IActivityObject - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt
Timeline objects that implement this interface are considered activities and add additional properties.
IBookmarkModel - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.bookmarks
A model used for implementing a bookmark concept within the Gantt chart.
IBookmarkModelListener - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.bookmarks
A listener that can be attached to a bookmark model.
ICalendarEntry - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.calendar
An interface for objects that can be managed by subclasses of AbstractCalendarModel.
ICalendarEntryRenderer - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system
A renderer specialized on rendering calendar entries.
ICalendarModel<T,S> - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.calendar
A calendar model definition that can be used by the Gantt chart to visualize weekends, holidays, or any other special day based on the result of an on-the-fly computation.
ICalendarModelListener - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.calendar
An interface definition for listeners that want to receive events from a calendar model.
ICapacityObject - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt
Timeline objects that implement this interface can be visualized as capacity allocations.
IColumnHeaderRenderer - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable
A renderer used to visualize the individual headers of columns.
IColumnModel - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable
A column model interface that will be used by the tree table's column header component.
IColumnModelListener - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable
A listener interface for column models.
ICommand - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.command
This interface needs to be implemented by any command that needs to be executed in the context of a Gantt chart.
ICommandInterceptor - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing
A command interceptor gets invoked if a certain type of command is about to be executed.
ICommandStack - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.command
A command stack interface that can be used by a Gantt chart to execute, undo, and redo commands.
ICommandStackListener - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.command
Command stack listeners can be attached to command stacks and will be informed if a command gets executed, undone or redone.
IComponentFactory - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing
An interface used for factories that are capable of creating the various components that constitute a Gantt chart (timeline, tree table, layer container, row header, column header, ...).
IconId - Enum in com.dlsc.flexgantt.icons
Icon IDs are used in conjunction with the icon registry class.
IconRegistry - Class in com.dlsc.flexgantt.icons
The icon registry provides access to the icon set used by the framework.
ICrosshairPolicy - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer
A policy used for the crosshair feature.
ICrosshairPolicy.LabelPosition - Enum in com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer
IDatelineMenuProvider - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline
A dateline menu provider is a convenient way of adding a context sensitive popup menu to the Dateline.
IDatelineModel<T extends IGranularity> - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.dateline
A dateline model provides essential information for the dateline, the dateline renderer, the grid layer.
IDatelineModelListener - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.dateline
An event listener that can be attached to instances of IDatelineModel.
IDatelineRenderer<T extends IDatelineModel> - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline
The renderer interface used by the dateline to renderer major and minor time spans.
IDragAndDropPolicy - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer
A policy used in the context of drag & drop operations related to timeline objects.
IDragInfoPolicy - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer
A policy used by the drag layer to display information to the user about the current drag location (which is a possible drop candidate).
IDragInfoRenderer - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system
A drag info renderer is used to visualize information provided by an instance of IDragInfoPolicy during a drag & drop operation.
IDragLayerListener - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system
A listener that can be attached to instances of DragLayer.
IDragRowRenderer - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system
A drag row renderer is used to visualize additional row-specific information during a drag & drop operation.
IEditActivityObjectPolicy - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer
A policy that is used for making decisions regarding the editing behaviour of activity objects.
IEditCapacityObjectPolicy - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer
A policy that is used for making decisions regarding the editing behaviour of capacity objects.
IEditEventlineObjectPolicy - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.eventline
A policy that is used for making various decisions regarding the editing behaviour of eventline objects.
IEditLayerPolicy - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer
A policy used to control which layers can be deleted and which commands will be used to remove or add a layer.
IEditModeController - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system
Edit mode controllers are used to fine-tune the editing behaviour of timeline objects.
IEditModeController.EditMode - Enum in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system
An enumeration of possible editing states that the drag layer can be in.
IEditTimelineObjectPolicy - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer
A policy that is used for making various decisions regarding the editing behaviour of timeline objects.
IEventlineLabelPolicy - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.eventline
A policy for looking up different types of labels for the Eventline and the eventline objects inside of it.
IEventlineMenuProvider - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline
An eventline menu provider is a convenient way of adding a context sensitive popup menu to the Eventline.
IEventlineModel<T> - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.eventline
A model definition for use with the Eventline.
IEventlineModelListener - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.eventline
A definition for listeners that are interested in events fired by an IEventlineModel.
IEventlineObject - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.eventline
A specialization of the ITimelineObject interface.
IEventlineObjectRenderer - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline
A renderer used for drawing eventline objects.
IEventlineSelectionListener - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.eventline
A listener interface used in combination with the selection model of type IEventlineSelectionModel.
IEventlineSelectionModel - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.eventline
A definition for a selection model that can be used by the Eventline to manage its current selection state.
IEventlineSelectionModel.Mode - Enum in com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.eventline
An enumeration of supported selection modes.
IGanttChartModel<T,S> - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt
A Gantt chart model provides various kinds of information in order to populate a Gantt chart with data.
IGanttChartModelListener - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt
An event listener that can be used in combination with the IGanttChartModel.
IGanttChartNode<T> - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt
An extension of the ITreeTableNode interface, which carries additional information that can be used to populate the right-hand side of a Gantt chart.
IGranularity<T extends IGranularity> - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.dateline
A granularity describes a time unit (e.g.
IGridComponent - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing
A grid component is an object that supports a grid based on a given granularity.
IGridComponentListener - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing
A grid component listener reacts to changes of the grid granularity of a grid component.
IGridLinePolicy - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer
The grid line policy controls the behaviour of the major and minor grid lines.
IGridPolicy<T extends IGranularity> - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer
A policy for dealing with a virtual grid.
IIconMap - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.icons
An icon map provides icons based on an icon ID.
ILabelPolicy - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer
A policy for looking up labels used in various places.
ILayer - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt
An interface for objects that represent a layer.
ILayer.Feature - Enum in com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt
An enumerator with values that describe features that a layer can have or not have.
ILayerContainerListener - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer
A listener interface that can be implemented by objects that want to be informed about certain changes that can occur inside the layer container.
ILayerContainerMenuProvider - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer
A menu provider is a convenient way of adding a context sensitive popup menu to the LayerContainer.
ILayerContainerRowHeaderRenderer - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer
An extension of the row header renderer used for rendering the row headers of each row inside a LayerContainerRowHeader component.
ILayerContainerSelectionModel - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer
A selection model used by the layer container to manage the selection of time spans.
ILayerContainerSelectionModelListener - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer
A listener for use with ILayerContainerSelectionModel instances.
ILayerFactory - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer
Layer factories are used by layer containers in order to create the actual user interface components for the various system layers, object layers, and custom layers.
ILinePolicy - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer
A policy that can be used to create lines for timeline objects within the row of a node (nested rows, inner rows).
IMessage - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing
A message can be added to a Gantt chart to display information, warnings or errors.
IMessageListener - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing
A listener that gets informed when messages have been added or removed from an object (e.g. from an instance of AbstractGanttChart).
IMultiGanttChartContainer<T extends AbstractGanttChart> - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing
An interface for containers that are capable of storing multiple Gantt charts at the same time.
IMultiGanttChartContainerListener - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing
A listener that can be attached to a multi Gantt chart container instance.
IMutableTreeTableNode - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable
An interface that needs to be implemented by tree table nodes that support mutations in the form of added, inserted or removed child nodes or by setting a new parent.
INamedObject - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.util
A common interface for any class that carries a name attribute.
increment(long) - Method in enum com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.SimpleGranularity
Increments the given number of milliseconds with the milliseconds represented by the enumerator value.
increment(Date) - Method in enum com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.TimeGranularity
Increments a given date by adding time to it.
increment(Calendar) - Method in enum com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.TimeGranularity
Increments a given calendar by adding time to it.
InfiniteProgressPanel - Class in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.util
An infinite progress panel displays a rotating figure and a message to notice the user of a long, duration unknown task.
InfiniteProgressPanel() - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.util.InfiniteProgressPanel
Creates a new progress panel with default values:
No message 14 bars Veil's alpha level is 70% 15 frames per second Fade in/out last 300 ms
InfiniteProgressPanel(String) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.util.InfiniteProgressPanel
Creates a new progress panel with default values:
14 bars Veil's alpha level is 70% 15 frames per second Fade in/out last 300 ms
InfiniteProgressPanel(String, int) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.util.InfiniteProgressPanel
Creates a new progress panel with default values:
Veil's alpha level is 70% 15 frames per second Fade in/out last 300 ms
InfiniteProgressPanel(String, int, float) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.util.InfiniteProgressPanel
Creates a new progress panel with default values:
15 frames per second Fade in/out last 300 ms
InfiniteProgressPanel(String, int, float, float) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.util.InfiniteProgressPanel
Creates a new progress panel with default values:
Fade in/out last 300 ms
InfiniteProgressPanel(String, int, float, float, int) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.util.InfiniteProgressPanel
Creates a new progress panel.
initializeKeyStrokes() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.AbstractGanttChart
Registers several actions with the Gantt chart component.
initializeKeyStrokes() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.DualGanttChart
INodeDragAndDropPolicy - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.treetable
A policy used for controlling the drag & drop operations within the tree table.
INodeEditPolicy - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.treetable
A policy for specifying the editing capabilities within the tree table.
insert(MutableTreeNode, int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.DefaultMutableTreeTableNode
insertColumn(TreeTableColumn, int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.DefaultColumnModel
Inserts a new column at the given index.
insertGanttChart(String, T, int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.MultiGanttChartContainer
Inserts the given Gantt chart at the given index / location.
insertGanttChart(String, Icon, T, int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.MultiGanttChartContainer
Inserts the given Gantt chart at the given index / location.
insertGanttChart(String, Icon, T, String, int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.MultiGanttChartContainer
Inserts the given Gantt chart at the given index / location.
intercept(AbstractGanttChart, ICommand) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.ICommandInterceptor
Callback method that gets invoked after a command gets send to the Gantt chart for execution but before is gets passed to the command stack.
internalWorked(double) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.IProgressMonitor
Internal method to handle scaling correctly.
internalWorked(double) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.NullProgressMonitor
This implementation does nothing.
internalWorked(double) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.ProgressMonitorWrapper
This implementation of a IProgressMonitor method forwards to the wrapped progress monitor.
internalWorked(double) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.SubProgressMonitor
internalWorked(double) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartGlassPane
internalWorked(double) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartProgressMonitor
internalWorked(double) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartStatusBar
interrupt() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.util.AbstractSwingWorker
A new method that interrupts the worker thread.
interrupt() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.util.InfiniteProgressPanel
Interrupts the animation, whatever its state is.
intersects(ITimeSpan) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.ITimeSpan
Checks whether the given time span intersects with this time span.
intersects(ITimeSpan) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.TimeSpan
invalidate() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.DefaultLayerContainerRowHeaderRenderer
Overriden for performance reasons.
invalidate() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultCalendarEntryRenderer
invalidate() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultRowRenderer
Overriden for performance reasons.
invalidate() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultCapacityObjectRenderer
Overriden for performance reasons.
invalidate() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultTimelineObjectRenderer
Overriden for performance reasons.
invalidate() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.AbstractDatelineRenderer
Overriden for performance reasons.
invalidate() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.DefaultEventlineObjectRenderer
Commented out for performance reasons.
invalidate() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.DefaultColumnHeaderRenderer
Overriden for performance reasons.
invalidate() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.DefaultTreeTableCellRenderer
Commented out for performance reasons.
invalidate() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.DefaultTreeTableRowHeaderRenderer
Overriden for performance reasons.
IOverviewPolicy - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.gantt
A policy that is used by the OverviewPalette to color timeline objects based on their status or to mark timeline objects that require special attention.
IPagingModel - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.paging
A model used for implementing a paging concept within the Gantt chart.
IPagingModelListener - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.paging
A listener that can be attached to a paging model.
IPolicy - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy
A policy implementation encapsulates a well defined (and limited in scope) piece of functionality.
IPolicyProvider - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy
A policy provider supplies the component (e.g. a tree table or a timeline) that it is attached to with policy implementations.
IPolicyProviderListener - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy
A listener interface that needs to be implemented by objects that want to be informed about changes within a policy provider.
IPopupPolicy - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer
A policy that returns an object that can be used by some mechanism to display additional information about a timeline object.
IPopupRenderer - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system
A popup renderer is used to display the information that gets returned from the IPopupPolicy.
IPrintManager - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print
Gantt charts delegate the task of printing to print managers.
IProgressMonitor - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.command
The IProgressMonitor interface is implemented by objects that monitor the progress of an activity; the methods in this interface are invoked by code that performs the activity.
IProgressMonitorFactory - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.command
A factory interface for creating progress monitor instances.
IPropertiesOwner - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.model
A generic interface for any object that is capable of storing property values.
IRelationship<T> - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt
Timeline objects may have some kind of relationship between each other.
IRelationshipPolicy - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer
A policy that supports the creation of relationships between timeline objects.
IRelationshipRenderer - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system
A relationship renderer is used to draw a relationship between two timeline objects.
IResourceNode<T> - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt
A resource node implements additonal methods required by Gantt chart nodes that represent a resource.
IRowHeaderMenuProvider<T extends AbstractRowHeader> - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable
A menu provider is a convenient way of adding a context sensitive popup menu to an instance of AbstractRowHeader.
IRowHeaderRenderer<T extends AbstractRowHeader> - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable
An interface for renderers used by the row header to draw the content of the headers for each row.
IRowPolicy - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.treetable
A policy for controlling the behaviour of the rows in a tree table.
IRowRenderer - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system
Row renderers are used for drawing additional information in each row on the right-hand side LayerContainer of the Gantt chart.
isActivity() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.ITimeSpan
Determines whether this time span represents an activity.
isActivity() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.TimeSpan
isAdjustingEndTimes() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.AbstractGridPolicy
Determines whether the policy will round end times based on a given granularity.
isAdjustingStartTimes() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.AbstractGridPolicy
Determines whether the policy will round start times based on a given granularity.
isAnimating() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.PopupLayer
Determines whether the popup layer will use a fade-in effect when showing the popup.
isAnimatingDrop() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableDragAndDropManager
Determines if the drop shall be animated by the tree table.
isAnimationEnabled() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.selector.Selector
Returns the flag that individually determines whether the selector will use an animation to show or hide itself.
isAnnual() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.calendar.HolidayCalendarEntry
Determines whether the holiday is a floating or an annual holiday.
isAutoFitPages() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print.PreviewDialog
Determines if the dialog automatically fits the paper panels to the currently available space inside the scrollpane.
isBorderOpaque() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultDragInfoRenderer
isBorderOpaque() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultPopupRenderer
isBorderOpaque() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.AbstractTimelineObjectEditor
isBorderOpaque() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.util.CustomizableLineBorder
isBorderOpaque() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.util.GradientBorder
isBorderOpaque() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.util.Simple3DBorder
Always returns TRUE.
isCalendarVisible() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.AbstractGanttChart
Returns TRUE if the layer that is responsible for displaying calendar information is currently visible.
isCanceled() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.IProgressMonitor
Returns whether cancelation of current operation has been requested.
isCanceled() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.NullProgressMonitor
This implementation returns the value of the internal state variable set by setCanceled.
isCanceled() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.ProgressMonitorWrapper
This implementation of a IProgressMonitor method forwards to the wrapped progress monitor.
isCanceled() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartGlassPane
isCanceled() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartProgressMonitor
isCanceled() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartStatusBar
isCancelled() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print.PreviewDialog
Determines if the user cancelled the dialog.
isCancelled() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.EventlineObjectPanel
Determines whether the panel / dialog was cancelled.
isCapacityChangeable() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.DefaultCapacityObject
isCapacityChangeable() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.ICapacityObject
Returns TRUE if the capacity used value can be edited.
isCapacityChangeable(Object, Object, IGanttChartModel) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.DefaultEditCapacityObjectPolicy
isCapacityChangeable(Object, Object, IGanttChartModel) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.IEditCapacityObjectPolicy
Decides whether or not the capacity used value of the object can be changed.
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns TRUE if the cell at the given row and column is editable.
isCenterTimeNow() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.action.gantt.TimeNowAction
Determines whether the time now will be shown centered on the screen or flushed to the left edge of the visible area of the Gantt chart.
isCenterTimeNow() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.NavigationControlPanel
Determines whether the time now will be shown centered on the screen or flushed to the left edge of the visible area of the Gantt chart.
isChangeCapacityLocation(ObjectBounds, MouseEvent) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.CapacityObjectEditModeController
Returns TRUE if the given location is valid for changing the capacity of the timeline object.
isChangeEndTimeLocation(ObjectBounds, MouseEvent, IEditTimelineObjectPolicy) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultEditModeController
Returns TRUE if the given location is valid for changing the end time of the timeline object.
isChangePercentageLocation(ObjectBounds, MouseEvent) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.ActivityObjectEditModeController
Returns TRUE if the given location is valid for changing the percentage complete value of the timeline object.
isChangeStartTimeLocation(ObjectBounds, MouseEvent, IEditTimelineObjectPolicy) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultEditModeController
Returns TRUE if the given location is valid for changing the start time of the timeline object.
isCreatable(IEventlineModel, ITimeSpan) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.eventline.DefaultEditEventlineObjectPolicy
isCreatable(IEventlineModel, ITimeSpan) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.eventline.IEditEventlineObjectPolicy
Decides whether an eventline object may be created for the given model and with the given time span.
isCreatable(Object, IGanttChartModel, ITimeSpan) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.DefaultEditTimelineObjectPolicy
isCreatable(Object, IGanttChartModel, ITimeSpan) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.IEditTimelineObjectPolicy
Decides whether the timeline object may be deleted.
isCreateEnabled(ITreeTableModel) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.treetable.DefaultNodeEditPolicy
isCreateEnabled(ITreeTableModel) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.treetable.INodeEditPolicy
Determines if the tree table supports the creation of new tree nodes by the user.
isCreateEventlineObjectsEnabled() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.Eventline
Determines whether the eventline generally allows the user to create new eventline objects.
isCreationEnabled() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns TRUE if the table allows the user to add new nodes to the tree table's data model.
isCrosshairVisible() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.AbstractGanttChart
Returns TRUE if the layer that is responsible for displaying the crosshair is currently visible.
isCustomLayer() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.ILayer
Returns TRUE if the layer will be visualized by a custom layer (see AbstractCustomLayer) instead of the standard TimelineObjectLayer.
isCustomLayer() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.Layer
isDebug() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultRowRenderer
Determines whether the visual debugging feature is turned on for the row renderer.
isDebuggingObjectBounds() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.TimelineObjectLayer
Determines whether the layer will draw red rectangles showing the individual object bounds of the timeline objects.
isDeletable() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.DefaultTimelineObject
isDeletable() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.ITimelineObject
Determines whether the timeline object can be deleted or not.
isDeletable() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.DefaultMutableTreeTableNode
isDeletable() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.ITreeTableNode
Returns TRUE if the whole node can be deleted.
isDeletable(Object, IEventlineModel) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.eventline.DefaultEditEventlineObjectPolicy
isDeletable(Object, IEventlineModel) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.eventline.IEditEventlineObjectPolicy
Decides whether the eventline object may be deleted.
isDeletable(Object, Object, IGanttChartModel) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.DefaultEditTimelineObjectPolicy
isDeletable(Object, Object, IGanttChartModel) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.IEditTimelineObjectPolicy
Decides whether the timeline object may be deleted.
isDeletable(Object, ITreeTableModel) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.treetable.DefaultNodeEditPolicy
isDeletable(Object, ITreeTableModel) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.treetable.INodeEditPolicy
Determines if the node can be deleted by the user.
isDoubleClickResizeEnabled() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableHeader
Determines whether the user can auto resize a column by double clicking on its right edge.
isDragged() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.DefaultTreeTableCellRenderer
Determines whether the renderer is being used to draw a tree node that is currently being dragged.
isDragging() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DragLayer
Determines whether the user is currently dragging an object.
isDraggingEnabled() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
Returns TRUE if the layer container generally supports drag and drop operations on timeline objects.
isDraggingEnabled() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns TRUE if the table supports drag & drop.
isDragInfoVisible() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DragLayer
Determines whether the drag information is shown during a drag & drop operation.
isDragLocation(ObjectBounds, MouseEvent, IEditTimelineObjectPolicy) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultEditModeController
Returns TRUE if the given location is a valid location within the object's bounds for initiating a drag operation.
isDragOK(DropTargetDragEvent) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableDragAndDropManager
Performs all the necessary checks in order to find out whether the given drop target event specifies a valid drop location.
isDurationChangeable() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.DefaultTimelineObject
isDurationChangeable() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.ITimelineObject
Returns TRUE if the duration of the object can be modified.
isDurationChangeable(Object, IEventlineModel) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.eventline.DefaultEditEventlineObjectPolicy
isDurationChangeable(Object, IEventlineModel) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.eventline.IEditEventlineObjectPolicy
Decides whether the duration of an eventline object may be edited / changed.
isDurationChangeable(Object, Object, IGanttChartModel) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.DefaultEditTimelineObjectPolicy
isDurationChangeable(Object, Object, IGanttChartModel) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.IEditTimelineObjectPolicy
Decides whether the duration of a timeline object may be edited / changed.
isDurationChangeable() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultTimelineObjectRenderer
Checks the IEditTimelineObjectPolicy to see if the duration of the currently rendered timeline object can be changed.
isDurationChangeable() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.DefaultEventlineObjectRenderer
Checks the IEditEventlineObjectPolicy to see if the duration of the currently rendered eventline object can be changed.
isEditing() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.EditingLayer
Returns TRUE if a timeline object is currently being edited.
isEditing() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns TRUE if a cell is currently being edited.
ISelectionPolicy - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer
A policy that is used to determine whether timeline objects can be selected or not.
isEmpty() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.DefaultLayerContainerSelectionModel
isEmpty(Object) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.DefaultLayerContainerSelectionModel
isEmpty() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.ILayerContainerSelectionModel
Checks whether the selection model contains any selections at all.
isEmpty(Object) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.ILayerContainerSelectionModel
Checks whether the selection model contains any selections for the given tree node object.
isEnabled() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.action.treetable.CollapseNodeAction
isEnabled() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.action.treetable.DeleteNodeAction
isEnabled() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.action.treetable.ExpandNodeAction
isEvent() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.ITimeSpan
Determines whether this time span represents an event.
isEvent() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.TimeSpan
isEvent() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultTimelineObjectRenderer
Determines whether the currently rendered timeline object represents an event.
isEvent() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.DefaultEventlineObjectRenderer
Determines whether the currently rendered timeline object represents an event.
isExpanded() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.DefaultLayerContainerRowHeaderRenderer
Returns the expansion state of the tree node.
isExpanded() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableNode
Determines if the node is currently expanded.
isFeatureEnabled(ILayer.Feature) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.ILayer
Determines whether a feature is currently supported / required by a layer or not.
isFeatureEnabled(ILayer.Feature) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.Layer
isFillPage() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print.PreviewDialog
Determines if the dialog will fill the paper panels with the print content, hence reducing unused white space on the printed pages.
isFocused(int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.AbstractRowHeader
Calculates whether the given row is currently focused.
isFocusedTimeVisible() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DatelineLayer
Determines whether the focused time span will be shown or not.
isFocusVisible() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultRowRenderer
Determines if the row renderer will visualize that the row is the current focus owner.
isGlobalAnimationEnabled() - Static method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.selector.Selector
Returns the (global) flag for signalling whether all selectors will use an animation when showing up or hiding.
isGranularityShowingCalendarEntries(TimeGranularity) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.calendar.TimeGranularityCalendarModel
Determines whether the given time granularity is suitable for displaying calendar entries.
isGridAdjustedMouseCursorTime() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.Eventline
Determines whether the time cursor will use the grid settings of the grid component from which the last mouse event originated (default is FALSE).
isGridAutomatic() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.IGridComponent
Determines whether the component is using an automatic grid.
isGridAutomatic() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
isGridAutomatic() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.Eventline
isGridControlVisible() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.IGridComponent
Determines whether the UI component used to control the grid is currently visible or not.
isGridControlVisible() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
isGridControlVisible() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.Eventline
isHighlighted(TimelineObjectPath) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
Determines if the timeline object specified by the given path is currently a member of the set of highlighted objects.
isHighlighted() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultCapacityObjectRenderer
Determines whether the capacity object is currently highlighted or not.
isHighlighted() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultTimelineObjectRenderer
Determines whether the timeline object should be rendered in its highlighted state or not.
isHighlighting() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
Determines whether timeline objects that are contained in the set of highlighted objects shall render themselves highlighted or normal.
isHoliday(Calendar, boolean) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.calendar.TimeGranularityCalendarModel
Determines whether the given calendar object represents a holiday.
isHoliday(Date, boolean) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.calendar.TimeGranularityCalendarModel
Determines whether the given date object represents a holiday.
isHorizontalLinesVisible() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns TRUE if the horizontal grid lines are currently visible.
isHorizontalLineVisible() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.CrosshairLayer
Determines whether the horizontal line will be drawn.
isIgnoringTreeTableSelection() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
Determines whether selections made in the layer container (e.g. via the lasso) will affect the selections made in the tree table.
isIndentEnabled() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns TRUE if the user is allowed to manually change the indentation of tree nodes.
isInPlaceEditable() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.DefaultTimelineObject
isInPlaceEditable() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.ITimelineObject
Returns TRUE if the object can be edited via a timeline object editor.
isInPlaceEditable(Object, Object, IGanttChartModel) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.DefaultEditTimelineObjectPolicy
isInPlaceEditable(Object, Object, IGanttChartModel) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.IEditTimelineObjectPolicy
Decides whether a timeline object can be edited with an editor where the editor is usually an instance of ITimelineObjectEditor.
isInside(TimeGranularity, TimeGranularity) - Method in enum com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.TimeGranularity
Checks whether a time granularity is 'inside' two other granularities.
isKeyEditable() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.DefaultMutableTreeTableNode
Specifies whether or not the key value of the node can be edited / replaced.
isKeyEditable() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.ITreeTableNode
Returns TRUE if the key value can be edited.
isKeyEditable(Object, ITreeTableModel) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.treetable.DefaultNodeEditPolicy
isKeyEditable(Object, ITreeTableModel) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.treetable.INodeEditPolicy
Determines if the key value of the given tree / hierarchy node can be edited by the user.
isLabelsVisible() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.AbstractGanttChart
Returns TRUE if the layer that is responsible for displaying object labels is currently visible.
isLabelTypeVisible(Object, Object, IGanttChartModel, LabelType) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.DefaultLabelPolicy
isLabelTypeVisible(Object, Object, IGanttChartModel, LabelType) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.ILabelPolicy
Determines whether or not a certain type of label will be shown for the given timeline object or not.
isLabelVisible(ICrosshairPolicy.LabelPosition) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.DefaultCrosshairPolicy
isLabelVisible(ICrosshairPolicy.LabelPosition) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.ICrosshairPolicy
Determines whether a label is visible at all.
isLarger(T) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.dateline.IGranularity
Determines whether the given granularity is larger than the given one.
isLarger(SimpleGranularity) - Method in enum com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.SimpleGranularity
Checks whether this granularity is considered to be larger than the given one.
isLarger(TimeGranularity) - Method in enum com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.TimeGranularity
Performs a check to see whether the time granularity is 'larger' than the given granularity.
isLayerVisible(ILayer) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
Checks whether the given model layer has a visible user interface layer.
isLeaf() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.DefaultLayerContainerRowHeaderRenderer
Determines whether the currently rendered header is the header of a leaf node.
isLeaf() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableNode
Determines if the tree node is a leaf, which means that the node does not have any child nodes attached to it.
isLicensed() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.util.License
Determines if the product has been licensed or not.
isLineVisible(Object, ITreeTableModel, int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.DefaultLinePolicy
isLineVisible(Object, ITreeTableModel, int) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.ILinePolicy
Determines whether a specific (inner) line is currently visible or not.
isLoaded() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableNode
Determines if the node has already loaded its child elements.
isMajor() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.AbstractDatelineRenderer
Returns TRUE if the currently rendered time span (cell) is located in the upper (major) section of the dateline.
isMajorGridLinesVisible(IDatelineModel, GridLineMode) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.DefaultGridLinePolicy
isMajorGridLinesVisible(IDatelineModel, GridLineMode) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.IGridLinePolicy
Determines whether the grid lines for the major time units will be shown or not.
isMajorGridLinesVisible(IDatelineModel, GridLineMode) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.TimeGranularityGridLinePolicy
isManualZoomEnabled() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.Dateline
Determines if the manual zoom feature is enabled.
isMinorGridLinesVisible(IDatelineModel, GridLineMode) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.DefaultGridLinePolicy
isMinorGridLinesVisible(IDatelineModel, GridLineMode) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.IGridLinePolicy
Determines whether the grid lines for the minor time units will be shown or not.
isNewEntryPlaceholder() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableNode
Determines if the node is the one that gets used to create new nodes.
isNewNode() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.DefaultLayerContainerRowHeaderRenderer
Determines whether the currently rendered header is the row header for the row where the use can create a new node.
ISortingListener - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing
Observers that implement the sorting interface will be informed whenever the user sorts the Gantt charts / the tree tables.
isPaintingActivities() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.EventlineLayer
Determines whether the eventline layer will draw the activities defined in the IEventlineModel of the Eventline.
isPaintingEvents() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.EventlineLayer
Determines whether the eventline layer will draw the events defined in the IEventlineModel of the Eventline.
isPaintingFocus() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.RowLayer
Determines whether the layer will visualize whether a row has the focus or not.
isPaintingLines() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultRowRenderer
Determines whether the renderer also draws lines for each inner line shown inside the row.
isPaintMajorCapacityLines() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultResourceRowRenderer
isPaintMinorCapacityLines() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultResourceRowRenderer
isParent() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.DefaultTimelineObject
isParent() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.ITimelineObject
Determines whether the timeline object is a parent timeline object.
isParent() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultTimelineObjectRenderer
Determines whether the currently rendered timeline object is a parent timeline object, meaning that it contains children timeline objects (also called summary timeline object, compound timeline object).
isParentTimelineObject(S) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.DefaultGanttChartModel
isParentTimelineObject(S) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.IGanttChartModel
Determines whether the given timeline object is a parent timeline object.
isPathSelected(TreePath) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns TRUE if the given path is contained within the currently active selection.
isPercentageChangeable() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.DefaultActivityObject
isPercentageChangeable() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.IActivityObject
Returns TRUE if the percentage complete value can be edited.
isPercentageChangeable(Object, Object, IGanttChartModel) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.DefaultEditActivityObjectPolicy
isPercentageChangeable(Object, Object, IGanttChartModel) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.IEditActivityObjectPolicy
Decides whether or not the percentage complete value of the given activity object can be edited.
isPopupShowing() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
Determines whether a popup menu is currently in use.
isPopupVisible() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.AbstractGanttChart
Returns TRUE if the layer that is responsible for displaying the popup is currently visible.
isPrimary() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
Determines whether the layer container is the primary layer container.
isPrimary() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainerScrollPane
Returns TRUE if the scrollpane is the primary scrollpane (displays the timeline and navigation control).
isPrimary() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableScrollPane
Determines if the scrollpane is the primary scrollpane (shown at the top of the Gantt chart).
isRaised() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.util.Simple3DBorder
Returns TRUE if the border is drawn raised.
isRedoable() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.AbstractCommand
Returns TRUE if the command can be redone.
isRedoable() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.CompoundCommand
Returns true if the compund command can be redone.
isRedoable() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.DefaultCommandStack
Determines whether the command stack currently supports the redo operation.
isRedoable() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.ICommand
Returns true if the command can be redone.
isRedoable() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.ICommandStack
Returns true if the command stack currently supports a call to it's redo method.
isRelationshipSource(TimelineObjectPath, IGanttChartModel) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.DefaultRelationshipPolicy
isRelationshipSource(TimelineObjectPath, IGanttChartModel) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.IRelationshipPolicy
Determines whether the given timeline object can be used for creating a relationship to another object.
isRelationshipTarget(TimelineObjectPath, TimelineObjectPath, IGanttChartModel) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.DefaultRelationshipPolicy
isRelationshipTarget(TimelineObjectPath, TimelineObjectPath, IGanttChartModel) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.IRelationshipPolicy
Determines whether the given source timeline object can be linked to the given target timeline object.
isRelationsVisible() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.AbstractGanttChart
Returns TRUE if the layer that is responsible for displaying object relationships (lines with arrows between timeline objects) is currently visible.
isRelevant() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.AbstractCommand
Returns TRUE if the command is relevant and should be considered for undo / redo operations.
isRelevant() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.ICommand
Determines whether the command is relevant for undo / redo operations.
isRenderingArrow() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultPopupRenderer
Returns TRUE if the renderer will show an arrow that points to the timeline object to which the popup information belongs.
isResizable() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.DefaultMutableTreeTableNode
isResizable() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.ITreeTableNode
Returns TRUE if the tree node can be resized.
isResizingEnabled() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns TRUE if the table generally supports row resizing.
isRootVisible() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns TRUE if the root object returned by the tree table model will be shown by the tree table.
isRoundedCorners() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultTimelineObjectRenderer
Determines whether the bars of activity timeline objects will be drawn with rounded corners or not.
isRowLayerVisible() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.AbstractGanttChart
Returns TRUE if the layer that is responsible for displaying the row renderers is currently visible.
isRowLineVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.DefaultMutableTreeTableNode
isRowLineVisible(boolean) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.ITreeTableNode
Returns TRUE if the horizontal grid line of the row in which the node is displayed shall be drawn or not (the answer to this question of depends on the state of the node, whether it is expanded or closed).
isRowLineVisible(Object, boolean, ITreeTableModel) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.treetable.DefaultRowPolicy
isRowLineVisible(Object, boolean, ITreeTableModel) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.treetable.IRowPolicy
Determines whether or not the horizontal grid line for the row will be visible or not.
isRowNumbersVisible() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns TRUE if the row numbers are visible.
isRowResizable(Object, ITreeTableModel) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.treetable.DefaultRowPolicy
isRowResizable(Object, ITreeTableModel) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.treetable.IRowPolicy
Determines whether or not the row in which the given tree node gets displayed is resizable at all by the user.
isRowSelectable(Object, ITreeTableModel) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.treetable.DefaultRowPolicy
isRowSelectable(Object, ITreeTableModel) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.treetable.IRowPolicy
Determines whether or not the row in which the given tree node gets displayed is selectable by the user.
isRowSelected(int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns TRUE if the given row is currently selected.
isSecondaryVisible() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.DualGanttChart
Returns TRUE if the secondary Gantt chart is visible.
isSelectable(ITimeSpan) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.DefaultGanttChartNode
isSelectable() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.DefaultTimelineObject
isSelectable(ITimeSpan) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.IGanttChartNode
Determines whether the given time span can be selected for the node.
isSelectable() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.ITimelineObject
Returns TRUE if the timeline object can be selected.
isSelectable() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.DefaultMutableTreeTableNode
isSelectable() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.ITreeTableNode
Returns TRUE if the tree node can be selected.
isSelectable(Object, Object, IGanttChartModel) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.DefaultSelectionPolicy
isSelectable(Object, ITimeSpan, IGanttChartModel) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.DefaultSelectionPolicy
isSelectable(Object, ITimeSpan, IGanttChartModel) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.ISelectionPolicy
Returns TRUE if the given time span on the given node can be selected by the user (or programmatically) or not.
isSelectable(Object, Object, IGanttChartModel) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.ISelectionPolicy
Returns TRUE if the given timeline object on the given node can be selected by the user (or programmatically) or not.
isSelectable(Object, ITreeTableModel) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.treetable.DefaultNodeEditPolicy
isSelectable(Object, ITreeTableModel) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.treetable.INodeEditPolicy
Determines if the node can be selected by the user.
isSelected(Object) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.eventline.DefaultEventlineSelectionModel
isSelected(Object) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.eventline.IEventlineSelectionModel
Checks whether the given eventline object is currently selected.
isSelected() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.DefaultLayerContainerRowHeaderRenderer
Returns the selection state of the node.
isSelected(Object, ITimeSpan) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.DefaultLayerContainerSelectionModel
isSelected(Object, ITimeSpan) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.ILayerContainerSelectionModel
Returns TRUE if the given time span is currently selected on the given tree table node.
isSelected() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultRowRenderer
Determines whether the current row is considered 'selected' or not.
isSelected() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultCapacityObjectRenderer
Determines whether the capacity object is selected or not.
isSelected(TimelineObjectPath) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultTimelineObjectLayerSelectionModel
isSelected() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultTimelineObjectRenderer
Determines if the rendered timeline object is currently selected.
isSelected(TimelineObjectPath) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.ITimelineObjectLayerSelectionModel
Determines if the timeline object referenced by the given timeline object path is currently selected.
isSelected() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.DefaultEventlineObjectRenderer
Determines if the rendered eventline object is currently selected.
isSelecting() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.LassoLayer
Determines if a selection / lasso operation is currently taking place.
isShowingFillerColumn() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableHeader
Returns TRUE if the tree table places an unused filler column to the right of the last used column.
isShowingSelection() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultRowRenderer
Determines if the row renderer will show the selection state of the row.
isShowMargins() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print.PreviewDialog
Determines if the print margins will be rendered on the paper panels or not.
isSingleRowObjectCreation() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.LassoLayer
Determines whether the layer only supports the creation of timeline objects on a single row or several rows at the same time.
isSmaller(T) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.dateline.IGranularity
Determines whether the granularity is smaller than the given one.
isSmaller(SimpleGranularity) - Method in enum com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.SimpleGranularity
Checks whether this granularity is considered to be smaller than the given one.
isSmaller(TimeGranularity) - Method in enum com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.TimeGranularity
Performs a check to see whether the time granularity is 'smaller' than the given granularity.
isSortable() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.TreeTableColumn
Determines if the column is sortable at all, when it supports SortDirection.ASCENDING or SortDirection.DESCENDING.
isSorting() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.DefaultMutableTreeTableNode
Returns TRUE if the node sorts its children.
isStartTimeChangeable() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.DefaultTimelineObject
isStartTimeChangeable() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.ITimelineObject
Returns TRUE if the start time of the object can be modified.
isStartTimeChangeable(Object, IEventlineModel) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.eventline.DefaultEditEventlineObjectPolicy
isStartTimeChangeable(Object, IEventlineModel) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.eventline.IEditEventlineObjectPolicy
Decides whether the start time of an eventline object may be edited / changed.
isStartTimeChangeable(Object, Object, IGanttChartModel) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.DefaultEditTimelineObjectPolicy
isStartTimeChangeable(Object, Object, IGanttChartModel) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.layer.IEditTimelineObjectPolicy
Decides whether the start time of a timeline object may be edited / changed.
isStartTimeChangeable() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultTimelineObjectRenderer
Checks the IEditTimelineObjectPolicy to see if the start time of the currently rendered timeline object can be changed.
isStartTimeChangeable() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.DefaultEventlineObjectRenderer
Checks the IEditEventlineObjectPolicy to see if the start time of the currently rendered eventline object can be changed.
isStatusBarFieldVisible(StatusBarField) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.gantt.AbstractStatusBarPolicy
isStatusBarFieldVisible(StatusBarField) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.gantt.IStatusBarPolicy
Determines whether the given status bar field is visible in the Gantt chart status bar or not.
isSupported(SortDirection) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.TreeTableColumn
Determines if the given sort direction is supported by the tree table header.
isSupportedLassoMode(LassoLayer.LassoMode) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.LassoLayer
Checks whether the given lasso mode is supported by the lasso layer.
IStatusBarPolicy - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.gantt
A policy that is used to provide the information shown in the status bar.
isThickMajorGridLines() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.GridLayer
Determines whether the major grid lines will be drawn thick (2 pixels wide).
isTimeNowOnTop() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.Eventline
Determines whether the time now marker will be drawn on top of the eventline objects or below.
isTimeNowScrolling() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.AbstractGanttChart
Determines whether automatic time now scrolling is turned on or off.
isTimeNowVisible() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.AbstractGanttChart
Returns TRUE if the vertical line that indicates time now is currently visible.
isTimeNowVisible() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.Eventline
Determines whether the time now will be shown with a special marker or not.
isTreeNodeExpanded(TreePath) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Determines whether the tree node specified by the given tree path is exapanded (its children are visible).
isTreePathExpanded(TreePath) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Determines whether the given tree path leads to an object where each of its parent objects is currently expanded (open node) in the tree table.
isUndefined() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.ITimeSpan
Checks whether this time span is undefined.
isUndefined() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.TimeSpan
isUndoable() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.AbstractCommand
Returns TRUE if the command can be undone.
isUndoable() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.CompoundCommand
Returns true if the compound command can be undone.
isUndoable() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.DefaultCommandStack
Determines whether the command stack currently supports the undo operation.
isUndoable() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.ICommand
Returns true if the command can be undone.
isUndoable() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.ICommandStack
Returns true if the command stack currently supports a call to it's undo method.
isUsingDragOverrideModifiers(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DefaultEditModeController
Determines whether the modifiers of the mouse event override the standard editing behaviour so that the controller will return EditMode.CHANGE_TIME_SPAN even when the cursor is on the locations that usually trigger an EditMode.CHANGE_START_TIME or an EditMode.CHANGE_END_TIME.
isValidDropLocation() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableDragAndDropManager
Determines whether the current drag location is a valid drop location.
isValidSettings() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.AbstractTimelineControlPanel
Checks whether the current settings are valid (end time is larger or equal to start time).
isValidSettings() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.SimpleGranularityTimelineControlPanel
isValidSettings() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.TimeGranularityTimelineControlPanel
isValueEditable(int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.DefaultMutableTreeTableNode
isValueEditable(int) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.ITreeTableNode
Returns TRUE if the column value at the given model index can be edited.
isValueEditable(Object, ITreeTableModel, int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.treetable.DefaultNodeEditPolicy
isValueEditable(Object, ITreeTableModel, int) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.treetable.INodeEditPolicy
Determines if the column value with the given model index can be edited by the user.
isVerticalLinesOnTop() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.AbstractGanttChart
Returns TRUE if the vertical lines (the major and/or minor grid) will be drawn on top of the timeline objects (the default is below).
isVerticalLinesOnTop() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.GridLayer
Determines whether the vertical lines will be drawn on top of the horizontal lines or vice versa.
isVerticalLinesVisible() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Returns TRUE if the vertical lines of the table's grid will be shown.
isVerticalLineVisible() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.CrosshairLayer
Determines whether the vertical line will be drawn.
isVisible() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.AbstractLayer
Determines whether the layer is currently visible or not.
isVisible() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DatelineLayer
isVisible() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.RelationshipLayer
isVisible() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.SelectionLayer
isVisible() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.TimeNowLayer
isVisible() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.PagingControlPanel
Overrides Component.isVisible() in such a way that the control will only be visible if the Gantt chart to which it belongs provides paging info.
isVisualizingPastTime() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultTimelineObjectRenderer
Determines whether the renderer will draw the timeline object differently if the object is located in the past (e.g. gray out).
isVisualizingPastTime() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.DefaultEventlineObjectRenderer
Determines whether the renderer will draw the timeline object differently if the object is located in the past (e.g. gray out).
isWeekendDay(int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.calendar.TimeGranularityCalendarModel
Checks whether the given value is stored in the list of weekend days.
ITimelineObject - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt
An interface for objects that can be placed on a timeline.
ITimelineObjectEditor - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline
An interface for editors that can be used for in-place editing of timeline objects.
ITimelineObjectEditorListener - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline
A listener interface for timeline object editors.
ITimelineObjectLayerSelectionListener - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline
An interface that can be used by objects that want to register themselves as listeners (observers) with the selection model of a TimelineObjectLayer.
ITimelineObjectLayerSelectionModel - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline
A selection model definition used by instances of TimelineObjectLayer.
ITimelineObjectPathMessage - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing
A message that is related to an object on the timeline.
ITimelineObjectRenderer - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline
A renderer that will be used for rendering timeline objects.
ITimeSpan - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.model
A time span encapsulates a start and an end time, making it easier to handle objects that are placed on a timeline.
ITreePathMessage - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing
A message that is related to a tree path.
ITreeTableCellEditor - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable
An interface for objects that can be used as editors for values shown in the cells of a tree table.
ITreeTableCellRenderer - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable
A renderer interface used for creating tree table cell renderers.
ITreeTableHeaderMenuProvider - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable
A menu provider is a convenient way of adding a context sensitive popup menu to the TreeTableHeader.
ITreeTableMenuProvider - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable
A menu provider is a convenient way of adding a context sensitive popup menu to the TreeTable.
ITreeTableModel<T> - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable
A tree table extends a tree by adding the capability to display table columns as well.
ITreeTableModelListener - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable
A listener for tree table specific events.
ITreeTableNode - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable
An extension of the TreeNode interface, which provides additional information used to populate the table columns of the tree table.
ITreeTableRowHeaderRenderer - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable
An extension of the row header renderer used for rendering the row headers of a tree table inside a TreeTableRowHeader component.
ITreeTableSelectionModel - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable
A selection model definition used for supporting selections performed in an instance of a TreeTable.
IZoomPolicy<T extends IGranularity> - Interface in com.dlsc.flexgantt.policy.dateline
A policy interface used in the context of the Dateline.