Dundas Chart for ASP.NET
Using This Help File
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Introduction > Using This Help File

Glossary Item Box


This article will help you to get better acquainted with the documentation included in Dundas Chart for ASP.NET. Within this documentation you will find many helpful articles which are designed to help you get the information you need as quickly as possible. Every topic is covered in detail in order to give you complete answers to all of your questions, and we have included many code samples so you can see the syntax associated with using the charting web control. Below, is a listing of the topics and sections included in your documentation, along with a brief description of each topic listed where appropriate. While we encourage you to read this documentation from start to finish, you can also use this documentation as a complete reference tool. This article will serve as an expanded table of contents so that you access the articles you need as quickly as possible.



Throughout this documentation, all Enterprise Edition only features are clearly marked using this image Enterprise Edition Only Feature. 

Enterprise Edition only features are not available in the Professional Edition of Dundas Chart for ASP.NET. Purchasing information is available on our website.


Introduction Folder

Getting Started Folder

Chart Types Folder

This folder contains a number of articles that describe, in detail, each and every chart type included with this release.

Every article is composed of the following items:

  • A chart image that illustrates the chart type.

  • A brief description of the situations where that chart might be useful.

  • The specific data requirements of the chart type.

  • Any custom attributes that the chart type may possess.

  • A list of other chart types that are compatible with that individual chart type.

  • Whether or not markers can be used with that chart type.


The folder called Enterprise Edition Chart Types provides you with list of all of the chart types that are only available in the Enterprise edition of the charting control.

Using the Chart Control Folder

The articles found here are organized by chart elements like Labels, Legends, etc. These folders, and their resident articles, provide you with information on how to use the charting control to perform numerous tasks.

This is where you will find articles on Axis, Chart Areas, Client-Side Image Maps, Labels, Legends, Series, User Interface, and Rendering techniques, as well as articles on new technologies like AJAX which you can use to make your charts fully interactive across many commonly used browsers without the need for proprietary browser plugins of any sort.

Working with Data Folder

The articles found within this folder discuss the multitude of ways in which you can work with charting data.

Enterprise Edition Features Folder

This folder is entirely dedicated to the Enterprise Edition of Dundas Chart for ASP.NET. This robust, full featured edition contains many technologically advanced charting features, all of which are fully explained in the articles here.

Custom Attributes Folder

These articles discuss the numerous custom attributes available and that can be set when using the charting control.

Formula Reference Folder

These articles provide you with an in-depth description of every formula type supported by the charting control. Each article describes the use of a formula type, and also gives you the formula's expected input and output values, along with any parameters required.

Language Reference Folder

This reference outlines all of the properties, methods, and events of exposed classes. This reference will help you to programmatically navigate your way through the application programming interface (API), and all of the functionality provided for you therein.


If a member has not been documented here, then it is an inherited member that has not been overridden by the Chart object. For more information on native member types, refer to the documentation provided with your version of Visual Studio.


Dundas Web Site



A Special Note About Editions


Throughout this documentation, all Enterprise Edition only features are clearly marked using this image Enterprise Edition Only Feature. 

Enterprise Edition only features are not available in the Professional Edition of Dundas Chart for ASP.NET. Purchasing information is available on our website.

See Also

Copyright © 2001 - 2009 Dundas Data Visualization, Inc. and others.