calculateDatelineWidth() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.dateline.AbstractDatelineModel
Calculates the required width of the dateline based on the total time span and some additional information that needs to be provided by the subclasses.
calculateDatelineWidth() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.SimpleGranularityDatelineModel
calculateDatelineWidth() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.TimeGranularityDatelineModel
calculateEntries(IDatelineModel, ITimeSpan) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.calendar.TimeGranularityCalendarModel
Performs the actual calculation of the calendar entries that are located within the given time span.
calendarChanged(CalendarModelEvent) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.calendar.ICalendarModelListener
Listener callback method that gets invoked whenever the calendar model changes.
calendarChanged(CalendarModelEvent) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
calendarChanged(CalendarModelEvent) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.Dateline
CalendarLayer - Class in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system
The calendar layer is responsible for drawing the information provided by the calendar model.
CalendarLayer(LayerContainer) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.CalendarLayer
Constructs a new background layer.
CalendarModelEvent - Class in com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.calendar
An event object used in combination with the ICalendarModelListener interface.
CalendarModelEvent(ICalendarModel) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.calendar.CalendarModelEvent
Constructs a new calendar model event.
cancelEditing() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.AbstractTimelineObjectEditor
cancelEditing() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultActivityObjectEditor
cancelEditing() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultTimelineObjectEditor
cancelEditing() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.ITimelineObjectEditor
Callback method for the timeline layer to indicate to the editor that the user has canceled the editing of the timeline object.
cancelPressed() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.selector.TimeZoneSelector
The method that gets called when the user hits the cancel button.
cancelPressed() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.EventlineObjectPanel
Gets invoked when the user presses the CANCEL button.
cancelPressed() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.TimeZoneDialog
The method that gets called when the user hits the cancel button.
CapacityLine - Class in com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt
Capacity lines are used in combination with the IResourceNode class.
CapacityLine(double, String) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.CapacityLine
Constructs a new capacity line.
CapacityLine(double) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.CapacityLine
Constructs a new capacity line (the label of the line will be empty).
CapacityObjectEditModeController - Class in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system
A specialized edit mode controller for use with timeline objects of type ICapacityObject.
CapacityObjectEditModeController() - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.CapacityObjectEditModeController
CellFocusManager - Class in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable
The cell focus manager is concerned with anything related to tracking and changing the focus of tree table cells.
CellFocusManager(TreeTable) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.CellFocusManager
Constructs a new focus manager.
center() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartFrame
Centers the frame on the screen.
center() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print.PreviewDialog
Utility method to center the dialog on the screen.
changeSupport - Variable in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.AbstractLayer
A property change support object on which property change event listeners can be registered and property change events can be fired.
children - Variable in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableNode
The array of children entries.
clean(JPopupMenu) - Static method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.util.MenuCleaner
Cleans up the given popup menu by recursively traversing the menu hierarchy.
clean(JMenu) - Static method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.util.MenuCleaner
Cleans up the given menu by recursively traversing the menu hierarchy.
clear() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.DefaultCommandStack
Clears the command stack, which means that the list of executed and undone commands will be cleared and no further commands can be undone or redone.
clear() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.ICommandStack
Clears the command stack's list of executed and undone commands.
clearBookmarks() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.bookmarks.DefaultBookmarkModel
Clears / removes all pages from the model.
clearEventlineObjects() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.eventline.DefaultEventlineModel
Removes all eventline objects from the model.
clearHighlightedObjects() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
Clears the set of highlighted objects.
ClearHighlightedTimelineObjectsAction<T extends AbstractGanttChart> - Class in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.action.gantt
An action which clears the set of highlighted objects.
ClearHighlightedTimelineObjectsAction(T) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.action.gantt.ClearHighlightedTimelineObjectsAction
Constructs a new action.
ClearHighlightedTimelineObjectsAction - Class in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.action.layer
An action which clears the set of highlighted objects.
ClearHighlightedTimelineObjectsAction(LayerContainer) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.action.layer.ClearHighlightedTimelineObjectsAction
Constructs a new action.
clearMajorCapacityLines() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.DefaultResourceNode
Removes all major capacity lines from the resource node.
clearMessages() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.AbstractGanttChart
Removes all messages from the Gantt chart.
clearMinorCapacityLines() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.DefaultResourceNode
Removes all minor capacity lines from the resource node.
clearPages() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.paging.DefaultPagingModel
Clears / removes all pages from the model.
clearPinnedPopups() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.PopupLayer
Removes all pinned popups.
ClearPinnedPopupsAction<T extends AbstractGanttChart> - Class in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.action.gantt
An action that will clear all pinned popups.
ClearPinnedPopupsAction(T) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.action.gantt.ClearPinnedPopupsAction
Constructs a new action.
ClearPinnedPopupsAction - Class in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.action.layer
An action that will clear all pinned popups.
ClearPinnedPopupsAction(LayerContainer) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.action.layer.ClearPinnedPopupsAction
Constructs a new action.
clearRelationships() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.DefaultGanttChartModel
Removes all relationships from the model.
clearSelectedTimeSpans() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.DefaultLayerContainerSelectionModel
clearSelectedTimeSpans(Object) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.DefaultLayerContainerSelectionModel
clearSelectedTimeSpans() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.ILayerContainerSelectionModel
Removes all selected time spans from the selection model.
clearSelectedTimeSpans(Object) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.ILayerContainerSelectionModel
Removes all of those selected time spans that belong to the given tree node object.
clearSelection() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.eventline.DefaultEventlineSelectionModel
clearSelection() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.eventline.IEventlineSelectionModel
Clear the current selection.
clearSelection() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultTimelineObjectLayerSelectionModel
clearSelection(TreePath) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.DefaultTimelineObjectLayerSelectionModel
clearSelection() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.ITimelineObjectLayerSelectionModel
Clears the current selection.
clearSelection(TreePath) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.ITimelineObjectLayerSelectionModel
Clears the current selection for the given path (clears the selection within a specific row).
clearSelection() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Clears the current tree table selection.
ClearSelectionAction - Class in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.action.treetable
An action that will clear the current selection inside the tree table.
ClearSelectionAction(TreeTable) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.action.treetable.ClearSelectionAction
Constructs a new action.
clearTimelineObjects(T, ILayer) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.DefaultGanttChartModel
Removes all timeline objects from the given tree node and layer.
clearTimelineObjects(T) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.DefaultGanttChartModel
Removes all timeline objects from the given tree node from all layers.
clearTimelineObjects(ILayer) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.DefaultGanttChartModel
Removes all timeline objects from the given layer for all nodes.
clearTimelineObjects() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.DefaultGanttChartModel
Removes all timeline objects from all nodes and all layers.
clearTimelineObjects(ILayer) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.DefaultGanttChartNode
clearTimelineObjects(ILayer) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.IGanttChartNode
Removes all timeline objects (currently shown on the given layer) from the node.
clearTimelineObjectSelection() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
Clears all timeline object selections on all layers, independent of whether the layer is currently visible or not.
clearToolBarActions() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.AbstractGanttChart
Removes all toolbar actions from the Gantt chart.
collapse() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableNode
Tells the entry to be closed.
collapseAll() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.AbstractGanttChart
Collapses all tree nodes in all tree tables.
collapseAll() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print.PrintGanttChart
Method not supported by the printable Gantt chart.
collapseAll() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Collapses all tree nodes by starting at the root node, recursively traversing the tree hierarchy and calling TreeTableNode.collapse() on each visited node.
collapseAll() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableContainer
CollapseAllAction<T extends AbstractGanttChart> - Class in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.action.gantt
An action that will ensure that all tree nodes in the tree table will be closed.
CollapseAllAction(T) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.action.gantt.CollapseAllAction
Constructs a new action.
CollapseNodeAction - Class in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.action.treetable
An action that will ensure that all tree nodes currently selected in the tree table will be closed.
CollapseNodeAction(TreeTable) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.action.treetable.CollapseNodeAction
Constructs a new action.
collapsePath(TreePath) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Collapses the tree node that matches the given path.
collapseRow(int) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Collapses the tree node located in the given row.
ColorField - Class in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.util
A simple panel that displays a color.
ColorField(Color) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.util.ColorField
Constructs a new color field.
ColorField() - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.util.ColorField
Constructs a new color field, which displays the color Color.WHITE.
ColorUtil - Class in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.util
A utility class for dealing with instances of Color.
ColumnChooser - Class in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing
A panel used for selecting which columns will be shown in the tree table of the Gantt chart.
ColumnChooser(AbstractGanttChart) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.ColumnChooser
Constructs a new chooser for the given Gantt chart.
ColumnChooserSelector - Class in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.selector
A selector that wraps a control for editing the list of used columns in the tree table of a Gantt chart.
ColumnChooserSelector(JComponent, AbstractGanttChart) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.selector.ColumnChooserSelector
Constructs a new column chooser selector.
columnModelChanged(ColumnModelEvent) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.IColumnModelListener
The listener's callback method that will be invoked when columns get added, removed, inserted.
columnModelChanged(ColumnModelEvent) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.AbstractGanttChart
columnModelChanged(ColumnModelEvent) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
columnModelChanged(ColumnModelEvent) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableHeader
ColumnModelEvent - Class in com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable
An event object implementation used to notify model listeners of type IColumnModelListener about changes to the column model that they are attached to.
ColumnModelEvent(IColumnModel, TreeTableColumn, ColumnModelEvent.ID) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.ColumnModelEvent
Constructs a new column model event for the given column model and column.
ColumnModelEvent.ID - Enum in com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable
An enumerator with values that describe which kind of modification took place on a column model.
ColumnModelIterator - Class in com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable
A specialized iterator implementation for iterating over the columns of a column model.
ColumnModelIterator(IColumnModel, int) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.ColumnModelIterator
Constructs a new column model iterator for the given column model and key column position.
com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.dateline - package com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.dateline
Contains dateline-specific commands.
com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.bookmarks - package com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.bookmarks
Paging models are used to allow the user to quickly change the time span that is displayed by the timeline.
com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.paging - package com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.paging
Paging models are used to allow the user to quickly change the time span that is displayed by the timeline.
com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.action.eventline - package com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.action.eventline
Actions that are specifically used in the context of an eventline.
com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.action.layer - package com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.action.layer
Actions that are specifically used in the context of the layer container.
com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.action.timeline - package com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.action.timeline
Actions that are specifically used in the context of a timeline.
com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.action.treetable - package com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.action.treetable
Actions that are specifically used in the context of a tree table.
com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print - package com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print
Anything related to printing is contained in this package.
com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.selector - package com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.selector
Contains the selector implementations.
commandExecute(ICommand) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.AbstractGanttChart
Executes the given command via the command stack.
commandRedo() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.AbstractGanttChart
Redoes the last command that was executed (if the command can be redone) by calling ICommandStack.redo(IProgressMonitor).
commandStackChanged(CommandStackEvent) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.ICommandStackListener
Gets called whenever the command stack changed.
commandStackChanged(CommandStackEvent) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.AbstractRowHeader
commandStackChanged(CommandStackEvent) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.action.gantt.RedoAction
commandStackChanged(CommandStackEvent) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.action.gantt.RedoActionLabeled
commandStackChanged(CommandStackEvent) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.action.gantt.UndoAction
commandStackChanged(CommandStackEvent) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.action.gantt.UndoActionLabeled
commandStackChanged(CommandStackEvent) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartGlassPane
commandStackChanged(CommandStackEvent) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.LayerContainer
commandStackChanged(CommandStackEvent) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
commandStackChanged(CommandStackEvent) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableDragAndDropManager
CommandStackEvent - Class in com.dlsc.flexgantt.command
A command stack event is fired by the command stack when commands are being executed, undone or redone.
CommandStackEvent(ICommandStack, ICommand, CommandStackEvent.ID) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.CommandStackEvent
Creates a new command stack event.
CommandStackEvent.ID - Enum in com.dlsc.flexgantt.command
The command stack event ID allows command stack listeners to distinguish between different types of command stack events.
commandUndo() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.AbstractGanttChart
Undoes the last command that was executed (if the command can be undone) by calling ICommandStack.undo(IProgressMonitor).
compare(ITimeSpan, ITimeSpan) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.TimeSpanComparator
Compares two time spans with each other.
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.DefaultMutableTreeTableNode
compare(int, Object, Object, boolean) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.treetable.DefaultMutableTreeTableNode
Compares two values with each other via this algorithm: if value1 is NULL then return -1 if value2 is NULL then return +1 if getComparator(modelIndex) !
compareTo(AbstractCalendarEntry) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.calendar.AbstractCalendarEntry
compareTo(CapacityLine) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.CapacityLine
compareTo(ITimelineObject) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.gantt.DefaultTimelineObject
compareTo(ITimeSpan) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.TimeSpan
compareTo(INamedObject) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.util.NamedObject
CompoundCommand<T extends ICommand> - Class in com.dlsc.flexgantt.command
A compound command can be used to group several commands together in order to execute them at the same time.
CompoundCommand(String) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.CompoundCommand
Creates a new compound command with the given name.
construct() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.util.AbstractSwingWorker
Compute the value to be returned by the get method.
containerChanged(MultiGanttChartContainerEvent) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartStatusBar
containerChanged(MultiGanttChartContainerEvent) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartToolBar
containerChanged(MultiGanttChartContainerEvent) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.IMultiGanttChartContainerListener
Listener callback method that will be invoked when the state of the container changes.
contains(ITimeSpan) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.ITimeSpan
Checks whether the time span contains the given time span.
contains(ITimeSpan) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.model.TimeSpan
containsPath(TreePath) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Determines if the given tree path exists in the tree table.
copySettings(PrintContext) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print.PrintGanttChart
Copies various settings from various Gantt chart UI components to the printable Gantt chart.
copySettings(AbstractGanttChart, AbstractGanttChart) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print.PrintGanttChart
Copies the settings from one Gantt chart to another.
copySettings(TreeTable, TreeTable) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print.PrintGanttChart
Copies the settings from one Gantt chart to another.
copySettings(TreeTableHeader, TreeTableHeader) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print.PrintGanttChart
Copies the settings from one tree table header to another.
copySettings(TreeTableRowHeader, TreeTableRowHeader) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print.PrintGanttChart
Copies the settings from one row header to another.
copySettings(Dateline, Dateline, ITimeSpan) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print.PrintGanttChart
Copies the settings from one dateline to another.
copySettings(Eventline, Eventline) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print.PrintGanttChart
Copies the settings from one eventline to another.
copySettings(Timeline, Timeline) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print.PrintGanttChart
Copies the settings from one timeline to another.
copySettings(LayerContainer, LayerContainer) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print.PrintGanttChart
Copies the settings from one layer container to another.
CreateBookmarkAction - Class in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.action.layer
An action that will toggle the visibility of the eventline.
CreateBookmarkAction(LayerContainer) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.action.layer.CreateBookmarkAction
Constructs a new action.
createButtonBar() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.timeline.AbstractTimelineObjectEditor
Creates the button bar at the bottom of the editor (ok, cancel).
createButtonPanel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.EventlineObjectPanel
Creates the panel that contains the buttons at the bottom of the editor panel.
createCancelButton() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.EventlineObjectPanel
Creates the CANCEL button.
createContent(T) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartInternalFrame
Performs the actual creation of the frame's content.
createCustomLayer(LayerContainer, ILayer) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.DefaultLayerFactory
The default layer factory implementation does not know about any custom layers and will always return a placeholder instance if a layer returned by the Gantt chart model indicates that it is a custom layer.
createCustomLayer(LayerContainer, ILayer) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.ILayerFactory
Creates a new custom layer to be used for rendering custom information.
createDateline(Timeline) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.DefaultComponentFactory
createDateline(Timeline) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.IComponentFactory
Creates a new Dateline for the given Gantt chart and timeline.
createDateline(Timeline) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.SimpleComponentFactory
createDragAndDropManager() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTable
Creates the drag and drop manager (DnD manager) that will be used to control the tree table's drag and drop operations.
createDragImage(ObjectBounds) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DragLayer
Creates an image that will be shown in combination with the drag cursor during drag & drop operations.
createDragImage(TreeTableNode) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.TreeTableDragAndDropManager
Creates a drag image for the given tree table node.
createEditModeCursor(IEditModeController.EditMode) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.DragLayer
Factory method for the cursors of the various edit modes.
createEditModeCursor(Eventline.EventlineEditMode) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.Eventline
Creates a cursor for the given edit mode.
createEndTimeModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.AbstractTimelineControlPanel
Creates the model for the end time spinner.
createEndTimeModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.SimpleGranularityTimelineControlPanel
createEndTimeModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.TimeGranularityTimelineControlPanel
createEndTimeSpinner() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.EventlineObjectPanel
Creates the spinner control for editing the end time of the eventline object.
createEventline(Timeline, Dateline) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.DefaultComponentFactory
createEventline(Timeline, Dateline) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.IComponentFactory
Creates a new Eventline for the given Gantt chart and timeline.
createEventline(Timeline, Dateline) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.SimpleComponentFactory
createEventlineObject() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.eventline.DefaultCreateEventlineObjectCommand
Constructs and returns a new eventline object.
createGranularityModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.AbstractTimelineControlPanel
Creates the model for the granularity combo box.
createGranularityModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.SimpleGranularityTimelineControlPanel
createGranularityModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.TimeGranularityTimelineControlPanel
createIcon - Variable in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.treetable.DefaultTreeTableRowHeaderRenderer
The icon used to mark the row where the user can create a new entry.
createLabelField() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.EventlineObjectPanel
Creates the text field that can be used to enter a label for the eventline object.
createLassoCursor(LassoLayer.LassoMode, boolean) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.LassoLayer
Creates a cursor that will be used for the given lasso mode.
createLayerContainer(AbstractGanttChart, TreeTable, IGanttChartModel) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.DefaultComponentFactory
createLayerContainer(AbstractGanttChart, TreeTable, IGanttChartModel) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.IComponentFactory
Creates a LayerContainer for the given Gantt chart and tree table combination.
createLayerContainerCorner(LayerContainer, String) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.DefaultComponentFactory
createLayerContainerCorner(LayerContainer, String) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.IComponentFactory
Creates a new component that will be placed in the specified corner of the layer container scrollpane.
createLayerContainerRowHeader(LayerContainer) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.DefaultComponentFactory
createLayerContainerRowHeader(LayerContainer) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.IComponentFactory
Creates a new LayerContainerRowHeader that will be used for the given layer container.
createLayerContainerScrollPane(boolean, TreeTableScrollPane, LayerContainer) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.DualGanttChart
Creates the right-hand side of a Gantt chart, a scrollpane that wraps a timeline (including dateline and eventline) and a layer container.
createNewNode() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.treetable.DefaultNodeCreateCommand
Creates the new child node instance of type DefaultGanttChartNode.
createOKButton() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.EventlineObjectPanel
Creates the OK button.
createPreviewDialog(JComponent) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print.AbstractPrintManager
Creates the preview dialog and uses the given component to look up the window that will own the dialog.
createProgressMonitor() - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.IProgressMonitorFactory
Creates a new progress monitor instance and returns it.
createSpinner() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.selector.SimpleGranularityGotoSelector
createSpinner() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.selector.TimeGranularityGotoSelector
Creates a new spinner control.
createStartTimeModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.AbstractTimelineControlPanel
Creates the model for the start time spinner.
createStartTimeModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.SimpleGranularityTimelineControlPanel
createStartTimeModel() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.TimeGranularityTimelineControlPanel
createStartTimeSpinner() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.EventlineObjectPanel
Creates the spinner control for editing the start time of the eventline object.
createStatusBar(T) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartFrame
Creates a specialized statusbar for the given Gantt chart.
createStatusBar(T) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartInternalFrame
Creates a specialized statusbar for the given Gantt chart.
createSystemLayer(LayerContainer, Class<T>) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.DefaultLayerFactory
createSystemLayer(LayerContainer, Class<T>) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.ILayerFactory
Creates a new system layer.
createTimeline(AbstractGanttChart) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.DefaultComponentFactory
createTimeline(AbstractGanttChart) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.IComponentFactory
Creates a new Timeline for the given Gantt chart.
createTimelineControl(Timeline) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print.IPrintManager
Creates the control to change the printed time span.
createTimelineControl(Timeline) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print.SimpleGranularityPrintManager
createTimelineControl(Timeline) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.print.TimeGranularityPrintManager
createTimelineLayer(LayerContainer, ILayer) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.DefaultLayerFactory
createTimelineLayer(LayerContainer, ILayer) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.ILayerFactory
Creates a new timeline object layer to be used for rendering timeline objects.
createTimelineObject() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.command.layer.DefaultCreateTimelineObjectCommand
Creates the actual timeline object instance, which is of type DefaultTimelineObject.
createToolBar(T) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartFrame
Creates a specialized toolbar for the given Gantt chart.
createToolBar(T) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.GanttChartInternalFrame
Creates a specialized toolbar for the given Gantt chart.
createTreeTable(AbstractGanttChart, ITreeTableModel) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.DefaultComponentFactory
createTreeTable(AbstractGanttChart, ITreeTableModel) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.IComponentFactory
Creates a TreeTable for the given Gantt chart.
createTreeTableCorner(TreeTable, String) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.DefaultComponentFactory
createTreeTableCorner(TreeTable, String) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.IComponentFactory
Creates a component that will be placed in the upper left corner of the scrollpane that contains the tree table.
createTreeTableHeader(AbstractGanttChart) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.DefaultComponentFactory
createTreeTableHeader(AbstractGanttChart) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.IComponentFactory
Creates a TreeTableHeader for the given Gantt chart.
createTreeTableRowHeader(TreeTable) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.DefaultComponentFactory
createTreeTableRowHeader(TreeTable) - Method in interface com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.IComponentFactory
Creates a new TreeTableRowHeader that will be used for the given tree table.
createTreeTableScrollPane(boolean, IGanttChartModel, TreeTable) - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.DualGanttChart
Creates the left-hand side of a Gantt chart, a scrollpane that wraps a tree table, a column header and a row header.
createTypeBox() - Method in class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.timeline.EventlineObjectPanel
Creates the checkbox that determines whether an activity or an event will be created.
CrosshairAction<T extends AbstractGanttChart> - Class in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.action.gantt
An action that toggles the visibility of the crosshair.
CrosshairAction(T) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.action.gantt.CrosshairAction
Constructs a new action.
CrosshairLayer - Class in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system
The crosshair layer renders the crosshair cursor, which can be used to take a closer look at the timeline objects.
CrosshairLayer(LayerContainer) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer.system.CrosshairLayer
Constructs a new crosshair layer.
CustomizableLineBorder - Class in com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.util
A border implementation that displays a bevel border but where each border (top, left, bottom, right) can be hidden.
CustomizableLineBorder(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.util.CustomizableLineBorder
Constructs a new border.
CustomizableLineBorder() - Constructor for class com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.util.CustomizableLineBorder
Constructs a new border.