getTimelineObjectPaths() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.GanttChartModelEvent
Returns the timeline objects that were affected by the change.
getTimelineObjectPaths() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.TimelineObjectSelectionEvent
Returns the added / removed timeline objects.
getTimelineObjectRenderer(Class) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
Returns a timeline object renderer for an object.
getTimelineObjectRendererComponent(TimelineObjectLayer, Object, Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultActivityObjectRenderer
getTimelineObjectRendererComponent(TimelineObjectLayer, Object, Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultCapacityObjectRenderer
getTimelineObjectRendererComponent(TimelineObjectLayer, Object, Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultEventObjectRenderer
getTimelineObjectRendererComponent(TimelineObjectLayer, Object, Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultTimelineObjectRenderer
getTimelineObjectRendererComponent(TimelineObjectLayer, Object, Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, int) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.ITimelineObjectRenderer
Returns a component that will be used to renderer the given timeline object.
getTimelineObjectRendererInsets(int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultCapacityObjectRenderer
getTimelineObjectRendererInsets(int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultEventObjectRenderer
getTimelineObjectRendererInsets(int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultTimelineObjectRenderer
getTimelineObjectRendererInsets(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.ITimelineObjectRenderer
Returns the insets of the object renderer.
getTimelineObjects() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.layer.DefaultMultiDragAndDropCommand
Returns the timeline objects that get dragged & dropped.
getTimelineObjects() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.DefaultGanttChartNode
getTimelineObjects(ILayer) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.DefaultGanttChartNode
getTimelineObjects() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.IGanttChartNode
Returns a list of all timeline objects on all layers.
getTimelineObjects(ILayer) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.IGanttChartNode
Returns a list of all timeline objects that are associated with the given layer.
getTimelineObjectsIterator(T, ILayer, ITimeSpan) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.DefaultGanttChartModel
getTimelineObjectsIterator(ITimeSpan) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.DefaultGanttChartNode
Returns an iterator for all timeline objects on all layers for the given time span.
getTimelineObjectsIterator(ILayer, ITimeSpan) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.DefaultGanttChartNode
getTimelineObjectsIterator(T, ILayer, ITimeSpan) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.IGanttChartModel
Returns an Iterator that can be used to iterate over all timeline objects stored on the given node and layer within the given time span.
getTimelineObjectsIterator(ILayer, ITimeSpan) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.IGanttChartNode
Returns an iterator for all timeline objects on the given layer for the given time span.
getTimelineObjectStatusColor(Object) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
Returns the color mapped to the given status object.
getTimelineObjectStatusIcon(Object) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
Returns the icon mapped to the given status object.
getTimeLocation(long) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.dateline.IDatelineModel
Returns the location of the given time point.
getTimeLocation(long) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.AbstractLayer
Returns the x-coordinate for the given time point.
getTimeLocation(long) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.Dateline
Returns the location of the given time point.
getTimeLocation(long) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.SimpleGranularityDatelineModel
getTimeLocation(long) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.TimeGranularityDatelineModel
getTimeNow() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.Eventline
Returns the time point that is considered to be time now.
getTimeNowLabel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartStatusBar
Returns the label used to display the 'time now'.
getTimeNowString(IDatelineModel, long) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.gantt.IStatusBarPolicy
Returns a string representing the given time point, which represents time now.
getTimeNowString(IDatelineModel, long) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.gantt.SimpleGranularityStatusBarPolicy
getTimeNowString(IDatelineModel, long) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.gantt.TimeGranularityStatusBarPolicy
getTimePoint() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.bookmarks.Bookmark
Returns the time point where the bookmark is located.
getTimeSpan() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.eventline.DefaultCreateEventlineObjectCommand
Returns the time span that will be assigned to the newly created eventline object.
getTimeSpan() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.layer.DefaultCreateTimelineObjectCommand
Returns the time span where the newly created timeline object will be placed.
getTimeSpan() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.calendar.AbstractCalendarEntry
getTimeSpan() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.calendar.ICalendarEntry
Returns the time span of the calendar entry.
getTimeSpan() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.dateline.AbstractDatelineModel
getTimeSpan() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.dateline.IDatelineModel
Returns the total time span covered by the model / dateline.
getTimeSpan(T) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.eventline.DefaultEventlineModel
getTimeSpan(T) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.eventline.IEventlineModel
Returns the time span allocated to the given object.
getTimeSpan(S) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.DefaultGanttChartModel
getTimeSpan() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.DefaultTimelineObject
getTimeSpan() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.GanttChartModelEvent
Returns the time span that was affected by the change.
getTimeSpan(S) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.IGanttChartModel
Returns the time span of the given timeline object.
getTimeSpan() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.ITimelineObject
Returns the time allocation of the timeline object.
getTimeSpan() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.paging.Page
Returns the time span represented by the page.
getTimeSpan() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.AbstractGanttChart
Convenience method, which returns the total time span covered by the Gantt chart.
getTimeSpan() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultDragRowRenderer
Returns the time span where the dragged timeline object would be dropped.
getTimeSpan() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultRowRenderer
Returns the time span that is currently being drawn by the renderer.
getTimeSpan() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DragLayerEvent
Returns the time span to which the dragged object has been moved (or resized) by the user.
getTimeSpan() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.ObjectBounds
Returns the time span of the timeline object.
getTimeSpan() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print.PrintContext
Returns the time span that needs to be printed.
getTimeSpan() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.AbstractDatelineRenderer
Returns the time span that is currently being rendered.
getTimeSpan() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.AbstractTimelineControlPanel
Returns the time span shown by the panel (not the timeline)
getTimeSpan() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.Dateline
Returns the time span represented by the dateline.
getTimeSpan() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.EventlineObjectPanel
Returns the time span entered inside the panel.
getTimeSpan() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.SimpleGranularityTimelineControlPanel
getTimeSpan() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.TimeGranularityTimelineControlPanel
getTimeSpanAt(int, boolean) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.dateline.IDatelineModel
Returns the time span that gets defined by the grid lines to the left and the right of the given x-coordinate.
getTimeSpanAt(int, boolean) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.Dateline
Returns the time span in which the given x-coordinate is located.
getTimeSpanAt(int, boolean) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.SimpleGranularityDatelineModel
getTimeSpanAt(int, boolean) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.TimeGranularityDatelineModel
getTimeSpans() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.TimeSpanSelectionEvent
Returns the added / removed time spans.
getTimeSpanString(IDatelineModel, ITimeSpan) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.gantt.IStatusBarPolicy
Returns a string representing the given time span.
getTimeSpanString(IDatelineModel, ITimeSpan) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.gantt.SimpleGranularityStatusBarPolicy
getTimeSpanString(IDatelineModel, ITimeSpan) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.gantt.TimeGranularityStatusBarPolicy
getTimeSpanUsed() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.AbstractLayer
Returns the time span that is used by the layer.
getTimeSpanUsed() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
Returns the time span used by the layer container.
getTimeSpanUsed() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.TimelineObjectLayer
getTimeString(long) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.dateline.IDatelineModel
Returns a textual representation for the givent time point.
getTimeString(IDatelineModel, long) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.gantt.IStatusBarPolicy
Returns a string representing the given time point.
getTimeString(IDatelineModel, long) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.gantt.SimpleGranularityStatusBarPolicy
getTimeString(IDatelineModel, long) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.gantt.TimeGranularityStatusBarPolicy
getTimeString(long) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.SimpleGranularityDatelineModel
getTimeString(long) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.TimeGranularityDatelineModel
getTimeZone() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.dateline.AbstractDatelineModel
getTimeZone() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.dateline.IDatelineModel
Returns the time zone represented by the dateline.
getTimeZone() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.Dateline
Returns the time zone represented by the dateline.
getTimeZoneLabel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartStatusBar
Returns the label used to display the time zone represented by the model of the Dateline (see IDatelineModel.getTimeZone()).
getTimeZonePanel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.selector.TimeZoneSelector
Returns the panel that displays the time zones.
getTimeZonePanel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.TimeZoneDialog
Returns the panel that displays the time zones.
getTitleIcon(Object, Object, Object, IGanttChartModel) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultPopupRenderer
Returns an icon that will be shown in the header / title of the popup.
getTitleLabel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultDragInfoRenderer
Returns the label used to display a short title in the drag info.
getTitleLabel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultPopupRenderer
Returns the label that gets used to display the title of the popup.
getTitleLabel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.selector.Selector
Returns the label used for displaying the title of the selector window.
getToLabel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.AbstractTimelineControlPanel
Returns the label used for labelling the to spiner.
getToolBar() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartFrame
Returns the toolbar used for displaying the Gantt chart's actions.
getToolBar() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartInternalFrame
Returns the toolbar used for displaying the Gantt chart's actions.
getToolBarActions() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.AbstractGanttChart
Returns all toolbar actions currently associated with the Gantt chart.
getToolLabel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartStatusBar
Returns the label used to display the tool icon.
getToolTipText(TreeTableColumn) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.DefaultMutableTreeTableNode
getToolTipText(TreeTableColumn) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.ITreeTableNode
Returns the appropriate tooltip text for the given column / model index.
getToolTipText() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.action.AbstractFlexGanttAction
Returns the action's tooltip text.
getToolTipText(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.AbstractLayer
Returns a tooltip text for the given mouse event (mouse location).
getToolTipText(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns the text for a tooltip that is appropriate for the given mouse event and its location.
getTotalColumnWidth() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.DefaultColumnModel
getTotalColumnWidth() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.IColumnModel
Returns the total width as calculated by the widths of the individual columns.
getTreeCellEditorComponent(JTree, Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable.EnumEditor
getTreePath() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.TimelineObjectPath
Creates a tree path for the timeline object path.
getTreePath() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.ITreePathMessage
Returns the tree path associated with the message.
getTreePath() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.TreePathMessage
getTreePath(int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns a tree path object for the given row.
getTreePaths(int[]) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns an array of tree path objects for the given array of rows.
getTreeTable() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.AbstractRowHeader
Returns the tree table to which the row header belongs.
getTreeTable() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.action.treetable.AbstractTreeTableAction
Returns the tree table on which the action will be performed.
getTreeTable() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChart
Returns the Gantt chart's tree table that is responsible for visualizing the hierarchical data structures provided by the Gantt chart model (which is basically an extended tree table model).
getTreeTable() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.AbstractLayer
Returns the tree table that is shown to the left of the layer (container).
getTreeTable() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
Returns the tree table that is placed to the left of the layer container.
getTreeTable() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print.PrintContext
Returns the tree table to print.
getTreeTable() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print.PrintGanttChart
Returns the tree table used for printing.
getTreeTable() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.CellFocusManager
Returns the tree table to which the cell focus manager belongs.
getTreeTable() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableContainer
Returns the tree table.
getTreeTable() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableDragAndDropManager
Returns the tree table that is being managed by the DnD manager.
getTreeTable() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableNode
Returns the tree table in which the node gets displayed.
getTreeTable() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableScrollPane
Returns the tree table shown in the viewport of the scrollpane.
getTreeTableCellEditorComponent(TreeTable, Object, boolean, int, int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.DefaultTreeTableCellEditor
getTreeTableCellEditorComponent(TreeTable, Object, boolean, int, int) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.ITreeTableCellEditor
Returns the editor component that will be placed inside the cell so that the user can edit the cell's value.
getTreeTableCellEditorComponent(TreeTable, Object, boolean, int, int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable.CalendarEditor
getTreeTableCellEditorComponent(TreeTable, Object, boolean, int, int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable.ColorEditor
getTreeTableCellEditorComponent(TreeTable, Object, boolean, int, int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable.DateEditor
getTreeTableCellRendererComponent(TreeTable, Object, Object, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, int, boolean) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.DefaultTreeTableCellRenderer
getTreeTableCellRendererComponent(TreeTable, Object, Object, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, int, boolean) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.ITreeTableCellRenderer
Returns a component suitable for rendering the given value object inside a cell of the given tree table.
getTreeTableCellRendererComponent(TreeTable, Object, Object, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, int, boolean) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable.BooleanRenderer
getTreeTableCellRendererComponent(TreeTable, Object, Object, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, int, boolean) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable.ColorRenderer
getTreeTableColumnHeader() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableScrollPane
Returns the tree table column header shown at the top of the scrollpane.
getTreeTableHeader() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.AbstractGanttChart
Returns the tree table header component.
getTreeTableHeader() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print.PrintContext
Returns the tree table header to print.
getTreeTableHeader() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns the Gantt chart's tree table header.
getTreeTableNode() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.ObjectBounds
Returns the (tree table internal) representation of the tree node.
getTreeTableNodeAt(int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns the tree table node for the given y-coordinate.
getTreeTableNodes() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns the array that is storing the tree table nodes.
getTreeTableNodesBetween(int, int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns all nodes located on or between the two given y-coordinates.
getTreeTablePolicyProvider() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.AbstractLayer
Returns the policy provider of the tree table.
getTreeTableRowHeader() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChart
The row header of the tree table.
getTreeTableRowHeader() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableScrollPane
Returns the tree table row header shown to the left of the scrollpane.
getTreeTables() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.AbstractGanttChart
Returns all tree tables managed by the Gantt chart container.
getTreeTables() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.DualGanttChart
getTreeTables() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChart
getTreeTables() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print.PrintGanttChart
getTreeTables() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableContainer
getTreeTableScrollPane() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChart
Returns the scrollpane that wraps the tree table, the row header and the column header (basically the entire left-hand side of the chart).
getTreeTableScrollPane() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableContainer
Returns the scrollpane that wraps the tree table, the row header and the column header.
getTreeTableScrollPanes() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.AbstractGanttChart
Returns all tree table scrollpanes managed by the Gantt chart container.
getTreeTableScrollPanes() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.DualGanttChart
getTreeTableScrollPanes() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChart
getTreeTableScrollPanes() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print.PrintGanttChart
getTreeTableScrollPanes() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableContainer
getTriggerEvent() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DragLayer
Returns the mouse event, which triggered the last drag gesture.
getTypeBox() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.EventlineObjectPanel
Returns the checkbox used to specify the type of eventline object that will be created (activity or event).
getTypedUserObject() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.DefaultMutableTreeTableNode
Returns the user object.
getTypesOfLowerSystemLayers() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
Returns those system layers that will be placed below the timeline object layers and the customer layers.
getTypesOfUpperSystemLayers() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
Returns those system layers that will be placed above the timeline object layers and the customer layers.
getUndoableCommand() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.DefaultCommandStack
Returns the command, which would be undone if the application called the undo operation on the stack.
getUndoableCommand() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.ICommandStack
Returns the command, which will be undone if the undo method gets called.
getUndoneCommands() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.DefaultCommandStack
Returns a copy of the list of undone commands.
getUpButton() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.ColumnChooser
Returns the button that is being used to move a column up in the list of used columns.
getUsedList() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.ColumnChooser
Returns the UI list that displays the used columns.
getUserDropAction() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultDragRowRenderer
Returns the drop action requested by the user (move, copy).
getUserObject() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.DefaultTimelineObject
Returns the user object wrapped by the timeline object.
getUserObject() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.DefaultMutableTreeTableNode
Deprecated. use DefaultMutableTreeTableNode.getTypedUserObject() instead
getValue() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.util.AbstractSwingWorker
Get the value produced by the worker thread, or null if it hasn't been constructed yet.
getValueAt(int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableNode
Returns the column value of the wrapped model node for the given model index.
getValueIndex() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.treetable.DefaultChangeValueCommand
Returns the model index under which the new value gets stored.
getValues() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.treetable.DefaultNodeCreateCommand
Returns the initial column values that will be assigned to the new child node.
getVersion() - Static method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.util.Version
Returns the FlexGantt version number in the format major.minor.bug (1.0.0).
getVerticalPages() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print.PreviewDialog
Returns the total number of pages to use vertically for printing.
getVerticalSplitter() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.DualGanttChart
Returns the component used to realize the vertical splitter.
getVerticalSplitterLocation() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.DualGanttChart
Returns the location of the vertical splitter, which separates the left-hand side from the right-hand side of the Gantt chart.
getVisibleLayers() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
Returns the layer stack of those layers that are currently visible.
getVisibleRowCount() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns the number of rows currently shown in the visible part of the tree table.
getVisibleTimeSpan() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.Dateline
Returns the currently visible time span.
getWeekendDays() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.calendar.TimeGranularityCalendarModel
Returns the weekend days supported by the calendar.
getWidth() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.TreeTableColumn
Returns the current width of the column.
getWrappedProgressMonitor() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.ProgressMonitorWrapper
Returns the wrapped progress monitor.
getY() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableNode
Returns the y-coordiante of the row in which the node gets displayed.
getZoom() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.dateline.AbstractDatelineModel
getZoom() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.dateline.IDatelineModel
Returns the zoom factor of the model / dateline.
getZoomStrategy() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.Dateline
Returns the currently used zoom strategy.
Gif16IconMap - Class in com.dlsc.flexgantt.icons.gif
An icon map implementation that uses GIF images to create icons for the icon IDs.
Gif16IconMap() - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.icons.gif.Gif16IconMap
GradientBorder - Class in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.util
A border implementation that draws a gradient in the background.
GradientBorder() - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.util.GradientBorder
granularity - Variable in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.dateline.AbstractDatelineModel
Stores the currently used time granularity (e.g. hours, minutes, seconds, ...).
GranularitySelector - Class in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.selector
A small window that allows the user to select a granularity that will be used by the dateline.
GranularitySelector(JComponent, Dateline) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.selector.GranularitySelector
Constructs a new granularity selector.
GridAction<T extends AbstractGanttChart> - Class in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.action.gantt
An action that controls the vertical grid lines.
GridAction(T) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.action.gantt.GridAction
Constructs a new action.
gridComponentChanged() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GridControl
gridComponentChanged() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GridControlPanel
gridComponentChanged() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.IGridComponentListener
Callback method that gets invoked when the grid granularity used by a grid component changes.
GridControl - Class in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing
A control that allows the user to enable / disable a virtual grid that will be used for drag and drop operations related to timeline objects.
GridControl(IGridComponent) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GridControl
Constructs a new grid control.
GridControlPanel - Class in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing
A container for grid controls.
GridControlPanel(IGridComponent...) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GridControlPanel
Constructs a new grid control panel.
GridLayer - Class in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system
The grid layer is responsible for drawing the vertical and horizontal grid lines.
GridLayer(LayerContainer) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.GridLayer
Constructs a new grid layer.
GridLine - Class in com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.dateline
A class that combines a grid coordinate with the corresponding time point at the location.
GridLine(int, long) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.dateline.GridLine
Constructs a new grid line.
GridLineMode - Enum in com.dlsc.flexgantt.util
An enumerator used for controlling the grid that gets applied in the layer container on the right-hand side of the Gantt chart.
GridSelector - Class in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.selector
A small window that allows the user to select a granularity that will be used for a virtual grid during drag & drop operations.
GridSelector(JComponent, IGridComponent) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.selector.GridSelector
Constructs a new grid selector.